If you were a slave. Would you convert

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Shep Tupacs brother
Its simple for me. Arab Supremacy = Islam, White Supremacy = Christianty, Both justify slavery
LOL athiestspot calacal dis place is funny da whiteboy had the cruelest form of slavery never seen before he gave the his slaves the left overs he didn't eat like pig feet which is a delicacy in America it's called chitlings. now compare that to Somali bantu who eats deyr Ancient foods speaks deyr Ancient language mushunguli.
Hypothetical situations are stupid; you can never know what you’d do IF you were in a situation, especially one you’ve never been in (slavedom) because you’d have no clues to help you along.

To be honest Jerome I think it would be very hard to reason with you because you’re so used to one idea of slavery (the one you were taught at school) and can’t seem to get your head around other forms of slavery.

Slavery is not an intrinsic part of Islam but rather a prexisting phenomenon in the period when (modern) Islam first propagated. Islam did not abolish slavery but it made it just, that fact that Muslims transgressed these boundaries is disgusting. Basra is right in that slavery or any sort of adverse condition can bring a person closer to their Lord. Lol sometimes there’s a lot of wisdom in what she says.

Islam can feel quite complex sometimes but it’s your job to attempt to understand it; I’m not going to tell you that you’re being blasphemous by asking these questions but you do seem quite close minded. You can gain a lot by enquiring further on your own instead of posing strange repetitive posts on this forum. Specific questions are much easier to answer.

I’d recommend going directly to a person of knowledge to learn about how Islam changed the situation of slaves in the Muslim world. I mean you happily learned about how cruel oppressors made a mockery of Allah, right? Also, you must understand that slavery can be just like any other condition in life; we are all slaves in many ways. We are only on this earth for so long, it’ll all feel like inconsequential bollocks soon enough. There’s nothing wrong with being outraged about oppression, but Islam is not oppression. All the best xx

You are discusting:drakewtf:
I know Islam is not oppression.

The fact slavery existed so long is bothering me.in these Muslim nations bother me. It was clearly unislamic on how slaves were being captured and treated. But people who were "muslim" kept going on with it.

It's the people that are bothering me. Not the religon. I'm not the most practicing person but when I learned about how long slavery existed in these countries it's just really disgusting to here about.

Maybe some of these countries are in Pretty crappy situations right now because of their history of slavery. Maybe it's karma.

Who told you slavery stopped?

Look at how guest workers are treated in Arab countries or East Asian workers and the human trafficing.

Jake from State Farm

We pro xalimo all 2019
Same thing could be said about illegal immigrants in the US
They be working so hard for 7.25 an hour. That's minimum wage here in Texas. Many would work two jobs to support they families and etc.only on minimum wage.

I wouldn't compare those two though. In the ME those people literally can't leave because their passports were taken.
Here in the states illegal immigrants are here technically "illegally". It's going to be difficult to find a decent job if you a person is here illegally.
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