How do i go about meeting potential men?

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The trouble is, you think you have time
Sweety, make sure you don't rush into marriage because you feel that your " biological clock is ticking ". Make dua and pick a man who is worthy of you and has good character. If you rush into marriage you may end up with a man you grow to hate and wish you could push him down the staircase, punch in the face or splash hot oil in his face. :ivers:


Your superior
Sweety, make sure you don't rush into marriage because you feel that your " biological clock is ticking ". Make dua and pick a man who is worthy of you and has good character. If you rush into marriage you may end up with a man you grow to hate and wish you could push him down the staircase, punch in the face or splash hot oil in his face. :ivers:

your eggs are drying up naaya, find a guy asap
Every event in your life happens when it's meant to be. you can date other non Somalia guys it will expand your horizon or you could go to Somalia and marry one from there. wish you the very best hun
Waan iska gartay inaad adiga tahay markiiba :icon lol:. Inaadeer alxamdulilah bash bash iyo barwaaqo adigu xaaladaha ka waran?

:icon lol:Alx inadr xaaladu waa caadaas, ilaahi mahadi. Mala qoraalkeygi mabedeli kare, lkn hada nin wanaagsan baan noqday ee Rabshada cayda iyo iskudirirka waan yara joojiyey:mjpls:


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac

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