HSM Gov Offensive against Al-Shabab : Thread


I just saw a tweet saying theirs still fighting on going in and around Booco, Hiiraan, that was liberated Yesterday.
Samatoro which is west of Booco but part of the Booco district


SNA and local forces entered it after it was being used to launch mortars into Booco

Well done USA.

glad we stop antagonising USA , if theres one thing i agree with HSM is too foster good relations with the US.

Second was to declare all out offensive on shayadeen.

Funny all these SJW crying about drone strikes aganist AS dont know that a ground based combat with the enemy will kill far more "innocent civilians" than drone strikes ever will.
"Ciidanka PSF-ta Puntland oo soo qabtay ninkii soo abaabulay qaraxii dadka shacabka ah loogu geystay degaanka Mixlo ee gobolka Bari"

Puntland has also started to go after Alshabab in Bari

DEG DEG: AS oo isaga baxday Degmada Moqokori iyo Ciidanka Macawiisleeyda oo kaabiga ku haaya Moqokori.

Big news, even though they are still in the area, they vacated Moqokori.


DEG DEG: AS oo isaga baxday Degmada Moqokori iyo Ciidanka Macawiisleeyda oo kaabiga ku haaya Moqokori.

Big news, even though they are still in the area, they vacated Moqokori.
Moqokori was lost in 2017. If Booco and Yasooman which have been under Shabaab for 10+ years can be captured by the SNA, not surprising Shabaab are leaving it