Jealous friends.. how do you deal with them?

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Ashy Abdi Representative
Hayaay just answer the damn question. You may feel like a male or female, but eventually biologically you’re one of the two. As you may have noticed I don’t know shit about gender fluid so don’t mind me asking questions to educate myself.
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Okay I'll tell you I'm an XX
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Ashy Abdi Representative
Lol Are you hawiye yourself Coloumbs Law
Also @Blade1 Ms Blade have you ever been wearing an abaya that is if you were classified as male by birth if not where you ever caught wearing Macwiis or something. Did you try explaining your gender fluidity to your parents. Also are you attracted to other gender fluids, which would you marry a male or a female
I'm biologically a female and a biological gender fluid male makes me

Akhas akhas. It's okay if a biological female is gender fluid but a biological male. Thats nasty. I'm still a teen so I'll stop once I hit 20. Inshallah
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So my persian friend just came back after being mia for almost a year (she told us she would take a gap year to improve her grades and go on to take another major).

She comes back with a completely different nose. o_O

Not gonna lie this got me shook, but I didn’t say anything. It was the big elephant in the room that everyone was trying to ignore, and it made everything really awkward.

She is one of many arab, persian, kurdish, indian, friends of mine that always comments on how much they hate their noses and wants to fix it. But I never really thought they would do it tho. The worst part is she is still unhappy with it. And she is lowkey taking it out on me now.. Like, say what?

Just yesterday, I was sitting in the cafeteria with her and a indian friend of mine, and she kept asking me so many questions on my nose.

At one point she straight up asked me «Why is your nose so perfect?» in the middle of me explaning something. I told her «cus I’m somali I guess?». And she got pissed off and said «Well, us persians just have big noses..». Then my indian friend went on to talk about my lips, and how it’s unfair and blabla.

To avoid any further evil eyes I changed the topic, and we somehow ended up talking about our childhood. We were showing each other baby pics of ourselves at one point, and my persian friend then proceeded to zoom in on my nose as a baby. Like wtf. I actually got scared when she did that.

She then said «Yeah, your nose has always been small. lucky» under her breath, and went back to being depressed. Like, is she normal? wtf

So, are there any other somalis girls on here who have experienced the same level of evil eyes/jealousy from their non-somali ‘’friends’’? If so, how do you deal with it?

I’m seriously considering cutting many of them off as friends, and befriending only somali girls from now on..

I can’t deal with the subtle shade and the lowkey jealousy. Like they never ever say ‘masha’Allah’ unless I threaten them! Only a handful of them do, and I plan on being friends with those lovely girls. The rest I will cut em off. They are not worth it, even tho they are fun to hang around with.

Abaayo it doesn't sound like she's jealous of you. In fact, it has nothing to do with you and everything to do with her deep rooted insecurities. When she brings up your features, she's essentially projecting - smile and change the topic. If she is a good friend to you then be patient with her. If she isn't then what have you got to lose? Cut.

You'll find jealous, fake and insecure people in every race... it isn't limited to ajnabi. If they're bringing you down say bye bye. You'll realise your circle of friends will get smaller as you get older. It's nothing to be embarrassed about or ashamed of. Embrace it

As for the evil eye stuff... I think you may be a bit paranoid (I mean it in the most respectful way). Read your adkaar and don't stress about it.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Why do Persians, Arabs and Jews have thick big but not flat noses tho? LOL



Ashy Abdi Representative
How did you guys make me go from giving islamic advice, talking about ramadhan to revealing my gender identity. Can eveyone who read this forget about it when ramadhan comes
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only people who believe in evil eye/ ill are those who have been told since they were a child that they're special and beautiful. they think so highly of themselves to the point that they believe everyone's jealous of their beauty :cryinglaughsmiley::icon lol:


very lowkey
only people who believe in evil eye/ ill are those who have been told since they were a child that they're special and beautiful. they think so highly of themselves to the point that they believe everyone's jealous of their beauty :cryinglaughsmiley::icon lol:
Evil eye can affect literally anyone.. and it’s real. I don’t understand the humor in this. Many peoples lives have been affected by it.

But if you’re not a muslim, I can understand why you would be suspicious about anything to do with the 5th dimension (aka the spirtual world). You prob believe this 3 world is everything there is to our existence..


very lowkey
Abaayo it doesn't sound like she's jealous of you. In fact, it has nothing to do with you and everything to do with her deep rooted insecurities. When she brings up your features, she's essentially projecting - smile and change the topic. If she is a good friend to you then be patient with her. If she isn't then what have you got to lose? Cut.

You'll find jealous, fake and insecure people in every race... it isn't limited to ajnabi. If they're bringing you down say bye bye. You'll realise your circle of friends will get smaller as you get older. It's nothing to be embarrassed about or ashamed of. Embrace it

As for the evil eye stuff... I think you may be a bit paranoid (I mean it in the most respectful way). Read your adkaar and don't stress about it.
That was a good advice. Never looked at it from that perspective before. Mahadsanid!
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very lowkey
Wow. So many sisters on here, with so many amazing advices. :yloezpe: I am truly touched! Who knew this forum had such educated and bright women? Thank you all for advicing me, and enlightning me.:rolleyes:

You all are amazing mA!


I dare u to show yourself.
Evil eye can affect literally anyone.. and it’s real. I don’t understand the humor in this. Many peoples lives have been affected by it.

But if you’re not a muslim, I can understand why you would be suspicious about anything to do with the 5th dimension (aka the spirtual world). You prob believe this 3 world is everything there is to our existence..
But not you.
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