Is blackpill becoming mainstream amongst young men?

The fact being attraction and desire are written in stone?
I disagree with that sentiment. It might be from my own experience but I’m sure it’s common with other women.
The black pill is just facts, but people act like extremists about it. They think it's normal for most guys to have pools of women like you. Yeah, there may be male models that have a lot of women who love them, but it is what it is. We think more about getting women than is necessary. I blame the internet personally.
Work on yourself on all aspects of your life physically, mentally, spiritually and financially and inshallah you will reap the rewards from it internally and externally. This black pill none sense is a purely loser mindset

No wonder women are on the way outpacing men in a lot of fields. They understand their position in society and fight to make progress. All men do now is b1tch and moan and make these “pills” and live in the past how life used to be like for men.
I agree with. Defeatism isn’t a good approach to life and it’s not Chad or death either. It doesn’t make sense to destroy your life just because you’re subhuman or sub-chad.

However it’s best to have realistic expectations or you’ll burn out. If you’re an ugly awkward guy who gets no attention you should just focus on other things and try looksmaxxing.

Having a dating pool of women is important when selecting a life partner. A guy who just goes for any woman who gives him a chance is an incel tbh
They’re just dumb. Someone needs to ask them why all of these 5’5 potbellied and bald adeeros are all married. One word: confidence.
Facts how? We see unattractive, balding and short Somali men marry all the time. It’s a self fulfilling prophesy and these men that believe in blackpill don’t even have the confidence to even pursue women. It’s their lack of social skills that is the cause of most of their issues.
Eh, this is bluepill nonsense tbh. Looks matter a lot. And confidence comes from positive reception. Being unconfident is rational and comes from rejection or failure 90% of times.

Men become unconfident with women and don’t pursue them because they don’t recieve any positive attention in any form so they know they’re wasting their time.

I’m young so I’m not pursuing women regardless, but unless I successfully looksmaxx I cba tbh
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Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
just make money. I am baffled at all this talk about looks and such. just make money. you don't need to have looks or whatever. just make money. it is unmasculine to be obsessing over your looks and such.

all this talk about man needs to look like this, man needs to have confidence. don't worry about any of that, just focus on career and such.

I don't want to hear about "man needs to have six-pack abs, look like this, moisturize his skin". is the man broke? I don't and I won't moisturize my skin. is my skin bad? I have no idea and I don't care. and then there's "you need to adopt gay sjw politics to please women". my idea of romance is watching the English dub of The Eternal Jew and chill.

as far as I'm concerned, all this stuff about "you need to look like this" is gay propaganda to turn you into a female obsessed about your looks. will you post selfies with the duck face as well? work out but for your health not to please anyone. and don't even have "alpha" and "beta" in your vocabulary. those things don't exist and no one used those words twenty years ago. just focus on pleasing Allah and don't care what people think and if you want to get married then make some money and there you go. it's not some super complicated thing. follow what Islam says and you won't be some spineless type. then you have money, then you provide.

did your grandpa obsess over being "alpha"? did he obsess over his looks? did he moisturize his skin? did he adopt retarded sjw politics?

and if you tell me "things are different" then buy a plane ticket to where things aren't different and be like your grandpa. did the sahaaba obsess about being "alpha", about their looks, did they moisturize, become sjws? go be like the sahaaba.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
another thing is wth is a "chad"? "chad" is a funny meme but that's it. the concept of "chad" is a cartoon like superman. everyone faces suffering and hardship. no one is really living like a comic book hero. if "chad" is a real thing, how come Islam never talks about such a thing?

imo we need to purge our thinking and our vocabulary of these recently made-up concepts. if the concept didn't exist continuously for the past thousand years and doesn't relate to something to do with science/technology then it's probably nonsense.

"toxic masculinity" for example. if "toxic masculinity" is a real thing how come Islam doesn't talk about it? rejectly the onslaught of newly made-up garbage concepts and close your mind to all of this modern subversion. the sahaaba didn't need these concepts and you don't need these concepts either. modern people would have you think persons like the sahaaba lacked knowledge. the sahaaba were some of the greatest men and women who ever lived and it's the modern people who are clueless.
just make money. I am baffled at all this talk about looks and such. just make money. you don't need to have looks or whatever. just make money. it is unmasculine to be obsessing over your looks and such.

all this talk about man needs to look like this, man needs to have confidence. don't worry about any of that, just focus on career and such.

