How do I cure my cadaan fetish

I don't know what's wrong you could find me the most beautiful black woman and I wouldn't be interested because she isn't do I fix this?
Just go with the women that treats you well and you’re attracted to. Lol you’re not hurting anyone. If you respect Black women in your daily life I don’t see a problem.


Guaranteed you are a fob or a semi-fob. Definitely not born in West. @Siddhartha

A Somali who was born in the West would never think like that seeing those pale dead looking cadaans all their life. Nothing special about them.

Bruh...I've had a Vietnamese gf, but never an cadaan. Just not into them.


Minister of Propaganda
This is @Siddhartha picking up the Ingrid’s.



reer baadiyo
Can’t lie, I had a weird fixation with white guys and wanting to marry one. I think it mainly stemmed from going to an all girl school where it was predominantly white. So hanging out with them, and intermixing with other white people was pretty normal and it became rooted. However, now I wouldn’t and that’s because I’ve realised that upholding culture is important and considering the way things are right now it’ll only get further diluted. Cringe now that I look back, so perhaps time will tell for you.


that is not a fetish you just prefer white women which is not unusual if you from a white majority country.

fetish is like my mate who liked this estonian chick it was borderline bestiality because she was hairy as f*ck, blonde hair growing literally everywhere on her face, she must have been 50% Neanderthal which is not human.


Coping through the 1st world
that is not a fetish you just prefer white women which is not unusual if you from a white majority country.

fetish is like my mate who liked this estonian chick it was borderline bestiality because she was hairy as f*ck, blonde hair growing literally everywhere on her face, she must have been 50% Neanderthal which is not human.
It’s self hate and fetish. Going for one specific demographic its a form of fetish. there‘s nothing wrong going for them..... but if you’re only going for them just because “cadaan” but not the individual of the person; it’s clear sexual desire.

