Votes: 21 55.3%

    Votes: 17 44.7%

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Buying forex lessons from a snake oil salesmen. You can dupe Americans with your accent, even a scouser sounds educated to them.


It's all so tiresome
@RasCanjero bro open up your private messages, i want to send you that google drive link for the Forex lessons by adam khoo, he will go step by step and its for beginners,

@Rageedi same fro you too bro, message me bro, you and @RasCanjero have disabled private messages for some reason,

i want to keep to my promise, its several lessons, they cost about 5K if you want to buy it, adam khoo is the world's biggest educator, he has been trading since the 90s and his academy has trained hundreds of thousands, wa from Singaporean, i got this for my brother as i did not have the time to train him since he started uni, but he has mastered it,

here is a sample, no need to downloading anything, straight from the google drive,

adam is a really good teacher, the man charges a lot but worth it, he is very patient, and many of my friends and cousins have had the course as i did not have the time to do one on one training,

Sent you a message. Can't find the options on how to open up my inbox.


It's all so tiresome
Buying forex lessons from a snake oil salesmen. You can dupe Americans with your accent, even a scouser sounds educated to them.

Personally not interested in day trading forex but who can refuse free stuff?
Thank you for coming back to me.

Enjoyed listening to your piece on micro financing.

You've raised valid concerns. Corruption is a massive issue in Somalia and if scholarships aren't safe, a pot of money will be an easy target for the many unscrupulous Somali 'officials '.

Continue the debate and keep us updated on your upcoming podcast please.

Can you please also send me the link for the forex lessons? Much appreciated.

sure i can add you, message me, i need your email on the google link, once i get your email i will added to the google drive so you can view the videos

or i will email you the google link drive through your email and you can watch it, check your spam or junk just in case

for some reason your messages are disabled on this forum, unable it or chat to admin
sure i can add you, message me, i need your email on the google link, once i get your email i will added to the google drive so you can view the videos

or i will email you the google link drive through your email and you can watch it, check your spam or junk just in case

for some reason your messages are disabled on this forum, unable it or chat to admin

Don't think I've hit the required number of posts to send and receive messages.

Not to worry. Thanks anyways.
Buying forex lessons from a snake oil salesmen. You can dupe Americans with your accent, even a scouser sounds educated to them.

I am not selling anything you brick, i am allowing people FOR FREE to watch lessons on Forex trading by a world famous Forex trader and who also teaches people how to trade, Adam Khoo forex,

perhaps you have reading issues, or maybe covid 19 has screwed up yuor logic process a bit lately,

Fucking Somalis and their emotional lies
I am not selling anything you brick, i am allowing people FOR FREE to watch lessons on Forex trading by a world famous Forex trader and who also teaches people how to trade, Adam Khoo forex,

perhaps you have reading issues, or maybe covid 19 has screwed up yuor logic process a bit lately,

Fucking Somalis and their emotional lies
Ok Mr Surrey.


Life | Liberty | Property
@RasCanjero bro open up your private messages, i want to send you that google drive link for the Forex lessons by adam khoo, he will go step by step and its for beginners,

@Rageedi same fro you too bro, message me bro, you and @RasCanjero have disabled private messages for some reason,

i want to keep to my promise, its several lessons, they cost about 5K if you want to buy it, adam khoo is the world's biggest educator, he has been trading since the 90s and his academy has trained hundreds of thousands, wa from Singaporean, i got this for my brother as i did not have the time to train him since he started uni, but he has mastered it,

here is a sample, no need to downloading anything, straight from the google drive,

adam is a really good teacher, the man charges a lot but worth it, he is very patient, and many of my friends and cousins have had the course as i did not have the time to do one on one training,

My pm is enabled i don't know why you can message me. I tried to message you but i think your pms are disabled


he means sub regions, tuulos, not the over all whole entire gobal called wardeer AKA Dollo, only 1 Mj has ever lead entire whole region and he was replaced and insha Allah that will never happen again, fock cagjar and his trash pro somalis policy, i piss on somalis, this land is mine and only we fought for it,

NO, there has never been a Non Makahil Ogaden govenor for whole region, gobalwardeer or now called Dollo gobal even during haile selasi days, maryam mengustu days or any of the other leaders since,

cagjar was obbassed with uniting somalis and so tried to appease soamlis who have never ever foguht for the land or how dont have significant numbers in Ogadeniya and made OG langab,

to his regret they ganged up on him and so he realsied his mistake and went about cleaning house and saw there is no such thing as a somali,

when ONLF created Somali region gobals and degmos they created 9 gobals, 7 being Absame lead and 1 garre and 1 ciise, and 52 degmos,

cabdi iley created 2 new gobals, all being given to Ogaden and took the degmos from 52 to 94 meaning 42 new degmos,

and just like ONLF, cabdi iley had 1 basic rule, a degmo is 100,000 humans, a gobal must have a 1 million humans and a Qabailad or sub degmo must have 10,000 people,

the rest why Ogaden got 2 new gobals i for the flowing reason:

