I Don't Know if I Will Ever Forgive Them!

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Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Bismillah you are supporting a man who is an enemy to allah and his messenger , a man who clearly said he is at war with Islam and slandered our religion ask forgiveness from allah because that is a grave sin to support one who is against Islam for God's sake he is literally brothers with Netanyahu

Surah maidah verse 51
"O you who have believed, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They are [in fact] allies of one another. And whoever is an ally to them among you - then indeed, he is [one] of them"

Bismillah you would rather support a man who is funding rebels in syria , supporting airstrikes in Somalia , calling people seeking help as invaders , calls your own kind in Minnesota as bad people,
And you will forget all of that just because you forgot you are in a gaalo country if it wasn't for the liberals that protest every month just so rednecks don t lynch you in the street if it wasn't for them Clinton would have bombed the black out of us for '93
say Alhamdulillah they accepted you as a guest in their nation if you don't like their ways the door is right over there

This is clearly a troll.trying for attention

also I'm wondering what you were doing in that building

I live in a liberal city. Lots of liberals and liberal stuff.

I've lived in a conservative area before. No rednecks lynched me in the street.

The Republicans are against Islam? So are the Democrats. The Democrats are just sneakier about it.

Furthermore, I don't vote.


I don't care
I live in a liberal city. Lots of liberals and liberal stuff.

I've lived in a conservative area before. No rednecks lynched me in the street.

The Republicans are against Islam? So are the Democrats. The Democrats are just sneakier about it.

Furthermore, I don't vote.
If you have valid definite proof that the democrats are against Islam pls let us all know but as for now they don't care what you worship so long as you mind your own business and that is a true blessing say Alhamdulillah you don't live in far right European nations that literally hate Islam and ban many things needed for our daily lives

our role as Muslims in other non Muslim countries is work make enough money mind our own stuff and inshallah do hajj

Not put our nose in all their issues i could care less who Timmy from down the street is married to i have my muslim brothers and sisters dying across the world their are greater issues to deal with when you have many Muslims losing hope in allah getting bombed to pieces and leaving Islam
Entering someone's bathroom should be the least of your worries
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