Flattering me won’t make me more susceptible to accepting your sexist remarks. Those who were a hijab must be devoid of any sin what’s so ever. Good luck selling that to our Somali sheikhs who accept blood money and visit brothels. I can easily prove cadans voter for trump because this is public knowledge. I’m more curious about how you know most of her votes came from Somalis since I couldn’t find this information myself.
Criticism of an elected official isn't sexism. Corrupt Somali sheikhs should be exposed. She won 65 000 votes in the 5th district. The Somali population is over 55 000 in Minnesota, of which 40 000 is in the 5th district, the overwhelming majority of whom voted for her. Voting data is obtained by pollsters in the US, not at the ballot. This isnt classified infirmation and is available on The New York Times, Politifact, and the Atlantic.
Lastly, pretty sure zinna is worse than not wearing a hijab. No one said she had to be perfect, but an affair if true is kind of a big deal if you present yourself as America's best known Muslim.