1) the population increased from an estimated 9 million to 11 million,

2) Ogaden owns the land and the rest are marti, if you want rights fight for it, name me a tribe other than Ogaden/Absame who has fought for the land

3) Ogaden is one of those unique clans, the more wars they fight, the more they get bigger, Allah just made them that way, the more we got killed, the more babies we made,

4) Fook cagjar and his temporary obsession with uniting somalis, he has changed tune after realising these somali yar yar attacked him,

5) in the constitution of both DDS and ethiopia that zinawi created no non Ogaden can become president of DDS and any OG gobals, this is what OG used against cagjar, we gave him a simple demand, he responded and said sorry, no more yar yar to rule an OG land, thats sacrosanct saxib,

how come only Ogaden has fought for the land? warya guys dont insult Makahil our cousins, more Makahil have died in Dollo against Ethiopians than lost in somali civil wars since 2000s properly twice as high, makahil was decimated

my advice for MJ, do not piss off Makahil, they have become president and with DDS policy where it has 4 vice presidents, Ogaden gets 2 of them since we have 8 gobals and Absame 9th one,we will always make sure a makahil is top ranks, be careful, dont bite more than you can chew warya

dont became like buuns and be happy with yuor 1 degmo, the region is 5 degmo majority Makahil,

dont wake up the sleeping giant
Do you know how MJ entered Doollo? It was after 77 when OG vacated the land. They were then aided by Abdullahi Yusuf. Since then they encroached on MK land whilst we were fighting Ethiopia, especially Gumucadle qalbidhagax's jilib. They were also favoured by Ethiopia over the OG because of the freedom struggle. The only MK sub that never lost land but actually gained land is Abraahiin and that's because they are the lions of Makaahiil. They are the ones that karbaashed Ii.door when they tried to invade doollo and the ii.door poet lamented
  • Timir iyo raggiisii miyaa, Toomo lagu laayey
  • Ma intaan qaxwaha tuugayaa, Teeyo la xabbaadhay
  • Tobankii Abraahiin miyaa, naga tol roonaaday.


sorry for the delay bro,

hope that helps, any more questions please let us know cheers,

Thanks for the response.
Books that you recommend to read on economics?
I recently come across Thomas Sowell through YT due to BLM stuff.


The founder of Somali Civil Liberties Union(SCLU)
@Teeri-Alpha clearly won this debate. @DR OSMAN is bogan socialist who never opened an economic book in his life. How can you pay for socialist programs when the country is dirt poor. Capitalism is the only way to go.
@Teeri-Alpha clearly won this debate. @DR OSMAN is bogan socialist who never opened an economic book in his life. How can you pay for socialist programs when the country is dirt poor. Capitalism is the only way to go.

Masha Allah, Auto, our economically illiterate friends do not understand that nations that get away with so called democratic socialist and high taxes only do so after creating a capitals country that brings in massive wealth then they tax her and create socialist programs until the wealth runs out,

starting straight away with a poor country like Somalia is milking a cow that was born yesterday

this is why i longer bothered with the debate, i wanted to debate him but he jumped all over the place, then i realised i had to teach him economics and debate with him, kinda silly since there is no point

as a layman, i dont want to waste time, with dr osman, i assumed he at least knew his stuff but boy i was wrong,
@DR OSMAN can't have minimum wage in a developing country.

How The Minimum Wage Destroys Jobs: Evidence From The UK

The Folly of Minimum Wage Laws

Why the Minimum Wage Is so Bad for Young Workers

Do you know how MJ entered Doollo? It was after 77 when OG vacated the land. They were then aided by Abdullahi Yusuf. Since then they encroached on MK land whilst we were fighting Ethiopia, especially Gumucadle qalbidhagax's jilib. They were also favoured by Ethiopia over the OG because of the freedom struggle. The only MK sub that never lost land but actually gained land is Abraahiin and that's because they are the lions of Makaahiil. They are the ones that karbaashed Ii.door when they tried to invade doollo and the ii.door poet lamented
  • Timir iyo raggiisii miyaa, Toomo lagu laayey
  • Ma intaan qaxwaha tuugayaa, Teeyo la xabbaadhay
  • Tobankii Abraahiin miyaa, naga tol roonaaday.

