Hostage situation in Texas Synagogue


Coping through the 1st world
"George floyd was a false flag operation carried out by the democratic pedo elites to create racial tensions"
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Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
George Floyd was a false flag operation.

It’s to create racial and political tension amongst the Americans.

and it worked.....

I thought this as soon as I heard of George Floyd.

I was very concerned about the totalitarian covid stuff and convinced that people need to stand up to the covid totalitarianism. Then it was right then that I heard of this person named George Floyd. The timing was extremely convenient to the elites.

I don't think George Floyd is dead. I think the incident was fake. Instead of us ordinary people uniting against the elites and threatening the power structure- I believe it was pushed so us ordinary people would be at each other's throats and therefore more at the mercy of the elites. It happened right as there was a growing opposition to the totalitarian covid measures pushed by the elites.

I think the alt-right and blm serve the same purpose- get the people focused on being divided and at each other's throats so that it will be sections of the population versus sections of the population rather than the people versus the elites.

Whether I'm right or not.... it is only my own theory and anyone is free to agree or disagree with it... but we know from the Quran that Firaun actually did something like this in his time (I'm referring to dividing people into factions and pitting them against each other):

Indeed, Pharaoh exalted himself in the land and made its people into factions, oppressing a sector among them, slaughtering their [newborn] sons and keeping their females alive. Indeed, he was of the corrupters.

-Surat Al-Qasas [28:4]
Arabs. All arabs. No matter what they call their god, all arabs suck. I met one arab man once in 2003 that I did not intensely dislike. The rest of them are just shitty people.

I developed my prejudice starting in 1994. I was working at a casino in the VIP room dealing roulette, baccarat and black jack in an area with a large arabic population. These weren't muzzies, normies knew very little of islam back then. Most of these people were persians who left the middle east to escape Iran's sharia law in the late 70s and 80s. I hated these mother fuckers. They are so arrogant, misogynistic, and rude. Sure, chinese people are racist and misogynist too but they don't get in your face about it. And they don't cheat.

Arabs cheat. Or try too. Much of my job was keeping the 'habibis' from cheating. They just don't stop trying to take every advantage they can. One time at the big bac table a habibi placed 2 $100 chips beneath 3 $500 chips in his betting circle. I leaned over, snatched the 2 blacks from the bottom and threw them on top. "Sir, I am sure you are aware that the highest denomination must be on the bottom," I say and flash a smile. "f*ck you, you fucking woman! I have seven women even better than you at home. No fucking woman tells me what to do. I know s that are better than you....yada, yada, yada."

All the persian women hated me. I generally tolerated them though. One day while being verbally abused by a habibi woman another player asks me how I can stand such shit. I respond by explaining that if I were her I would despise me too. I have a great income, my own home and the only man I have to answer to is the casino. If I were her I would hate women like me too. I am everything she was never allowed to be. Independent and free. She fucking lost her mind. She screamed, hollered and demanded I be fired. When asked what I did or said she couldn't say anything but, "She thinks she's better than me."

After committing social infractions like the ones above I would get grounded. That means sent downstairs to pits 1 & 2 which are known collectively as "the inner city." That is where the giant black mommas take their buy in money from their bras reeking of black boob sweat. The language spoken is mostly ebonics. Every black man thinks he is smarter than you but can't do the simplest of gaming math. But decent black people do exist. Not in great numbers but they are out there. One day while grounded I am dealing roulette to a big momma who calls me ugly everytime I sweep her chips off the table, when I get tapped off. The pit boss tells me to go to the VIP room. I explain that she should check again because I am grounded. She says that they asked specifically for me and to go immediately without taking my scheduled break.

As I walk into the room I survey the scene. In a private blackjack table corner pit are two habibi men. They each have a giant pile of unstacked black chips in front of them and the cut card is out. The current dealer is merely mediocre and visibly sweating from the stress. The pit boss sees me and I motion to the table with my eyes. He nods. I tap off the dealer and begin the shuffle. I hear the supervisor behind me telling the out going dealer to take 40 minutes. I know what that means. That is how much time I have to clean this mess up. Just as I am finishing up the shuffle, one of the men's wife comes in. She says, "I need some money, we have no groceries." He takes a hundred dollar chip, throws it on the ground at her feet and says, "I told you never to bother me here". She picks up the chip and scurries away with her head down.

