JK Rowling is not invited to the 20th Anniversary of her own book series because of The Trans Mafia


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Im a big one.

Absolutely amazing pieces of writing. The amount of detail into the books, the ability to create an entire immersive world.

Those characters were my childhood.

I remember waiting for new Harry Potter books to come out.



Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
these were kid actors, we not talking about legendary actors and their career after harry potter shows they were not once in a life time actors. The material made them and the genius of the books came all from her mind. Another group of kids could have made those movie and it would be as successful. You cant say the opposite and say those group of kids could have made another movie based on something else and it would be as big. But this is bigger than her, this is about a very powerful trans maffia trying to change the definition of what a woman is. As Ted said there are no chicks with dicks, only guys with breasts

Actually I would argue that the HP actors made so much money as children that they only act in movies they want to be in, rather than chasing the bag and awards.

They already have a careers worth of recognition, money and adulation before the age of 20.

Furthermore, the amount of award winning actors in supporting roles for Harry Potter is insane.

People underestimate the amount of amazing actors that were employed for these movies.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Stands true that they wouldnt reach their fame without HP

Who knows.

They were the best out of thousands of child actors that auditioned.

That must say something about their prospects. But it’s all hypothetical really.
Actually I would argue that the HP actors made so much money as children that they only act in movies they want to be in, rather than chasing the bag and awards.

They already have a careers worth of recognition, money and adulation before the age of 20.

Furthermore, the amount of award winning actors in supporting roles for Harry Potter is insane.

People underestimate the amount of amazing actors that were employed for these movies.
no child actor want to be known as a child actor forever and rest on their allures. Not one of them became a great actor and had much success as adults and they have tried. Those kids had very interesting look which is what made the movie, but as adults they all funny looking and cant have success


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
no child actor want to be known as a child actor forever and rest on their allures. Not one of them became a great actor and had much success as adults and they have tried. Those kids had very interesting look which is what made the movie, but as adults they all funny looking and cant have success

That’s debatable imo but I get where you’re coming from.

They were the biggest actors in the world a decade ago. Surely they were a shoe-in for major movies at the time, meaning it was their choice to step back.

Plus they’re barely 30 years old, they still have another decade and a half at least before you can judge their career.
That’s debatable imo but I get where you’re coming from.

They were the biggest actors in the world a decade ago. Surely they were a shoe-in for major movies at the time, meaning it was their choice to step back.

Plus they’re barely 30 years old, they still have another decade and a half at least before you can judge their career.
What’s your views on the trans movement? As a staunch liberal I assume you are in full support?


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
What’s your views on the trans movement? As a staunch liberal I assume you are in full support?

Well I’m not a liberal. I am a progressive, very different.

I don’t care for the trans movement. I don’t want to see them murdered or discriminated against but I don’t think their experiences are the same as POC.

The trans movement is dominated by white trans females (formerly males).

Would the movement have gotten the same recognition if it were dominated by AAs?

I don’t think so.
She should sue hbo. Trans community tried to cancel Dave Chappell but they got canceled instead . These people don’t even make up 1% of the population but are protected class and the media and politicians cater to them.
Well I’m not a liberal. I am a progressive, very different.

I don’t care for the trans movement. I don’t want to see them murdered or discriminated against but I don’t think their experiences are the same as POC.

The trans movement is dominated by white trans females (formerly males).

Would the movement have gotten the same recognition if it were dominated by AAs?

I don’t think so.
So you don’t care for it because it’s white men and not because it’s madness? If it was majority black you would have different view?


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
So you don’t care for it because it’s white men and not because it’s madness? If it was majority black you would have different view?

Obviously, I have religious opinions as well but I keep those to myself.

As long as they don’t bother me, I won’t bother them. However, I think it’s cadaan dominated.

As Dave Chapelle said, why was it easier for Caitlin Jenner to change her gender than it was for Muhammad Ali to change his name?

My main gripe with the LGBT community is how they’ve been more quickly accepted by society than PoC.

