Interesting Universal Show. Men/Women Divorce Rate



I've provided my model to u guys about when u seek potential partner. U will need a mixed approach. U really shouldn't marry ppl n have kids who will be effected by your lack of homework.

1. Physical looks
2. Personality. U want someone u can have meaningful discussions with. The key-word is meaningful, u don't want a carbon copy of yourself or someone u can't connect with.
3. Life goals. This is important if u don't have similar goals in life, u will fight a-lot or if u want u can assess if u can tolerate their life goals against yours.

It's also important u ask them what is their 'negatives' and if they say none, advice them no-one is perfect and it's impossible to have no negativities, if they don't 'reason' with you, I would run quickly, since it's impossible to have no negativities, if u want also, u can go find out his/her negatives from others(such as friends n family), but make sure u balance it against the positives you know, since they will obviously be 'biased'.

Once u know the above u can make an 'informed' decision about marriage and most likely u won't end up in relationship finding out things u didn't know during the 'honeymoon period'. The current approach of 'flirting n sweet talking' is for clowns, they end up in marriages where 'reality' begins and honeymoon period is over and they can't tolerate it and collapses.


When your house breaks down, it shows you lack 'vision' to even know how to manage that. It's not going to give much ppl confidence about your ability to be put in position of authority for the community, workplace, or nation. It's not in men/women interest to divorce, it has terrible 'stigma' that will follow both of you as 'chaotic' people


The first place a character of person is judged is his home, it's stability, their kids and their stability and and over-all happiness. These ppl tend to 'expand' their wisdom and impact the community they live in such as other families, and eventually the workplace and their country.


It seems like 'honesty' is the big problem according to this show. We should collect failed marriages, it's wisdom for us all on things not to do. I really do believe if u can't govern a house, you won't be able to govern anything. Do u wonder why Somali govt or any social institution is dysfunctional, they don't have any experience at the 'home level', our govt will reflect how we are at home. So if dishonesty is big factor at home, then expect this to replicate in mosques, schools, government, businesses, it won't end, u will take what ur an 'expert' at and spread it.


The other issue mentioned is 'conflict of life goals'. Financial confict is the biggest one. But other life goals can be relatives/friends importance to them, career, religious goals, business goals, community goals, political goals, education goals. Make sure guys settle 'your life goals' are in sync or if u can balance it with compromise.

The other thing is about 'character' issues as lots are saying they don't trust the other person is truthful, that's why I said u need to do ur 'research' on them from family/friends/ about their 'character'. But the biggest thing of character maturity is those who know their negatives and 'admit' it as it's important for them to know or else they will find out later and then u created more problems by having kids. If they dont admit their negativity, their 'selling their perfect' and that's totally dishonest u can dismiss them.
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The women should be reasonable about financial madness they seek. Money won't bring u happiness is a fact that is well known. It's more like drug addiction, haven't u seen when u buy something and after a few months u 'dont care' about it, it's the same, if u cud buy everything eventually it will grow 'boring' and this will lead to depression for u becuz u thought money would make u happy, it will lead to regrets about ppl u truly liked and ticked all the boxes except financial, that u missed that train and now in a un-happy marriage and u have no way out. Infact it cud lead to u being 'angry' at everyone blaming them when the root cause truly is, u picked the wrong guy becuz u were young n hungry for money.

Demand financial stability that is a right u do have.

