ICJ suggests new maritime boundary between Kenya and Somalia and rejects Somalia’s request for reparations.


"Show respect to all people, but grovel to none"
I thought all the waters were ruled to somalia as per international maritime laws after seeing all those celebrations from 68ians,
but seems much part of it were appeased to kenya, so I wonder was the court supposed to judge based on international laws or its mere mandate was only to compromise between the sides.

According to this rule, somalis could file a case against somali territories occupied by kenya and atleast would get part of it, could that ever been possible, big fat no, somalia wouldnt have ever get an inch of land beyond its territories no matter what.

So somali polticians need not to sugarcoat this big humiliation but atleast tell truth to the people that were robbed again in a broad daylight as usual and there is nothing to celebrate when you see the entire world siding anyone against somalis and your country keeps shrinking even in the 21 century
Laws that govern land borders are well established and clearly defined, however maritime boundaries laws are not set on a stone and some of them fall in gray area that's open to legal interpretation.
over all this is a good W


Veni Vidi Vici
Perhaps, but the denizens of Socotra welcome them. And South Yemen is a UAE puppet state, they run most of the territory. UAE even has military instillations on the Socotran archipelago.
Whenever Yemen gets a grip, they will awaken and see their lands are being forcefully captured, and they will recover it, by force or by law. A smart move by Somalia to avoid such deals in the first place.


What good day? Losing 30%?
Can you part away with 30% of your savings? Will it be a win for you?
If someone is ruled to stay in your bedroom and you are left with kitchen and living room?

Saxiib, I never came across you in a happy mood, sometimes instead of focusing on the negative, we must focus on the positive and do the best we can with it. Today, we didn’t get 100% of what we wanted but we got the most and that is a Win given our situation :)

Somalia 🇸🇴 guuul :)


Dont worry Aboo Abye has the navy to defend Somalia.
we need emperor Abiy to remove Tplf, kiyuyu, UAE, British spies like you and make Somalia great again.


Has Socotra ever been inhabited by Somalia?

I swear it’s been inhabited by Arabs or Southern Semites for centuries.
A few somalis live there , probably descendants of merchants and seafarers who settled there. Most of the population though is Arabized soctoran semites who have some horn african influence and some descendants of bantu-swahili people's


Engineer of Qandala
Finally this is over, a good win for now even if the court gave them 10/15% of the sea to stop Kenya from being land locked.
In the future when we are stronger we should be able to appeal for the rest of it in court