Purely because their group contains a lot of white men.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Obviously, I have religious opinions as well but I keep those to myself.

As long as they don’t bother me, I won’t bother them. However, I think it’s cadaan dominated.

As Dave Chapelle said, why was it easier for Caitlin Jenner to change her gender than it was for Muhammad Ali to change his name?

My main gripe with the LGBT community is how they’ve been more quickly accepted by society than PoC.

Purely because their group contains a lot of white men.

Dave's mohd Ali joke was hilarious loooooooool
It was women who welcomed these Trans when they first emerged, women were defending them and saying men should “grow up and accept transwomen” now that they have invaded all your private spaces you cry foul :lolbron:

Absolutely, but bear in mind, these are a portion of liberal women, not real feminists who trans call 'TERF' which stands for 'Trans -Exlusionary Radical Feminists' and certainly not Muslim Women!
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Women are in danger, this is going too far, people can't even speak facts anymore.

There are very wealthy and powerful Trans people in Silicon Valley, even the Matrix Directors who were two brothers, are now two Transgenders.

I wouldn't be surprised if most of these online accounts who advocate for women erasure are actually BOTs. Most people are against the erasure of women, but most people are not paying attention to how dangerous and organised this cult is.
Women are in danger, this is going too far, people can't even speak facts anymore.

There are very wealthy and powerful Trans people in Silicon Valley, even the Matrix Directors who were two brothers, are now two Transgenders.

I wouldn't be surprised if most of these online accounts who advocate for women erasure are actually BOTs. Most people are against the erasure of women, but most people are not paying attention to how dangerous and organised this cult is.

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None of those actors were hired by JK Rowling or paid by her.

They just happened to work on a project that was conceived by JK Rowling.

One could easily argue that Harry Potter wouldn’t have been as famous without the talent of those actors.

In short, Daniel, Emma, Rupert etc owe her nothing. However, I think she should’ve been allowed to attend the reunion.

Lol they do. Harry Potter was already famous even before the movies. At the end of the day, Daniel Radcliff would not be where he is right now if JK Rowling did not have the creativity to write such amazing books. They owe her a lot! Harry Potter exists because of her storytelling and they shouldn't forget that.
None of those actors were hired by JK Rowling or paid by her.

They just happened to work on a project that was conceived by JK Rowling.

One could easily argue that Harry Potter wouldn’t have been as famous without the talent of those actors.

In short, Daniel, Emma, Rupert etc owe her nothing. However, I think she should’ve been allowed to attend the reunion.
Cap. Hard cap. The book was the script and they were child actors/actresses. Any other British child actor could have been Harry Potter. But not everyone can write the book.

They owe their entire lives to her. If they didn't do Harry Potter, they wouldn't be shit. Name three Daniel Radcliffe movies rn that are as iconic as Harry Potter. 7 outta 10 people don't even know Ron's real name. What a cope lol


This Trans stuff seemed out of mind for me until I had one Trans speaker come to my college, kinda surreal to see a man wearing make-up and a dress and having to pretend its a woman.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Cap. Hard cap. The book was the script and they were child actors/actresses. Any other British child actor could have been Harry Potter. But not everyone can write the book.

They owe their entire lives to her. If they didn't do Harry Potter, they wouldn't be shit. Name three Daniel Radcliffe movies rn that are as iconic as Harry Potter. 7 outta 10 people don't even know Ron's real name. What a cope lol

1. The book and movies were different. For example, one of the biggest books is the one of the shortest movies.

2. Out of thousands of auditions , they chose those actors.

Yes, they could have chosen any British child actor but it would’ve just been another shitty movie adaptation.

3. Asking me to name three Daniel Radcliffe movies that are as good as HP is unfair as many acclaimed actors don’t have any movies as good as HP imo.

Furthermore, as aforementioned, they were biggest young actors in 2010. They had their pick of movies to take part in.

The fact they didn’t take part shows that it was their decision to step back.


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