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Men are asleep but at death they will awake!
Nothing much. I think im a cutie and have a great personality:manny: people keep telling me i need to eat more and stop being caato yaa uu sheego ik theyre just mad cause their daughter is overweight and has fat on the side of her knees:pacspit: im not gonna apologize for not being baalaq and filled with burruur.


I really do feel like somali aunties are hella jealous, and trying to make you eat more so you get fat.
But as soon as you start to gain weight they'll be first ones to point it out with a smile on their face
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Ever heard of baasto babalaar? You are that then :kanyeshrug:
I like my basmati rice whats wrong with that?

Not against your preference abaayo. I'm just correcting you on tall people stereotype. I don't know what "baasto babalaar" is but I'm very muscular.

I really do feel like somali aunties are hella jealous, and trying to make you eat more so you get fat.
But as soon as you start to gain weight they'll be first ones to point it out with a smile on their face
They really are enemies of progress wallahi.:kendrickcry: They even chat shit when you dress well calling you a wasaqad despite being fully covered but dont dare say anything about the calf showing skirts their 'hijabi' daughters be wearing in front of them. Its probably cause they wanna give their daughters a fighting chance i guess:kanyeshrug:

I prefer adheers for this reason.
Not against your preference abaayo. I'm just correcting you on tall people stereotype. I don't know what "baasto babalaar" is but I'm very muscular.
You are stereotyping against baastos. :hova:Baastos come in a wide variety. But its baasto regardless. Ask your hooyo what baasto babalaar is and youll understand.


You are stereotyping against baastos. :hova:Baastos come in a wide variety. But its baasto regardless. Ask your hooyo what baasto babalaar is and youll understand.

Ask your hooyo? Sorry, I live on my own. I will just look it up.
Too tall is something i don't hear often about my height. I'm gonna go ahead and take that as a compliment anyway. :trumpsmirk:
Too many somali men being 6'0+ akhas. At least youre closer to 5'9. 5'11 is a good compromise. Tall enough to deceive dumb xaliimos short enough for people who like 5'9s only.
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