I put the 8 decks in the shoe, smile at the men and say, "Let's begin" I open with blackjack. Then 2 20s. Another blackjack. They are starting to squirm. I make a joke about getting all the bad hands out of the shoe early. Next hand dealer has 7, 12, 13, 16 and 21. And so it goes. By the end of that shoe I had all the blacks back. Security had to come and remove several stacks from my tray as it was over flowing. The second shoe I took all the big chips they had stashed in their pockets. The third shoe they each took out a $10,000 marker and I took most of that too. The dealer returned as I was shuffling the fourth shoe. The habibis were glad to see me go.

I went to the center pit to see the boss. He says, "I knew you were the right person for the job. You are a god." I reply with thanks and tell him I will take my roulette table back when I return from my double break. "Anything you want", he concedes.

You see, it is not the religion of peace that makes them awful. These were people who fled their homes because of the muzzies. They are all just horrible.

TL;DR Arabs are objectively the fucking worst and my prejudice is well-founded.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Arabs. All arabs. No matter what they call their god, all arabs suck. I met one arab man once in 2003 that I did not intensely dislike. The rest of them are just shitty people.

I developed my prejudice starting in 1994. I was working at a casino in the VIP room dealing roulette, baccarat and black jack in an area with a large arabic population. These weren't muzzies, normies knew very little of islam back then. Most of these people were persians who left the middle east to escape Iran's sharia law in the late 70s and 80s. I hated these mother fuckers. They are so arrogant, misogynistic, and rude. Sure, chinese people are racist and misogynist too but they don't get in your face about it. And they don't cheat.

Arabs cheat. Or try too. Much of my job was keeping the 'habibis' from cheating. They just don't stop trying to take every advantage they can. One time at the big bac table a habibi placed 2 $100 chips beneath 3 $500 chips in his betting circle. I leaned over, snatched the 2 blacks from the bottom and threw them on top. "Sir, I am sure you are aware that the highest denomination must be on the bottom," I say and flash a smile. "f*ck you, you fucking woman! I have seven women even better than you at home. No fucking woman tells me what to do. I know s that are better than you....yada, yada, yada."

All the persian women hated me. I generally tolerated them though. One day while being verbally abused by a habibi woman another player asks me how I can stand such shit. I respond by explaining that if I were her I would despise me too. I have a great income, my own home and the only man I have to answer to is the casino. If I were her I would hate women like me too. I am everything she was never allowed to be. Independent and free. She fucking lost her mind. She screamed, hollered and demanded I be fired. When asked what I did or said she couldn't say anything but, "She thinks she's better than me."

After committing social infractions like the ones above I would get grounded. That means sent downstairs to pits 1 & 2 which are known collectively as "the inner city." That is where the giant black mommas take their buy in money from their bras reeking of black boob sweat. The language spoken is mostly ebonics. Every black man thinks he is smarter than you but can't do the simplest of gaming math. But decent black people do exist. Not in great numbers but they are out there. One day while grounded I am dealing roulette to a big momma who calls me ugly everytime I sweep her chips off the table, when I get tapped off. The pit boss tells me to go to the VIP room. I explain that she should check again because I am grounded. She says that they asked specifically for me and to go immediately without taking my scheduled break.

As I walk into the room I survey the scene. In a private blackjack table corner pit are two habibi men. They each have a giant pile of unstacked black chips in front of them and the cut card is out. The current dealer is merely mediocre and visibly sweating from the stress. The pit boss sees me and I motion to the table with my eyes. He nods. I tap off the dealer and begin the shuffle. I hear the supervisor behind me telling the out going dealer to take 40 minutes. I know what that means. That is how much time I have to clean this mess up. Just as I am finishing up the shuffle, one of the men's wife comes in. She says, "I need some money, we have no groceries." He takes a hundred dollar chip, throws it on the ground at her feet and says, "I told you never to bother me here". She picks up the chip and scurries away with her head down.

