I had enough of Koonfurians

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My love is not blind, walaalo I simply love my country. China was once fractured, 2000 thousand years of empire came to an end. Rebellions killed millions. They’ve had incompetent leaders, ones who have caused famines killing so many people, some estimates place the number as high as 20-70 million. Maybe then they should’ve stopped. Now China is a rising superpower. Small states can never become superpowers. I believe we can be greater together than apart.

Let's be realistic and not dreaming. Somalia collapsed in the 1991. Some people live in anarchy since then and other have built successful states. Somaliland would not benefit a single thing by uniting with the south. And by beeing a recognized country they would benefit 1000 things. Same applies for Puntland. South Somalia didn't have anything near a civilization sjnce 30 years and it's unlikely to happen in the near future.

I ask you if you are sincere, is it more in Somalilands interest to be independent or sticking to this failed State ?
My love is not blind, walaalo I simply love my country. China was once fractured, 2000 thousand years of empire came to an end. Rebellions killed millions. They’ve had incompetent leaders, ones who have caused famines killing so many people, some estimates place the number as high as 20-70 million. Maybe then they should’ve stopped. Now China is a rising superpower. Small states can never become superpowers. I believe we can be greater together than apart.

Whatchu smoking, Somalia is not China. Never was, never will be :gucciwhat:


Islamic Fanfiction Writer
Let's be realistic and not dreaming. Somalia collapsed in the 1991. Some people live in anarchy since then and other have built successful states. Somaliland would not benefit a single thing by uniting with the south. And by beeing a recognized country they would benefit 1000 things. Same applies for Puntland. South Somalia didn't have anything near a civilization sjnce 30 years and it's unlikely to happen in the near future.

I ask you if you are sincere, is it more in Somalilands interest to be independent or sticking to this failed State ?
Many countries have gone through much worse. I’m not doubting how terrible the war has been. Somalia is not going to be in a state of war forever. I do believe that in the long run sticking together is much more better.
A_A is freshie in the field of patriotism.
What she is saying now, we said it 10 years ago.
I was the most diehard unionist, one who even called for holocaust on the snm community: "How dare they disunite the people, indeed we must kill them." I was at such level of patriotism.

Finally i am awake.

Yep. Probably a 16 yr old idealist :kanyeshrug:

I once foolishly called for disbandonment of Somaliland in my foolish unioninsm istakhfurallah. I rinsed my mouth with bleech:wow1:


Weeping for the Nation of 68
Many countries have gone through much worse. I’m not doubting how terrible the war has been. Somalia is not going to be in a state of war forever. I do believe that in the long run sticking together is much more better.

We can cooperate economically.
But politics wise, it is better to go seperate paths
Many countries have gone through much worse. I’m not doubting how terrible the war has been. Somalia is not going to be in a state of war forever. I do believe that in the long run sticking together is much more better.

You coudn't answer my question. How is uniting with South Somalia anything beneficial for SL ? They cant even unite themselves, there have hardly a civilization. We have the same language doesn't mean have to share a country. Why doesn't Djibouti join us ? You'd say because there's no reason they should they join such a shithole. The other question is why should i as SL stay in such a shithole ? That doesn't make sense.


Weeping for the Nation of 68
This whole same language and same culture is nonsense.
The Khaleej have the same language and same culture.

Turkic countries have similar cultures and languages.

Dont be fooled by such remarks.
Somalia, Somaliland and Puntland do share a lot but that doesnt mean they cannot be Three Independent Countries.
Germany, Austria, Luxembourgh have same language

22 Arab countries have same language

America, Britain, New Zealand, Australia all have same language and people

Belgium & Netherlands have same language

The list goes on
This whole same language and same culture is nonsense.
The Khaleej have the same language and same culture.

Turkic countries have similar cultures and languages.

Dont be fooled by such remarks.
Somalia, Somaliland and Puntland do share a lot but that doesnt mean they cannot be Three Independent Countries.

Shit nigga you have become a real seccionist :friendhug:


Islamic Fanfiction Writer
This whole same language and same culture is nonsense.
The Khaleej have the same language and same culture.

Turkic countries have similar cultures and languages.

Dont be fooled by such remarks.
Somalia, Somaliland and Puntland do share a lot but that doesnt mean they cannot be Three Independent Countries.
Turkic countries do not share the same culture. You can’t compare a Turkic Siberian shaman to a Sunni Turk. Linguistically too, their just too different. Certain countries like Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan have Iranian influence. Some countries like Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan have more Mongolian influences. That is too much of a stretch.


mudane @SomaliWadaniSoldier southerners should be not lumped together. There was Geledi sultanate and Ajuuran (who both defeated Abyssinia forces many times). Unfortunately though their power is gone today they had a lock on southern Somalia civilizations in the past.

This whole same language and same culture is nonsense.
The Khaleej have the same language and same culture.

Turkic countries have similar cultures and languages.

Dont be fooled by such remarks.
Somalia, Somaliland and Puntland do share a lot but that doesnt mean they cannot be Three Independent Countries.

If you look back at history the Somali civilisation has always been in the north

In the south there was only Ajuraan a very long time ago

But the Northern Somali civilisation has a long history

From Ifat, to Walashma dynasty, to Adal, to Warsangeli Sultanate, to Aw Barkhadle's sultanate, to Majeerteen sultanates, to Dervish movement

Even Somali culture, language, music, poetry, ethnicity is in the North

The south's culture has been altered, corrupted, distorted by foreign influences

Influence like Somali Bantu, Maay Maay, Benaadiri, Baajunii, Mushunguli, Zigula people

Southern Somalis have lost the culture of Somalis

traditional elder structures, peace settlement under a tree, XEER LAW have all been abandoned

SO they have endless war
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