So we reward the vermins from baraxley with policing parts of the city + pay while refusing to hear out the grievances of our leelkase brothers in garowe, all in the name of somalinimo.
Fuk off.
Walaal, one can still hear the grievance of the locals while extending the hand of olive branch of peace to an hostile neighbour.
I'm starting to see the light of Islamnimo and Somalinimo alxamdulilahi, as life is short i hope the same light can reach all of us brother.
Did you even watch the video?It's true mj do own Mogadishu isn't Mogadishu still the capital city of Somalia mr unukaleh?
You can tell he's joking with his hawiye friend that's sitting next to him who is clearly hawiye so I suggest you stop clutching at straws and yes Mogadishu belongs to every Somali tribe so get rid of the unukaleh mentality that's held Somalia back for the past 26 years.Did you even watch the video?
Kulaha there was nothing in muqdisho, we found it and build it.
"Wallahi bilahi muqisho majeerteen maa leh, ayadoo qofna daganeeyn baan dhisanay markaas somali oodhan ku soo dhaweynay"![]()
Says you, the biggest qabil infested in Somalispot. Fool that BS with someone else who you can fool.You can tell he's joking with his hawiye friend that's sitting next to him who is clearly hawiye so I suggest you stop clutching at straws and yes Mogadishu belongs to every Somali tribe so get rid of the unukaleh mentality that's held Somalia back for the past 26 years.
May you die holding firmly to your cuqdad amiin and Mogadishu belongs to all Somalis Majeerteen included you moryaan scum fad ama ha fadin waa lugu fadsiinSays you, the biggest qabil infested in Somalispot. Fool that BS with someone else who you can fool.![]()
How come a "mooryan" knows how to spell Somali better than you, "Fadi ama ha Fadsiin"May you die holding firmly to your cuqdad amiin and Mogadishu belongs to all Somalis you moryaan scum fad ama ha fadin waa lugu fadsiin![]()
A wall is more effective.
Its always the langaabest that bark the loudest, sxb just go and develop yourself instead of cacaaling on the forum.
No need to lash out the cuqdad you have on me with that mothers issues langaabs usually have, as for my previous comments to you it was based on facts not opposing somalinimo, so get that straight with that potty mouth of, you son of a , that was quick.
What happened to somalinimo![]()
It's not af Maxa tiri it's af maaymaay boowe & I don't speak it ma garatey so I say fad ama ha fadiin waa lugu fadsiin Mogadishu belongs to all Somalis as the capital city take your cuqdad to cadaado if you don't want to see a United SomaliaHow come a "mooryan" knows how to spell Somali better than you, "Fadi ama ha Fadsiin"![]()
We need to change this mindset Including me there's hawiye who don't support prime minister khayre cause he's a laangaab likewise farmaajo is a laangaab but I'm glad the rest of darood doesn't discriminate against him for his laangaabnimo.My comments to you was based on facts not opposing somalinimo, get that straight langaabo.
Just because one believes in Animal Rights doesnt mean you have to give shit or two about a lowly dog that doesnt know his place.
No need to lash out the cuqdad you have on me with that mothers issues langaabs usually have, as for my previous comments to you it was based on facts not opposing somalinimo, so get that straight with that potty mouth of yours.
Just because one believes in Animal Rights doesnt mean you have to give shit or two about a lowly dog that doesnt know his place.
Oo adigu ma raxanweyn maad eheed?It's not af Maxa tiri it's af maaymaay boowe & I don't speak it ma garatey so I say fad ama ha fadiin waa lugu fadsiin Mogadishu belongs to all Somalis as the capital city take your cuqdad to cadaado if you don't want to see a United Somalia![]()
Lol you fuking liar, the reason for my opposition is quite clear, Hutus in my book are not Somalis, but beggars and squatters, you don't have an inch of honour which is why galnus is burning.
Leave my state affairs alone and I shall do the same, now get of our nuts clown.
You bloody midgaan.
How many cards a week do you ya'll play? Yaa darood ehey, We are victims, ect,The reason Somalia is in the state it's in is due to an under the table agreement between hawiye & Isaac, if you've noticed Isaac & hawiye have agreed to divide up Somalia between them that's why when a habar gidir is pillaging & raping killing Dir in shabellada hoose you don't hear a peep from Isaac likewise when a samaroon & ciise, dhulbhante who's being killed by Isaac just for carrying the flag of Somalia you don't hear a word from hawiye.
Currently hawiye & Isaac have agreed to attack Puntland from both sides cause Puntland is the only pillar standing for Somalia & Somalis in general.
Somalida maxay ku maahmaahan labadi qof oo xaqdaro ku heshiiyo xaqa bey isku qabsadan, ciyaarta waa galin dembe.