I don't want to hear about "man needs to have six-pack abs, look like this, moisturize his skin". is the man broke? I don't and I won't moisturize my skin. is my skin bad? I have no idea and I don't care. and then there's "you need to adopt gay sjw politics to please women". my idea of romance is watching the English dub of The Eternal Jew and chill.

as far as I'm concerned, all this stuff about "you need to look like this" is gay propaganda to turn you into a female obsessed about your looks. will you post selfies with the duck face as well? work out but for your health not to please anyone. and don't even have "alpha" and "beta" in your vocabulary. those things don't exist and no one used those words twenty years ago. just focus on pleasing Allah and don't care what people think and if you want to get married then make some money and there you go. it's not some super complicated thing. follow what Islam says and you won't be some spineless type. then you have money, then you provide.

did your grandpa obsess over being "alpha"? did he obsess over his looks? did he moisturize his skin? did he adopt retarded sjw politics?

and if you tell me "things are different" then buy a plane ticket to where things aren't different and be like your grandpa. did the sahaaba obsess about being "alpha", about their looks, did they moisturize, become sjws? go be like the sahaaba.
Wallah I say this all the time money is the only solution.
just make money. I am baffled at all this talk about looks and such. just make money. you don't need to have looks or whatever. just make money. it is unmasculine to be obsessing over your looks and such.

all this talk about man needs to look like this, man needs to have confidence. don't worry about any of that, just focus on career and such.

I don't want to hear about "man needs to have six-pack abs, look like this, moisturize his skin". is the man broke? I don't and I won't moisturize my skin. is my skin bad? I have no idea and I don't care. and then there's "you need to adopt gay sjw politics to please women". my idea of romance is watching the English dub of The Eternal Jew and chill.

as far as I'm concerned, all this stuff about "you need to look like this" is gay propaganda to turn you into a female obsessed about your looks. will you post selfies with the duck face as well? work out but for your health not to please anyone. and don't even have "alpha" and "beta" in your vocabulary. those things don't exist and no one used those words twenty years ago. just focus on pleasing Allah and don't care what people think and if you want to get married then make some money and there you go. it's not some super complicated thing. follow what Islam says and you won't be some spineless type. then you have money, then you provide.

did your grandpa obsess over being "alpha"? did he obsess over his looks? did he moisturize his skin? did he adopt retarded sjw politics?

and if you tell me "things are different" then buy a plane ticket to where things aren't different and be like your grandpa. did the sahaaba obsess about being "alpha", about their looks, did they moisturize, become sjws? go be like the sahaaba.
Obsessing is wrong I agree but the opposite isn’t necessarily good either. It’s sunnah to look after your appearance.

Also I know you’ve read the story of Julaybeeb may Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) have mercy on him. Men struggling due to being seen as conventionally ‘unattractive’ has always been a thing. Back in the day trucels would’ve been the village outcast or sacrificed in some pagan ritual

Ofc you should still be patient and have faith in Allah subhana wa ta’ala but you can’t just ignore reality

Funny you mention our grandfathers etc as somali men were traditionally heavily invested in looksmaxxing
just make money. I am baffled at all this talk about looks and such. just make money. you don't need to have looks or whatever. just make money. it is unmasculine to be obsessing over your looks and such.

all this talk about man needs to look like this, man needs to have confidence. don't worry about any of that, just focus on career and such.

I don't want to hear about "man needs to have six-pack abs, look like this, moisturize his skin". is the man broke? I don't and I won't moisturize my skin. is my skin bad? I have no idea and I don't care. and then there's "you need to adopt gay sjw politics to please women". my idea of romance is watching the English dub of The Eternal Jew and chill.

as far as I'm concerned, all this stuff about "you need to look like this" is gay propaganda to turn you into a female obsessed about your looks. will you post selfies with the duck face as well? work out but for your health not to please anyone. and don't even have "alpha" and "beta" in your vocabulary. those things don't exist and no one used those words twenty years ago. just focus on pleasing Allah and don't care what people think and if you want to get married then make some money and there you go. it's not some super complicated thing. follow what Islam says and you won't be some spineless type. then you have money, then you provide.

did your grandpa obsess over being "alpha"? did he obsess over his looks? did he moisturize his skin? did he adopt retarded sjw politics?

and if you tell me "things are different" then buy a plane ticket to where things aren't different and be like your grandpa. did the sahaaba obsess about being "alpha", about their looks, did they moisturize, become sjws? go be like the sahaaba.
I kinda agree with you but Islam does tell men to take care of your looks and there is a Hadith about how a man is meant to please his wife with his appearance like good hygiene or maybe it was a Sahabi who said this.

Also, moisturizing is simply creaming your damn skin. Please do. No one likes ashy people. Nothing feminine about basic hygiene and skincare.