I put the 8 decks in the shoe, smile at the men and say, "Let's begin" I open with blackjack. Then 2 20s. Another blackjack. They are starting to squirm. I make a joke about getting all the bad hands out of the shoe early. Next hand dealer has 7, 12, 13, 16 and 21. And so it goes. By the end of that shoe I had all the blacks back. Security had to come and remove several stacks from my tray as it was over flowing. The second shoe I took all the big chips they had stashed in their pockets. The third shoe they each took out a $10,000 marker and I took most of that too. The dealer returned as I was shuffling the fourth shoe. The habibis were glad to see me go.

I went to the center pit to see the boss. He says, "I knew you were the right person for the job. You are a god." I reply with thanks and tell him I will take my roulette table back when I return from my double break. "Anything you want", he concedes.

You see, it is not the religion of peace that makes them awful. These were people who fled their homes because of the muzzies. They are all just horrible.

TL;DR Arabs are objectively the fucking worst and my prejudice is well-founded.

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was an Arab and you have no business talking like this.

Lebron James

4 Time NBA Champion
Arabs. All arabs. No matter what they call their god, all arabs suck. I met one arab man once in 2003 that I did not intensely dislike. The rest of them are just shitty people.

I developed my prejudice starting in 1994. I was working at a casino in the VIP room dealing roulette, baccarat and black jack in an area with a large arabic population. These weren't muzzies, normies knew very little of islam back then. Most of these people were persians who left the middle east to escape Iran's sharia law in the late 70s and 80s. I hated these mother fuckers. They are so arrogant, misogynistic, and rude. Sure, chinese people are racist and misogynist too but they don't get in your face about it. And they don't cheat.

Arabs cheat. Or try too. Much of my job was keeping the 'habibis' from cheating. They just don't stop trying to take every advantage they can. One time at the big bac table a habibi placed 2 $100 chips beneath 3 $500 chips in his betting circle. I leaned over, snatched the 2 blacks from the bottom and threw them on top. "Sir, I am sure you are aware that the highest denomination must be on the bottom," I say and flash a smile. "f*ck you, you fucking woman! I have seven women even better than you at home. No fucking woman tells me what to do. I know s that are better than you....yada, yada, yada."

All the persian women hated me. I generally tolerated them though. One day while being verbally abused by a habibi woman another player asks me how I can stand such shit. I respond by explaining that if I were her I would despise me too. I have a great income, my own home and the only man I have to answer to is the casino. If I were her I would hate women like me too. I am everything she was never allowed to be. Independent and free. She fucking lost her mind. She screamed, hollered and demanded I be fired. When asked what I did or said she couldn't say anything but, "She thinks she's better than me."

After committing social infractions like the ones above I would get grounded. That means sent downstairs to pits 1 & 2 which are known collectively as "the inner city." That is where the giant black mommas take their buy in money from their bras reeking of black boob sweat. The language spoken is mostly ebonics. Every black man thinks he is smarter than you but can't do the simplest of gaming math. But decent black people do exist. Not in great numbers but they are out there. One day while grounded I am dealing roulette to a big momma who calls me ugly everytime I sweep her chips off the table, when I get tapped off. The pit boss tells me to go to the VIP room. I explain that she should check again because I am grounded. She says that they asked specifically for me and to go immediately without taking my scheduled break.

As I walk into the room I survey the scene. In a private blackjack table corner pit are two habibi men. They each have a giant pile of unstacked black chips in front of them and the cut card is out. The current dealer is merely mediocre and visibly sweating from the stress. The pit boss sees me and I motion to the table with my eyes. He nods. I tap off the dealer and begin the shuffle. I hear the supervisor behind me telling the out going dealer to take 40 minutes. I know what that means. That is how much time I have to clean this mess up. Just as I am finishing up the shuffle, one of the men's wife comes in. She says, "I need some money, we have no groceries." He takes a hundred dollar chip, throws it on the ground at her feet and says, "I told you never to bother me here". She picks up the chip and scurries away with her head down.

I put the 8 decks in the shoe, smile at the men and say, "Let's begin" I open with blackjack. Then 2 20s. Another blackjack. They are starting to squirm. I make a joke about getting all the bad hands out of the shoe early. Next hand dealer has 7, 12, 13, 16 and 21. And so it goes. By the end of that shoe I had all the blacks back. Security had to come and remove several stacks from my tray as it was over flowing. The second shoe I took all the big chips they had stashed in their pockets. The third shoe they each took out a $10,000 marker and I took most of that too. The dealer returned as I was shuffling the fourth shoe. The habibis were glad to see me go.

