BREAKING NEWS ICJ suggests new maritime boundary between Kenya and Somalia and rejects Somalia’s request for reparations.

@maseera ku hayo

That's a very informative piece of history and I truly appreciate it. Thank you...

..But your dp

@Nilotic apparently your country of South Sudan is considering taking Kenya to the ICJ over the ilemi triangle, which SS would surely win. They have already begun complaining about it.

Here is a South Sudanese official congratulating Somalia

@Nilotic apparently your country of South Sudan is considering taking Kenya to the ICJ over the ilemi triangle, which SS would surely win. They have already begun complaining about it.

Here is a South Sudanese official congratulating Somalia

The Kenyans had no right to take Ilemi from us, and they're using the same tired arguments to continue their land-theft over an area larger than Lebanon.

The territory was never ceded to them; they were merely permitted (by the Brits) to establish an administrative line within Sudanese territory in order to ensure that the Turkana had access to pastures they shared with other Nilotic tribes in South Sudan.

Kenya hasn't been able to explain why they took the entire Ilemi triangle if they're just evoking the 1938 red line.

The Kenyans only positioned troops in Ilemi once we were too preoccupied fighting the Afro-Arabs in Khartoum.
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Hopefully, this is a wake-up call for our community. This is a great first step in reclaiming our sovereignty. Our sea, land and air space is being violated regularly.

What's changed to guarantee that this never transpires again?
It's good for us if they lose and default on their debts to china to china. With ethiopia in turmoil if kenya also collapses and defaults on their loans then somalia has a chance to rise from the ashes in peace.

Alternatively a kenya with oil blocks and gases to auction off will have a much larger gdp which they can use to further oppress the somalis.

Tbh winning the legal rights cucks them perfectly. Somalia can proceed with it's elections and continue to drill the other oil blocks and thereby become a powerful oil producing state while kenya defaults on it's loans and becomes the weaker party going onwards. If we utilise our oil wealth funds correctly we could become more powerful militarily and dominate them.

Also American oil companies are backing us over their rivals which kenya favours in the uk and EU nations. America will not throw it's oil companies under the bus for kenya. If we win those oil blocks are property of the US oil companies.
Can you explain to me more of Kenya’s debt situation so I can research more ? I’m pray for both Kenya and Ethiopia downfalls and our swift and meteoric rise inshallah
I think the civil war increased Somali nationalism.

I think many Somali parents fear about losing their children to the West and as a result placed a more concerted effort in teaching their children about Somalia and patriotism. This over compensated approach has created an echo chamber that turned patriotism into toxic nationalism.

In layman terms, Somalia is the self-conscious kid that is told by his parents that he is special and important to the extent that he grows up to be an arrogant prick.
Somalis geography and culture made them arrogant we’re always full of pride
The Wagner group kulaha 💀 Do you have any evidence at all that Russia is willing to drill in this disputed area? just throwing out random paramilitary groups smh

"Kenya will play the game of “if I can’t have it you can’t neither”.

Kenyatta is on his way out. You have absolutely zero clue how next prez will handle it.

But one thing that we know for certain that is true is have a deep, deep, burning desire that Somalia sees nothing but misfortunate & misery.

One thing that has genuinely alarmed me (and shocked me) is how many 'Somalilanders' actively wish that forigners seize Somali territory.

You people are legit sickos, get help.
He’s from Somaliland ??? Omg
I think it’s more so that we view everyone else in extreme terms, it’s either an enemy or a close friend rather than due to a self inflated self worth. Look at how FOBs treat Turkey with such reverence and all they’re doing is completely see through. We’re much more sensitive and aware about our own issues than foreigners, it’s confused many people about our strange antics even prior to the civil war. At this point I don’t even know if it’s due to our precarious standing what with being surrounded by hostile enemies all around us, those enemies whom are much much larger and better equipped. I think it’s at this point always been part of our national identity, I can’t remember where I saw this but I remember reading an interview excerpt of an American ambassador who was stationed there in the 60s.
Here’s the section I had in mind,

“Q: Okay, the Soviets were doing this, and our policy was, if they're doing this, we've got to back the other side. But did you ever sit down and figure out what good this was going to do the Soviets, and think maybe we should just let this thing go? Or were we reactive?
ELY: …On the other hand, assisting Somalia has always been very difficult. The Peace Corps had a terrible time there. They managed to stay there for a while, but it was the most difficult Peace Corps assignment that they had.
Q: Why was it?
ELY: The Somalis are very independent-minded people, and you can't tell them anything. The Peace Corps never would go into secondary-school teaching, because once a Somali has a secondary-school education, he considers that he ought to be instructing you.”
Here’s the section wherein he discusses our fondness for nicknames, which he suggests is due to our love for choosing the same three names. He also goes on to psychoanalyse our neighbours hilariously.
“That's what they called him. I don't know whether it referred to his loquacity or just that he happened to have a large, oral aperture. To an American this was a kind of appealing, national personality characteristic. I used to contrast this with the situation in Ethiopia, which was very different. The Ethiopians are very formal, very proper, very deferential, and very polite and soft-spoken--extremely conscious of social class. They are very--what's the word? "Devious" sounds too sinister but they are very convoluted in their speech. You had to read between the lines to understand what they were saying. By contrast, the Somalis were very straightforward. They told you exactly what they thought.”

This particular quote stood extremely relevant to me lmao “they put this crazy self-importance in the world's pecking order, not realizing that they are a tiny drop in the ocean. Ive never have came across more delusional people then the Somali
“The Ethiopians are very formal, very proper, very deferential, and very polite and soft-spoken--extremely conscious of social class. They are very--what's the word? "Devious" sounds too sinister but they are very convoluted in their speech. You had to read between the lines to understand what they were saying.”
this quote Stood out to me the Ethiopians are very sly and also they have a pecking order that came from agrarian times, I don’t know if it would translate well in the modern era as Somalia’s egalitarian society would
“The Ethiopians are very formal, very proper, very deferential, and very polite and soft-spoken--extremely conscious of social class. They are very--what's the word? "Devious" sounds too sinister but they are very convoluted in their speech. You had to read between the lines to understand what they were saying.”
this quote Stood out to me the Ethiopians are very sly and also they have a pecking order that came from agrarian times, I don’t know if it would translate well in the modern era as Somalia’s egalitarian society would
This dynamic reminds me of the Japanese and the Chinese, well I can guess you already know which one applies to Somalis and Ethiopians lol.


Forza Somalia!
@Nilotic apparently your country of South Sudan is considering taking Kenya to the ICJ over the ilemi triangle, which SS would surely win. They have already begun complaining about it.

Here is a South Sudanese official congratulating Somalia

Look how they are displaying the south Sudan-Kenya issue while highlighting a breakup region :pachah1:


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