Interracial Somali couple.

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I will pray for him insha Allah lord knows he needs it in this gynocentric society and once they divorce guess who culture those kids are going to take? Certainly not their fathers his kids will be Portuguese.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Lol I see. They're also hard to maintain and are superficial. Their head game is weak. Most of them won't even swallow

Meanwhile that Canaan girl would do anything in the bed despite costing less to maintain than the Xalimo

But crossing my fingers I find a good xalimo. Inshallah
I pray you don’t find a xalimo you sick twisted hermaphrodite who can’t even decide if you’re a male or a female :susp:
I'm sorry but you're both giving off insecure vibes. I'm not saying you guys are insecure, because it's really great that you know what you want.
We are insecure but you are not saying we are insecure. :gucciwhat: its great we know what we want but we give off insecure vibes.:gucciwhat:

This is what i mean:bell: zero caqli whatsoever.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
In the west most females are a carbon copy of eachother all indoctrinated by the same tv programmes and magazines I say emancipate yourself from the west gynocentric system as the saying goes home is where the heart is.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
:gucciwhat: you know that cadaan girls can be Muslim, right?
Yeah one chick told my friend that and decided to wear Islamic attire too for a while till she got home sick and visited her family and celebrated Christmas with her family taking her kids to the church.

I think she changed the kids Muslim names too I bet they’re out there right now praising the sun ghost and the Holy Spirit

He tried gaining custody but the family courts are bias they favour mothers over fathers especially if she’s cadaan native to the land he had to just grin and bear it:wow:


With blood and Iron will we reach the fatherland
Cadaan girls are the way to go until you leave the kids alone with her for too long and come back home to find your kids eating pork and dressed as Satan during halloween
Cadaan people are not all the same:kodaksmiley: Find someone who has the same values as you do,
Yeah one chick told my friend that and decided to wear Islamic attire too for a while till she got home sick and visited her family and celebrated Christmas with her family taking her kids to the church.

I think she changed the kids Muslim names too I bet they’re out there right now praising the sun ghost and the Holy Spirit

He tried gaining custody but the family courts are bias they favour mothers over fathers especially if she’s cadaan native to the land he had to just grin and bear it:wow:
Yeah but what could he say to gain custody, “ my wife is turning my kids Christian and I don’t want that”.

Yeah good luck with that sxb
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