I Was Wrong About Pakistanis and Other Timo Jelecs


Grow up.

Some Pakistanis did something horrible —> Pakis are shit to the point I’ll behave reactionarily towards random Pakis in my line of work.

Some Pakis did something good —> I was wrong, Pakis are great.

The mental energy drain must be something else every time you get new input.

Nobody said racism was easy. Its tough work.
Nah she's whole AA

so how did this shanshi looking doocil know about jarer

remind me of the black chick who made a YouTube vid about somalis using the word adoon

why do these people hate somalsi so much yet these desperate halimos run to black lives bs and other jarer rubbish, they dont care about us,
To he honest, disciplinary action against me, has had no effect on my career with my company. I'm on great terms with senior management, and know the head of HR, from outside of work. Infact, the same company, that suspended me three times, as promoted me to operations manager.

I will admit though, my stonemasonry career has been hit hard by my online outbursts, having lost two contracts. Thankfully, as soon as I lost the both of those contracts, I found other places.

The blessings of being a tradesman.

If your career is flourishing, according to your representation, while you're an emotionally turbulent psycho...imagine how much greater it will be if you started acting sane.


horta why do you place your pictures online, this is the second time i saw you do that, if that dude in that arab rag head thing is you, i would not trust doing that on a forum,

I share my real life photos and name on this forum, and Twitter. My avatar is also my real photo. Yes, that photo is me, I did however photoshop, the Arab headgear. Its a parody of the whole Darood-Arab thing.

You see, I have political aspirations. I want Somalis (MJs especially) to get to know me, as I plan to move to Puntland within the next 5-10 years, open a boat manufacturing company, and run for the office of President of Puntland.
i never understood attention seekers and social media, its not very healthy, this american bird is basically happy the girl got attacked and killed/ drowned, she is so happy , this is why narcissistic should be banned from media

i once shukansid a halimo with 6000 pcitures on Facebook, after her i had a rule, if she had a facebook account, twitter, snaptchat etc she was out after the second date, only whats app,

in my days of shukansi i met dozens of girls, i closed my facebook account in 2010, i only ever met 2 girls who had no Facebook, twitter etc, social media, i wife-ed one of them, it shows they had confidence, and both were doctors,

i know a guy who married a halimo in Africa, from america, on the honey moon she refused to put down the phone the whole night she was doing social media, after the morning he returned her to her parents and left for america, he said she is addicted to the phone on our honey moon she became a garoob due to facebook,

i am extremely private and have no social media, neither does the wife, and its so healthy, no need to compare yourself to the Jones and fake it and print fake holiday pictures,


If your career is flourishing, according to your representation, while you're an emotionally turbulent psycho...imagine how much greater it will be if you started acting sane.

I promise, I'm not a full psycho, just half psycho. I tell ya, I've had a full life. Quite an eventful 27 years.

Alhamdulillah, my life is great. It's just, sometimes, people wind me up. Maybe I'm not a people person. I've got a short fuse, a very bad temper.


East African pastoralist. Cushite. Samaale.
Did she got cyber bullied by Somalis??
I just entered her page the racist stuff she's posting quoting so called Somalis :jcoleno:

Seems so. I’ve seen other users from Black Twitter generalise all Somalis as racist too because of these trolls. :noneck:

Meanwhile their own be saying foul shit like this for retweets:
I dont believe in forcing people to do anything based on race. The girl was somali.....its up to us somalis to fight for her whitout expecting outside help. If others wanna get involved.....then good. We have enough somalis in uk to make our voice heard


Guul Ama Geeri
There was a protest today, organised and held by the Pakistani and South Asian community today, in support and demanding justice for the little girl, Shukri Abdi. Shukri was found dead under suspicious circumstances, in a Manchester river.

As some of you may know, I have rather unfavourable views about UK timo jelecs, as ive felt that they've given Muslims in the UK, a bad image, with their vile cultural practices. Heck, I've suspended from work and lost job contracts due to my prejudice against them.

For them to do this, it seems like, they truly are our allies. Them doing this for Shukri (AUN) and her family, means a lot. They weren't told to do this, but they did. For that, I'm deeply ashamed of my bigoted views about them.
Sxb na
I share my real life photos and name on this forum, and Twitter. My avatar is also my real photo. Yes, that photo is me, I did however photoshop, the Arab headgear. Its a parody of the whole Darood-Arab thing.

You see, I have political aspirations. I want Somalis (MJs especially) to get to know me, as I plan to move to Puntland within the next 5-10 years, open a boat manufacturing company, and run for the office of President of Puntland.
President of puntland? Are you maxamud salebaan


Hiatus✅ 1/18/21- ?
What's going on in third world UK? I hear alotta bad news from that small Island:win:

In addition, AUN to Shukri Abdi, a 12 year old refugee from Somalia. It's sad how a refugee who flew from a war-torn country ends up being bullied and murdered to the country he/she was tryna seek a better life.

Here in the US, if such thing happens, the issue wouldn't have been forgotten nor taken lightly and the school authorities could've been in court and possibly jailed. What are the police doing about the case? I'm hearing they're ignoring it?!¿

Lastly, do they have a gofundme page set up for the deceased girl? :cosbyhmm:
Islam and fellow Muslims!!!! No one else stood up for the little girl? Only an idiot like you would turn this tragedy into a religious context. Why can’t you see your fellow Somali muslims aka Somali Bantu Muslims on the same lense? How if the little girl hailed from them? Is the membership of Islam for the light skinned and given from the colour shade of your picture, do you consider to be in the lower ranks?

