How long do you plan on living in the west


Passive Aggressive is the new Aggressive
Do you plan on staying in your host country or do you plan on moving back home or another Islamic country that is developed?

I just wanted to share this hadith with you brothers and sisters that apparently it's haram to live in a gaalo country. If a person has enough means of livelihood available to him in his native country for him to be able to live according to the (average) standard of his people, but he emigrates in order to raise his standard of living and live a life of luxury and comfort, then emigration for such a purpose has at least some degree of Karahat in it, because such a person is throwing himself into a storm of evil, and endangering his faith and moral character without there being any necessity for it. Experience shows that the people who settle in non-Muslim countries for luxury and comfort find their religious restraint diminishing in the face of the many temptations of evil.

The Holy Prophet (Sallallaho Alaihi Wassallam) said: “I am free (i.e. I disavow myself) from every Muslim who lives with disbelievers.” Sahabah asked, “Why, O Messenger of Allah?” He replied, “The fires of the two cannot co-exist.” Khattabi says in his commentary on this hadith that it has several meanings. One is that the two (a Muslim and a Kafir) are not equal in Hukm (ruling) they both have different rules.

The hadith is pretty clear and the meaning as being that Allah has differentiated between the lands of Islam and Kufr and consequently it is not allowed for a Muslim to live amongst disbelievers in their lands, because when the Kuffar light their fires he will be seen as one of them. The scholars also derive from this the ruling that one should not stay in the lands of the Kuffar when visiting for trade etc. (Khattabi, Ma’alim-As-Sunan, K. *****, 473 : iii).

I don't plan to live in the west. My wife wants us to live in Dubai because she knows it's not good to raise your kids in a degenerate society. In Dubai, ography, women dressing unmodest, drugs, homosexuality and etc are banned in Dubai. What are your thoughts and do you plan on staying or leaving the west?
ography is readily available via VPNs among other things. Dubai also isn't the most Islamic of places. I wouldn't generalize all non-Muslims as degenerates though. That would be unfair. It's like saying all Somali men are skinny and ugly just because quite a few happen to be.
@Factz , believe me when I say, if you plan on going on escaping degeneracy, Dubai is not the place to go, there is plenty, it's just lowkey. I spend my early teenage years there, and alcohol/drugs are easy to come into contact with, and people there tend to be materialistic and vain.

I would say it is still a good place to live, but do not expect it to be this "sin-free" zone. There is also the question of attaining citizenship and retirement that will be difficult to solve.
I'm probably gonna spend the majority of my entire life in the West, I may live in Asia or Africa for a few years, but the West is where I'll come back to. I do want to spend my retirement years in Somalia if possible, however.

Places like Turkey give out citizenship within 5 years of living there, it's an option to look into
Lmao you're sorted then. Get a degree and citizenship.


A little bit surprised that @Factz as a Canadian holds these opinions. Usually it is European Somalis who have this urge to move back to Somaliweyn or to an Islamic country. I thought that North American Somalis had more of a sense of belonging to their host country because of a lack of an ethnic identity being attached to it.

Canada is a non-Islamic country and more liberal than any European country. It's unsafe to raise your kids here. I want to raise my kids in a conservative society and I recently learned to live in a non-Muslim land it's haram unless you are preaching dawa.
Somalia is not the only Islamic country that's why I put in other options and as for Somalia, you can find good opportunities there. I know the so-called "bums" who became successful entrepreneurs and made so much money. They have their own mansions and living life.
There's technically no such thing as an Islamic country. I've already been exposed to much of this throughout my life, it's been normalized to me. So to move to a Muslim country now wouldn't make much sense, it's not like I just came to a Western country and am tempted by the lewd dress and ography.


Certified Liin Distributor
My dream would be to retire and have some big farm in the Waqooyi and just chill after raising and seeing my kids finish their education, since as a father providing for them and ensuring they have the right tools for success in the West is crucial.

I don't see myself leaving Canada until I'm well off enough to retire. So maybe in my mid late 50's I'll leave and comeback every now and then and just enjoy.
There's technically no such thing as an Islamic country. I've already been exposed to much of this throughout my life, it's been normalized to me. So to move to a Muslim country now wouldn't make much sense, it's not like I just came to a Western country and am tempted by the lewd dress and ography.
You're in highschool lad, people change their opinions about life in the west at 21-25.
Ideally I'd return to London for uni and work there until retirement but not to Somalia. I don't hate it although it may seem like it but what is it good for? There's a reason why your parents left. They realized there wasn't much.


Farmaajo for president 2021
The UK is practically a Muslim country. As long as things don’t drastically change I wouldn’t mind staying here for the foreseeable future. Would like to return back home when I’m old though inshallah
You are moving to the states specifically ohio:gaasdrink:
It used to be 0.

Google is your friend.
It used to be 0. How is that relevant?

No i wanna hear it from you. You easily mentioned " a lot" of human right abuses its easy to list a few for starters.

For some reason you're painting a bad picture of UAE with lies and half truths. I just didn't feel comfortable with you spewing stuff like that as someone who used to live there.
@Factz , believe me when I say, if you plan on going on escaping degeneracy, Dubai is not the place to go, there is plenty, it's just lowkey. I spend my early teenage years there, and alcohol/drugs are easy to come into contact with, and people there tend to be materialistic and vain.

I would say it is still a good place to live, but do not expect it to be this "sin-free" zone. There is also the question of attaining citizenship and retirement that will be difficult to solve.
100%. In fact when I think of cities like Dubai and Los Angeles materialism and immorality is what comes to mind.


@Factz , believe me when I say, if you plan on going on escaping degeneracy, Dubai is not the place to go, there is plenty, it's just lowkey. I spend my early teenage years there, and alcohol/drugs are easy to come into contact with, and people there tend to be materialistic and vain.

I would say it is still a good place to live, but do not expect it to be this "sin-free" zone. There is also the question of attaining citizenship and retirement that will be difficult to solve.

My older brother lives there and told me if you stay away from the kaffir neighborhoods then you're all good. It'll be safe for your children.
Canada is a non-Islamic country and more liberal than any European country. It's unsafe to raise your kids here. I want to raise my kids in a conservative society and I recently learned to live in a non-Muslim land it's haram unless you are preaching dawa.
The US has many options, there's a huge Muslim community In Texas, Dc Area, Minnesota etc. It's not about Gaal countries, it's about the environment and Muslims can thrive in an environment where there's a significant strong Muslim community. Even in Toronto the Muslim community here is strong, it's possible to raise your kids Islamically