Dont worry bro, even i a reer dalal mohamed zubeer Ogaden cannot step inside Makahil Dollo land, dollo is 100% makahil and cagjar and his BS will not make langabs their land, makahil will die rather than lose the land,

keep up the good work, shoot any m1dgaan who thinks he can claim ownership to land makahil have died for centuries,

and deport back all marti guests back to their original dry dusty lands,

wardeer/ dollo is as makahil as makkah is Qureysh,

can you believe the son of gun claiming 5 degmo out of 6 in dollo kulaha belongs to us and not makahil?

langab and their online bravado :damn::damn::damn::damn::damn:
My pm is enabled i don't know why you can message me. I tried to message you but i think your pms are disabled

no bro, mine is fine, , i am sending messages to other people, anyways sort it out, speak to admin, if you want it let me know, cheers, if not then no worries bro,
Don't think I've hit the required number of posts to send and receive messages.

Not to worry. Thanks anyways.

Tom Woods (tom woods TV you tube, economic historian)

Henry Hazlitt

peter boettke

Peter schiff,

murray rothbard

thomas sowell

joseph solerno

irving schiff

von Mises,

von hayek

don boudreaux

benjamin powell of taxes uni

milton friedman

george ayittey only black african free market guy i know about

johns Stossel, not an economist but libertarian thinker of free markets and limited government

basically people of the Austrian school,

though a real doctor he knows his economics,

Ron paul, ron understands more about economics than many so called keynsian economists

also Bob Murphy of the Austrian school

tarek el-diwani

walter williams, black economist great genius just like thomas Sowell, infact a student of sowell

ancient economist or from 200 years plus:

JB Say , ever heard of Say's law?

Fred Bastiat

carl menger

richard cantillion, irish french economist, from 1700s, first man to explain how bank credit creation creates boom and bomb cycle

salamancan school founders, :
Francisco de Vitoria,
Martn de Azpilcueta Navarrus

these guys on top literally wrote and invented modern economics, money, banning riba, lower taxation, subjective utitlity centuries before adam smith was even born

my thread where i answered lots of questions, sorry i deleted most of the voices and also recommended books,

Ibn Khaldun

ibn Masri

Al arabi

adam smith

Richard Cobden, Cobden centre free economic think tank

basically if they respected gold as money, free markets, free trade and no or no taxation and limited governance and a strong federalism to spur competition between states for entrepreneurs and innovators in business i admire them,

thus will include Seneca, Cato, Cato the younger that is,

i also like stoic philosophers, very practical philosophers how to deal with life, but i will stop there since they are not economist per say but they wrote about limited government, honest money i.e. gold and not creating inflation etc,


The founder of Somali Civil Liberties Union(SCLU)
Masha Allah, Auto, our economically illiterate friends do not understand that nations that get away with so called democratic socialist and high taxes only do so after creating a capitals country that brings in massive wealth then they tax her and create socialist programs until the wealth runs out,

starting straight away with a poor country like Somalia is milking a cow that was born yesterday

this is why i longer bothered with the debate, i wanted to debate him but he jumped all over the place, then i realised i had to teach him economics and debate with him, kinda silly since there is no point

as a layman, i dont want to waste time, with dr osman, i assumed he at least knew his stuff but boy i was wrong,

He treating Somalia like its Sweden and ignoring that Somalia is developing country that lacks basic human needs. Like you said we need savings to fuel investments. the DR needs to read economic books first before debating, it was like you're speaking Spanish and he speaking Hindi.
He treating Somalia like its Sweden and ignoring that Somalia is developing country that lacks basic human needs. Like you said we need savings to fuel investments. the DR needs to read economic books first before debating, it was like you're speaking Spanish and he speaking Hindi.

wow, maybe i should have chatted to you about economics since you know your stuff,

Sweden went bankrupt in the in early 1990s, after introducing socialism and massive welfare spending from 1974 till 1994, they went from having the 4th highest GDP per capital in 1974 to the 14th by 1994,

when they ran out of money in 1994 they were forced to cut taxes, bring back the entrepreneurs that ran out of the country, cut regulation and reduced welfare as as anyone who took days off work for sickness were paid by the company through froced state power, surprise surprise Sweden had the highest sick rates from 1970s till 1990s, when the state stopped this abuse Swedish workers became the healthiest people, why not, pay me to stay at home and i will pretend to be sick regularly at full pay,

the problem with socialist is they only accept reality when they run out of other people's money

thanks to the 1990s reform sweden is now richer than many nations like UK, france, etc

How Sweden Overcame Socialism:

It’s a model for the U.S., but the lesson isn’t what Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez thinks it is.


Socialism Didn’t Work In Sweden, And It Won’t Work In America
Bernie Sanders and AOC point to the brief window of Swedish socialism’s artificial success before Sweden crumbled under its reality.


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