i hope most somalis in somaliland are not like her

Why come up with a shitty name. -lander. this sounds so dumb. Anyways people can call themselves whatever they want but it will still not change the fact that our genes. language, culture faith is the same. What will these mentally deformed people answer when they are asked the story of the ethnicity Somalilander? Will the beginning of this new ethnicity history start with Siad barre and SNM? This whole stuff is retarded. They know that they can't do much without re-conciliating with the rest of the Somalis. It has been more than 30 years, these khat addicts should stop brainwashing their children into thinking Somaliland will be a country, they should start working with FGS as a FMS and tear down the whole victim mentality.
Why werent it the same when they were being wiped out.
What's to stop me from flying to hargeisa and claiming my family friends qabiil then getting citizenship. What are they going to do? DNA test? Catch me out on my marexan UK accent? :icon lol:
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Why werent it the same when they were being wiped out.
They were not the only to be oppressed and killed by Siad Barre. It happened to almost every clan. It happened to Hawiye too but you dont see any of us Somalis being retarded. You cannot blame the Somali government. This government has zero to do with the kacaan period. The president is an abgaal and the prime minister an ogaden. So stop being retarded and actually do something for the poor Somalis in woqooyi, so something about the khat addicts, and do something about smugglers who sumggle ied and weapons to kill women and children in the south. Somaliland will never be a country, it will never be recognized and its not special.
They were not the only to be oppressed and killed by Siad Barre. It happened to almost every clan. It happened to Hawiye too but you dont see any of us Somalis being retarded. You cannot blame the Somali government. This government has zero to do with the kacaan period. The president is an abgaal and the prime minister an ogaden. So stop being retarded and actually do something for the poor Somalis in woqooyi, so something about the khat addicts, and do something about smugglers who sumggle ied and weapons to kill women and children in the south. Somaliland will never be a country, it will never be recognized and its not special.
We're different just like reer Djibouti are so we will never be with you just acknowledge that and move on
If we grant the idoors recognition it will open up the pandora box for other Somalis who will want to break away as well.
The Idoors delusional ambitions will forever be cockblocked by Hartis, they should accept this truth or live a lie.
Who cares? There is no reason to claim people who hate your guts. Besides the SL case for Ictiraaf is very strong. SL claim is based on territorial jurisdiction and citizenship others are creed communities lol. This pandora bs is a myth.


Puntland republic 🇸🇱
Who cares? There is no reason to claim people who hate your guts. Besides the SL case for Ictiraaf is very strong. SL claim is based on territorial jurisdiction and citizenship others are creed communities lol. This pandora bs is a myth.
Hutus have no say in this, you should focus on liberating your land from Al kebab


very sus init. @killerxsmoke r u darood
Nah I ain't my father is sacad and my mother is cayr, I have no relations with daroods. The reason why I hate somaliland is coz most of them hate somalia, I dont really hate isaaqs or any qabiil. I just insult other qabiil when I see my clan being insulted that's it really
Hutus have no say in this, you should focus on liberating your land from Al kebab
Such a strong argument, mr 68 IQ I'm amazed at your articulate rebuttal.
Movie Cheers GIF by TIFF
We're different just like reer Djibouti are so we will never be with you just acknowledge that and move on
Reer djibouti is not part of Somalia cause french deported majority isaaq and gadabuursi from that region and many cisse to galbeed and then rigged the election using Afars langaab. Anyways, the most important thing is they stay Somali controlled and they do not necessarily have to be part of Somalia as long as they do not go against our foreign policy such as making it possible for Aidsiopians to recieve supplies in time of war. As for woqooyi, it will never be internationally recognized. As more time passes and the more Somalia progresses as we are doing now, more somalis in woqooyi will be frustrated. They already are and this explains the political crisis in woqooyi, they made so many foreign policy mistakes such as allying themselves with China and United States made it clear many times they will not recognize Woqooyi, even though Woqooyi offered the US a base of operation. All that Somalia has to do is to focus in Koonfur, more Isaaqs will move to Koonfur and more khat addicted Somalis in woqooyi will be frustrated. So nothing botheres me, just that I am feeling embarrassed ethnic Somalis like myself act like this.
They were not the only to be oppressed and killed by Siad Barre. It happened to almost every clan. It happened to Hawiye too but you dont see any of us Somalis being retarded. You cannot blame the Somali government. This government has zero to do with the kacaan period. The president is an abgaal and the prime minister an ogaden. So stop being retarded and actually do something for the poor Somalis in woqooyi, so something about the khat addicts, and do something about smugglers who sumggle ied and weapons to kill women and children in the south. Somaliland will never be a country, it will never be recognized and its not special.
What is this narrative youre spinning that it was one man? Where are the millions of "somali muslims" that were complicit and implicit in their support? Did they just disappear? And werent also his nephew leading the govenment not long ago?
What is this narrative youre spinning that it was one man? Where are the millions of "somali muslims" that were complicit and implicit in their support? Did they just disappear? And werent also his nephew leading the govenment not long ago?
People like you need to be ignored. 70% of Somalis were born after 1990 and had zero to do with the kacaan period. A person who was between 19-25 are between the the ages 61-67. If you look at our demographic you would understand that the millions you talking about are dead. Only 2-3% of Somalia's population are above the age of 62. And thats between 100k to 200k people.