But we are in agreement that looksmaxing or whatever is dumb.
Facts how? We see unattractive, balding and short Somali men marry all the time. It’s a self fulfilling prophesy and these men that believe in blackpill don’t even have the confidence to even pursue women. It’s their lack of social skills that is the cause of most of their issues.
Women back home have significantly lower standards than Women born and raised in the West, most Women here don't wanna date a bald, ugly short guy and thats a fact.
as far as I'm concerned, all this stuff about "you need to look like this" is gay propaganda to turn you into a female obsessed about your looks. will you post selfies with the duck face as well? work out but for your health not to please anyone. and don't even have "alpha" and "beta" in your vocabulary. those things don't exist and no one used those words twenty years ago. just focus on pleasing Allah and don't care what people think and if you want to get married then make some money and there you go. it's not some super complicated thing. follow what Islam says and you won't be some spineless type. then you have money, then you provide.
Lowland East Cushites like Somalis and Afars would traditionally spend hours daily styling their hair and most definitely took pride in their looks, Afars would let other men impregnate their wives if they thought they were too ugly, everything you said is rubbish. If all you have is money you will be nothing more than an ATM.


i have never seen an incel with a rolex and a nice bmw let me just say that. as long as you’re not ugly and you got money you’re good
But we are in agreement that looksmaxing or whatever is dumb.
Looksmaxxing is literally doing what you can to make yourself the best possible physical version of yourself, stuff like going to the gym, investing in skincare, haircare etc... how on earth is that dumb?

I can post study after study showing the importance of looks, studies that show looks influence socioeconomic outcomes, looks influence how a parent will treat their kids, its influence on peer/social status and practically every facet of life. Your face/general look is easily one of the most important things you can invest in.
i have never seen an incel with a rolex and a nice bmw let me just say that. as long as you’re not ugly and you got money you’re good
Wallah I say this all the time money is the only solution.
Thing I forgot about money is that it’s important for deformed/balding guys so they can afford hair transplant (this one is cheap tho), rhino, genio and bimax to fix their face kkk :hmm: :obama:

Moneymaxxing is the way


Thing I forgot about money is that it’s important for deformed/balding guys so they can afford hair transplant (this one is cheap tho), rhino, genio and bimax to fix their face kkk :hmm: :obama:

Moneymaxxing is the way
No 20 year old girl will prefer to wait for a bus in cold weather with a good looking guy over listening to Drake in a 20 plate BMW with heated seats

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
all this "lookmaxxing" stuff (which is a new word for me btw) overlooks the reality that women are not as visual as men... I know that feminists will start foaming at the mouth about it being said but basically go with the opposite of whatever feminists say and you're probably on the right course... feminism is all about denying things that most people and cultures believed throughout basically all of history....

now for example... show some ordinary looking man and say he works at McDonalds... women maybe have very little interest... show the same man and say he's a mysterious billionaire and a number of women will go crazy.... show him and say he's a serial killer and some women for some bizarre reason will be fascinated

if that doesn't convince you women are less visual- consider... umm... "explicit" literature.... many women read 50 Shades of Gray.... what is the literary equivalent for men? there is no male equivalent. men are not into "adult" literature... so this is very clear proof- which gender is into the fabio novels and which one is into the visual material?

and then the feminists want to pull the wool over your eyes and tell you women are just as visual as men.... it should be no surprise either if they tell you men can get pregnant or belong in the woman's bathroom... don't try to erase the differences and then cry when they put male perverts in your bathroom


all this "lookmaxxing" stuff (which is a new word for me btw) overlooks the reality that women are not as visual as men... I know that feminists will start foaming at the mouth about it being said but basically go with the opposite of whatever feminists say and you're probably on the right course... feminism is all about denying things that most people and cultures believed throughout basically all of history....

now for example... show some ordinary looking man and say he works at McDonalds... women maybe have very little interest... show the same man and say he's a mysterious billionaire and a number of women will go crazy.... show him and say he's a serial killer and some women for some bizarre reason will be fascinated

if that doesn't convince you women are less visual- consider... umm... "explicit" literature.... many women read 50 Shades of Gray.... what is the literary equivalent for men? there is no male equivalent. men are not into "adult" literature... so this is very clear proof- which gender is into the fabio novels and which one is into the visual material?

and then the feminists want to pull the wool over your eyes and tell you women are just as visual as men.... it should be no surprise either if they tell you men can get pregnant or belong in the woman's bathroom... don't try to erase the differences and then cry when they put male perverts in your bathroom
For a woman to be attractive she must look attractive
but men have multiple avenues to be attractive
now for example... show some ordinary looking man and say he works at McDonalds... women maybe have very little interest... show the same man and say he's a mysterious billionaire and a number of women will go crazy.... show him and say he's a serial killer and some women for some bizarre reason will be fascinated
Just become a billionaire or serial killer and the girls will be all over you bro.
Looksmaxxing is literally doing what you can to make yourself the best possible physical version of yourself, stuff like going to the gym, investing in skincare, haircare etc... how on earth is that dumb?
I misunderstood the definition of it. I’m talking about the whole black pill and having a defeatist mentality. Of course men should take care of themselves. I agree.
I can post study after study showing the importance of looks, studies that show looks influence socioeconomic outcomes, looks influence how a parent will treat their kids, its influence on peer/social status and practically every facet of life. Your face/general look is easily one of the most important things you can invest in.
Yes, I don’t disagree but the thing is average men are marrying everyday and men unlike women have other avenues to maximize their attractiveness outside of just looks. Charisma, humor, intelligence and money plays a role.