Ilhan Omar becomes first Somali-Arab American to win primary

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Who the fuck am I? ギくェズー
You are black mister
Get out of that dark corner your squeezing yourself in
No wonder they say we have low iq
Why do somalis love to single themselves out
Some of y’all can’t stand Arabs
The rest of y’all say I’m not black
Then there’s this huge habesha Hate
Everyones smart enough to pick a ally
For Somalia to prosper we need other Africans
We need to understand we are similar with common goals and one enemy
At the end of the day somalia is located on the black continent
We are dark in hue
There is no “black look” because Africa is a continent
You do realize when some of y’all say I don’t look black you’re helping to strengthen white supremacist ideas
My sister, the reason why I single Somalis out is simply because we are already a complete people.

We have our own language.
We have our own culture.
We have a unique and specific genetic lineage.
We all (for the most part) believe in one faith.
We have our own food.

We are a complete people, so why do we need to box ourselves into another more general grouping? That's my reasoning.


Who the fuck am I? ギくェズー
It's very possible that Darod might have been from one of the black persecuted ethnic groups who lived in Yemen and were heavily persecuted. This would explain the E-V32 haplogroup.

When he came to Somalia, he was afraid that the land was controlled by Semitic Arabs so he took refuge in a tree. He lived on this tree for many years until Dir arrived and told Darod not to be afraid and that he should come down from the tree.

Ancient depiction of Dir and Darood on their first encounter
My scholarly brother! Please continue to educate us!
My scholarly brother! Please continue to educate us!

The brother of Dir, Hawiye then came to Dir and said to him: "Are you stupid? How can you give refuge to a criminal fugitive who left his homeland. This could disrupt our Cambuulo imports from Hadhramaut."

Dir replied: "If my feelings about this young man (Darood) are wrong and he is indeed a criminal fugitive, then may Allah cause half of my descendants to be absorbed by the Oromos."

Hawiye loudly replied: "Ameen".

And then it came to pass...


Who the fuck am I? ギくェズー
The brother of Dir, Hawiye then came to Dir and said to him: "Are you stupid? How can you give refuge to a fugitive who left his homeland. This could disrupt our Cambuulo imports from Hadhramaut."

Dir replied: "If my feelings about this young man (Darood) are wrong and he is indeed a criminal fugitive, then may Allah cause half of my descendants to be absorbed by the Oromos."

Hawiye loudly replied: "Ameen".

And then it came to pass...
*furiously writes notes*


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
You dark-skinned ashy Kenyan looking nigga walahi you are NOT arab... :drakewtf:
Alhamdulillah atleast i know where my roots are as the saying goes in order to know where you're going you need to first know where you came from thats why somalilanders are in a state of limbo cause one minute they say their ancestors are from iraq the next they are samaale then they claim oromo you as a people dont know whether you are coming or going


Ashy Abdi Representative
Arabs only claim us when we achieve something. f*ck them we are not Arab.
I never understood that though like we aren't like the north africans (some) and sudanis who speak arabic only.
Why do they claim us I've had arabs tell me somalis are Arabs and fight tooth and nail with me:gucciwhat:
Why can't eveyone in the world (mainly arabs and blacks) understand Somalis are our own race ethnicity and people with no huge relations to other groups.


I never understood that though like we aren't like the north africans (some) and sudanis who speak arabic only.
Why do they claim us I've had arabs tell me somalis are Arabs and fight tooth and nail with me:gucciwhat:
Why can't eveyone in the world (mainly arabs and blacks) understand Somalis are our own race ethnicity and people with no huge relations to other groups.

Arab League membership.

Propaganda in the Arab education system, they teach them that Somalia is an Arabic speaking country.

La Xawla

Long Live the Somali Republic
My sister, the reason why I single Somalis out is simply because we are already a complete people.

We have our own language.
We have our own culture.
We have a unique and specific genetic lineage.
We all (for the most part) believe in one faith.
We have our own food.

We are a complete people, so why do we need to box ourselves into another more general grouping? That's my reasoning.
To fit in with Western culture/social media is my guess. Especially in America where they have this either your “White”/“Black”. Grouping humans who have different cultures, looks, genes, etc. by the color of their skin is quite inane.
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