How will TPLF return affect Somali politics?

Nothing brings me more joy than seeing these tigrayans being massacred. Burn their state to the ground.

Happy Joy GIF by The Weeknd
The real enemies are Amxaaro who have been killing and conquering somali lands for 100 years
It seems strange reading about when the Amhara used to fear Somalis now we aren't even acknowledged by them.
Everyone is so focused on what TPLF did during its time of rule when Abiy and he's ethiopian nationalists gangs want to destroy somali lands in k5 by annexing them and subjugate us to Amxaaro culture
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Everyone is so focused on what TPLF did during its time of rule when Abiy and he's ethiopian nationalists gangs want to destroy somali lands in k5 by annexing them and subjugate is to Amxaaro culture
The TPLF are just power-hungry dogs but the Amhara are full-blown colonialists of the first order. They worship Emperor Menelik who made Ethiopia's current borders.


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