And they were 19-25 that means footsoldiers and not the policy makers. Keep in mind that the kacaan was a dictatorship, and even if they disagreed completely with Siad Barre, they would have been killed. Its very well known Siad Barre executed political opponenets and scholars who voiced their concern.
And this age demographic is for all of Somalia including Somaliland and this means that the people who had something to do with could be a couple of thousand or maybe 10 or maybe none and they may have perished because the life expectancy is no more than

53% for men. So you just generalized bunch of dhalinyaro who were born in 1990 and after for the crime of a dictator. You would never even know who was forced or not. As for Farmaajo being the nephew of Siad Barre, this means nothing, why is it important he is related to Siad Barre? Under his term the FGS made a official apology and even had a meeting with Somaliland in Djibouti. Today the president is an abgaal and the pm is an Ogaden. The Somali government is a multi-tribal government not controlled entirely by any tribe. The deputy prime minister under Farmaajo was an Isaaq too and an acting president, and there are Isaaqs too in the parliament idk how many so Isaaqs are not even politically persecuted in Somalia or undermined, they are respected and better treated than 0.5 tribes and do you see them wanting to secede, they were persecuted too and used as cannon fodder in the 1977 war. So stop this victim olympics, I have bunch of Isaaq friends, we intermarry, and we speak the same language cause we the same people. Stop with the mareexan phobia as I mentioned most Somalis are kids and dhalinyaro, how can you blame kids for the mistake of their forefathers. I am an Habar Gidir cayr, and I know if it wasnt for Hawiye and other Clan Rebels SNM would never march from Woqooyi to Xamar and especially not if Hawiye and all the people you hate and accuse were actually opponents Isaaqs would sadly not be in the state it is today. We all equally messed up. I know you will not reply to my points with facts and reason but instead use multiple fallacy and emotionally charged 68IQ arguments. Also Imma go to Hargeisa and marry a cute youthful Isaaq girl to piss you off and move her to Xamar.


I want a study conducted on somalis, it is impossible how these negros always find a way to create unnecessary buuq.
People like you need to be ignored. 70% of Somalis were born after 1990 and had zero to do with the kacaan period. A person who was between 19-25 are between the the ages 61-67. If you look at our demographic you would understand that the millions you talking about are dead. Only 2-3% of Somalia's population are above the age of 62. And thats between 100k to 200k people.
View attachment 242432
And they were 19-25 that means footsoldiers and not the policy makers. Keep in mind that the kacaan was a dictatorship, and even if they disagreed completely with Siad Barre, they would have been killed. Its very well known Siad Barre executed political opponenets and scholars who voiced their concern.
And this age demographic is for all of Somalia including Somaliland and this means that the people who had something to do with could be a couple of thousand or maybe 10 or maybe none and they may have perished because the life expectancy is no more than View attachment 242433
53% for men. So you just generalized bunch of dhalinyaro who were born in 1990 and after for the crime of a dictator. You would never even know who was forced or not. As for Farmaajo being the nephew of Siad Barre, this means nothing, why is it important he is related to Siad Barre? Under his term the FGS made a official apology and even had a meeting with Somaliland in Djibouti. Today the president is an abgaal and the pm is an Ogaden. The Somali government is a multi-tribal government not controlled entirely by any tribe. The deputy prime minister under Farmaajo was an Isaaq too and an acting president, and there are Isaaqs too in the parliament idk how many so Isaaqs are not even politically persecuted in Somalia or undermined, they are respected and better treated than 0.5 tribes and do you see them wanting to secede, they were persecuted too and used as cannon fodder in the 1977 war. So stop this victim olympics, I have bunch of Isaaq friends, we intermarry, and we speak the same language cause we the same people. Stop with the mareexan phobia as I mentioned most Somalis are kids and dhalinyaro, how can you blame kids for the mistake of their forefathers. I am an Habar Gidir cayr, and I know if it wasnt for Hawiye and other Clan Rebels SNM would never march from Woqooyi to Xamar and especially not if Hawiye and all the people you hate and accuse were actually opponents Isaaqs would sadly not be in the state it is today. We all equally messed up. I know you will not reply to my points with facts and reason but instead use multiple fallacy and emotionally charged 68IQ arguments. Also Imma go to Hargeisa and marry a cute youthful Isaaq girl to piss you off and move her to Xamar.

Your points are silly. Say theyre all dead. If you dont ask why it happened in the first place how you going to convince me it wont happen again. Didnt the first guys that did it have the same profile of being somali and muslim. What so different about the new batch

Second siad barre is not motivating a whole bunch of millioms of muslims to kill other millions of muslims through threats of violenece. Theyre going to hell anyway if they listen to him so what is the true motivation?

Third for reconcilliation sake the least you could have done is not have the mans nephew as your leader. Its ridiculous. How can you be taken seriously with such choices?

Fourth how can you have people be 0.5 . Are they not muslims these 0.5's?

And why would i be pissed. Ill find you a issac wife myself. Why? Because its not you i question or hawiye. Its why were these choices made? And how can we as "the north" trust anything with people who make these choices? Because you have to admit. All the choices from the south from siad barre to today are all irrational choices.


We're different just like reer Djibouti are so we will never be with you just acknowledge that and move on
U can become ur own country thats is cool. But saying ur a whole different ethnicity is what irks me really
Your points are silly. Say theyre all dead. If you dont ask why it happened in the first place how you going to convince me it wont happen again. Didnt the first guys that did it have the same profile of being somali and muslim. What so different about the new batch

Second siad barre is not motivating a whole bunch of millioms of muslims to kill other millions of muslims through threats of violenece. Theyre going to hell anyway if they listen to him so what is the true motivation?

Third for reconcilliation sake the least you could have done is not have the mans nephew as your leader. Its ridiculous. How can you be taken seriously with such choices?

Fourth how can you have people be 0.5 . Are they not muslims these 0.5's?

And why would i be pissed. Ill find you a issac wife myself. Why? Because its not you i question or hawiye. Its why were these choices made? And how can we as "the north" trust anything with people who make these choices? Because you have to admit. All the choices from the south from siad barre to today are all irrational choices.
Let us just end the discussion right here, let us just agree to disagree. I disagree with everything you said, my points were clear and factual


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