Idris Elba has the corona virus


31/12/16 - 04/04/20
Sabrina is an actor. Couldn't watch the video; the faces she was making made me cringe.
The reality is sinking in man we gonna get coronavirus and there is nothing we can do about it


I know but for most of us it will just be flu-like symptoms which will pass. but we must take care of those who are vulnerable to the disease: the elderly and those with underlying health conditions.


Really? I always thought he was a boomer early 60's guy. :gucciwhat:

Eirher way, he's putting the black people are immune theory to the test. Inshallah he survives! :vncu2n5:
A baby boomer is someone born during the baby boom after World War II. My parents aren’t even boomers.

Anyway, I’m hearing some Somalis in Europe may have it and are in the hospital. It’s just gossip though. Sabrina is there because they are making everyone quarantine themselves together. Plenty people are carriers but are not showing symptoms but they can pass them on to the vulnerable like those who are elderly and those with health issues. Stay away from your grandparents if you think you are sick.


31/12/16 - 04/04/20
Watched it again and fucking hell. The way she grabbed onto the collar of her jumper is nauseating. No one is buying this filim hindi.


31/12/16 - 04/04/20
lol she is showing concern for her boo. Does this make her a simp according to the Somalispot Simp detectors?
If my wife were to do any of that nonsense around me, I would first avoid her and if she were to persist I would triple-talaq the .

Even the word "Boo" makes me feel someway.


I find it strange all those celebrities suddenly getting it. Could it be because they meet a lot of people their risk is higher?

