How Ethiopian women view Somali men.

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Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
What are you on about? We were in the trenches battling these Ethiopian trolls but you wanna steer the thread to xaliimos vs faaraxs :ivers::ivers:Shame on you
Why can't you battle both?

I've once battled 5 guys, 2 trolls, 1 senile members. All at once and I've conquered them all.


I got me some braids and I got me some hoes
You know you're mentally ill when you're more pressed about random gay trolls than a chick referring to you as a monkey.


Cause y'all mofos done took over the thread. Especially with that dirty Harari trying to get his cheeks beat by you. :ufdup:
And I almost believed the agenda was just a meme :susp:

@Sovereign-Reiko Naaya, put an end to this madness


Fino alla morte
You know you're mentally ill when you're more pressed about random gay trolls than a chick referring to you as a monkey.


That's kinda rich coming from someone with 3-4 accounts on a forum lol

We're not acknowledging the attention seeker because she deserves none.
Cause y'all mofos done took over the thread. Especially with that dirty Harari trying to get his cheeks beat by you. :ufdup: And I almost believed the agenda was just a meme :susp:

@Sovereign-Reiko Naaya, put an end to this madness
I didn't even show up until the end of the day nigga...

That's kinda rich coming from someone with 3-4 accounts on a forum lol

We're not acknowledging the attention seeker because she deserves none.
nigga u joined yesterday


See? She can say anything offensive or racist as long as she throws 'Somali guy' in there. Y'all are pro-Somali women, not pro-Somali. Pathetic. Dhiig la'aan.
You are the one worshipping white women though :browtf:
Tell me once that you've defended a somali woman being trash talked by foreign/ajnabi men :damedamn:
:susp:My god, you people are fucking embarrassing. 16 pages over a xabashi chicken-head? You guys are looking more like African Americans everyday, whose fragile self-esteem can be bruised by a toddler.

This forum is such an ego boost for ajnabis.
Somalis leave their wives for wifey number two this scandal of endless polygamy is rife in Somalia hence the high divorce rate, you men cannot keep it in your pants for longer than two second as a result you have to F another woman !! Disgraceful impotent useless men we have destroyed the lives of many children and women.
Naya my wife left me it's not only men :mad:


Habar Magaadle
Probably a response to the insults that fly over from the somali side. True story when I was at bole international airport there was a peng ting eyeballing at me, dunno if she was from among x y z from the dozen or so Ethiopian ethnicities but she was Mashallah, the language barrier was so large she only knew how to say hello and smile, the end.


Habar Magaadle
She doesn't come close to our elegant Princess Istaahil tho, :ahh:

She got that delicate garanuug neck, lawd. :feedme:
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