Japan D*ck Riding Needs To Be Studied


Somali supremacist
I don’t blame them. American animation has yet to make competitive options. Perhaps in the past this was not true but American animation studios have been bad for a long time. The whole movie industry has fallen in quality to be honest.
America animation is actually good
An entire nation silenced by the nuclear bomb,. Walaahi why can't usa do that to Russia so that they too are shocked and become timid forever! Once upon a time Japan were feared and manacing!
News flash Russia have more nuclear weapons than 🇺🇸 😂
Well Japan's government has qualified members and is very capable-compare that to Somalia where everyone is backstabbing one another and aren't qualified for the job so how could you make such a comparison

Yes we all know Somalia is a failed state but whenever there's a thread discussing another country's success you animals don't take a break at constantly jabbing Somalia when it's more than obvious

Also 'low iq' seriously?
lol us monkeys? You're the monkey plus you got a massive chip of inferiority complex on your shoulder waryaa. Tell me how Japan get to have this qualified work force? Why didn't you also get that, unless of course they are way smarter than you. Also, why are you a failed country? You admit that you are a failed country, why isn't Japan a failed country? How did they recover from being nuked and you can't recover from clan wars?
Sit down and stop the excuses. I would kill to have a Somalia where the culture of work ethic and the attitude towards work and getting shit done was like Japan.
You forgot the part where Japan used to have a clan system and were killing each other in the name of clannism before the 19th century then abolished it and turned everything around in the 20th century.

Meanwhile… :bell:
I ain't forgetting shit, I did high school thesis on the Meiji restoration which is when Japan left behind this stupid clan wars that you mention and became a force to be recockned with. This was 1860s, 170 years later, we are still bragging about
I used to think of Japan as this futuristic country and the ideal country of the world. Now I’ve come to realize they are backward as any country they have restaurants that say no foreigners, won’t sit by none Japanese in trains, have one of the highest suicide rates, and have creepy sexual fetishes like sleeping with robots.


anime and manga is pure soft power and allows japan to portray themselves better than they are
I used to think of Japan as this futuristic country and the ideal country of the world. Now I’ve come to realize they are backward as any country they have restaurants that say no foreigners, won’t sit by none Japanese in trains, have one of the highest suicide rates, and have creepy sexual fetishes like sleeping with robots.
Not gonna lie having a safe spaces from cringe foreigners is a fair play.

