Is arranged marriage a cope for Somali Incels (male's born in diaspora communities)


Forza Somalia!
tbh you aren’t incel just work on yourself and go out more often. I have been told I look nice by many women by just talking to them “not flirting just talk” so you just need to talk and look physically acceptable


Bantu Liberation Movement
My case is not that bad I'm 6'1 or 6'0 been a bit since I checked. I am also reaching fat ass levels as I just hit 230 lbs recently. My hair is kinda Madow it's not sandpaper but it's not smooth curly. My skin is light but I have no skin care discipline and have many acne scars as a result. I'm pretty much Somali normie tier in looks. I have to be honest Blackpill is law in this life it is what it is. I'm not here to flip you on this cause I don't want to have to bust every cope you have.
Who ruined your confidence?
Not an expert in all this but there's no such thing as seperate gene pools. We all suffer or thrive together in the long run.

Hypergamy is probably the only thing that held us up throughout our history. Usually invaders coming through to interrupt the inbreeding for a while. Fucked up but likely true.
Historically 40% of all men who ever existed reproduced and that number is 80% for women, we have twice as many ayeeyos as awoowes. It's natural for "lesser quality" females to reproduce, the opposite isn't true for males.
I know this, but nature is irrelevant tbh. Modern dating standards don’t necessarily correlate to genetic fitness. a short dainty beautiful woman is generally preferred to a tall burly woman when the latter would probably produce stronger children. Likewise we all know that ugly, strong brutes would’ve had a better chance of reproducing than a prettyboy in old times.

Anyways, there’s nothing wrong with incels marrying back home IMO. The gratification of pulling a woman who’s actually attracted to you is important but it’s better than being childless and alone at 60. Who cares about the gene pool tbh
Make yourself happy before you even look for a wife.

You give off the energy your depressed or tired of life. Women can smell this.

Arranged marriage isn’t a problem but I wouldn’t recommend a women from back home. They be looking for that free way to the west, in any relationship first.

Know your Qaali and your letting any women into your life is for your benefit! If you can look yourself in the mirror and be happy with yourself stay the way you are. If your not change !! Plenty of fish in the sea!!! Stay strong King 💪

Incel? That mean someone who can’t get a girl?

this is gaalo talk. what is cope?

Every Somali man finds a wife or even multiple. What are u saying?
Don’t get married if u can’t even discipline yourself to lose weight. Get down to 180. Fat people are disgusting, they don’t deserve to be married.
I agree walahi.

Seriously, its not hard to stay in shape. How do you expect your wife to look good and stay in shape if you’re obese yourself? People need to man/woman the f*ck up and work out.