I went to the center pit to see the boss. He says, "I knew you were the right person for the job. You are a god." I reply with thanks and tell him I will take my roulette table back when I return from my double break. "Anything you want", he concedes.

You see, it is not the religion of peace that makes them awful. These were people who fled their homes because of the muzzies. They are all just horrible.

TL;DR Arabs are objectively the fucking worst and my prejudice is well-founded.
what the fuck GIF
Arabs. All arabs. No matter what they call their god, all arabs suck. I met one arab man once in 2003 that I did not intensely dislike. The rest of them are just shitty people.

I developed my prejudice starting in 1994. I was working at a casino in the VIP room dealing roulette, baccarat and black jack in an area with a large arabic population. These weren't muzzies, normies knew very little of islam back then. Most of these people were persians who left the middle east to escape Iran's sharia law in the late 70s and 80s. I hated these mother fuckers. They are so arrogant, misogynistic, and rude. Sure, chinese people are racist and misogynist too but they don't get in your face about it. And they don't cheat.

Arabs cheat. Or try too. Much of my job was keeping the 'habibis' from cheating. They just don't stop trying to take every advantage they can. One time at the big bac table a habibi placed 2 $100 chips beneath 3 $500 chips in his betting circle. I leaned over, snatched the 2 blacks from the bottom and threw them on top. "Sir, I am sure you are aware that the highest denomination must be on the bottom," I say and flash a smile. "f*ck you, you fucking woman! I have seven women even better than you at home. No fucking woman tells me what to do. I know s that are better than you....yada, yada, yada."

All the persian women hated me. I generally tolerated them though. One day while being verbally abused by a habibi woman another player asks me how I can stand such shit. I respond by explaining that if I were her I would despise me too. I have a great income, my own home and the only man I have to answer to is the casino. If I were her I would hate women like me too. I am everything she was never allowed to be. Independent and free. She fucking lost her mind. She screamed, hollered and demanded I be fired. When asked what I did or said she couldn't say anything but, "She thinks she's better than me."

After committing social infractions like the ones above I would get grounded. That means sent downstairs to pits 1 & 2 which are known collectively as "the inner city." That is where the giant black mommas take their buy in money from their bras reeking of black boob sweat. The language spoken is mostly ebonics. Every black man thinks he is smarter than you but can't do the simplest of gaming math. But decent black people do exist. Not in great numbers but they are out there. One day while grounded I am dealing roulette to a big momma who calls me ugly everytime I sweep her chips off the table, when I get tapped off. The pit boss tells me to go to the VIP room. I explain that she should check again because I am grounded. She says that they asked specifically for me and to go immediately without taking my scheduled break.

As I walk into the room I survey the scene. In a private blackjack table corner pit are two habibi men. They each have a giant pile of unstacked black chips in front of them and the cut card is out. The current dealer is merely mediocre and visibly sweating from the stress. The pit boss sees me and I motion to the table with my eyes. He nods. I tap off the dealer and begin the shuffle. I hear the supervisor behind me telling the out going dealer to take 40 minutes. I know what that means. That is how much time I have to clean this mess up. Just as I am finishing up the shuffle, one of the men's wife comes in. She says, "I need some money, we have no groceries." He takes a hundred dollar chip, throws it on the ground at her feet and says, "I told you never to bother me here". She picks up the chip and scurries away with her head down.

I put the 8 decks in the shoe, smile at the men and say, "Let's begin" I open with blackjack. Then 2 20s. Another blackjack. They are starting to squirm. I make a joke about getting all the bad hands out of the shoe early. Next hand dealer has 7, 12, 13, 16 and 21. And so it goes. By the end of that shoe I had all the blacks back. Security had to come and remove several stacks from my tray as it was over flowing. The second shoe I took all the big chips they had stashed in their pockets. The third shoe they each took out a $10,000 marker and I took most of that too. The dealer returned as I was shuffling the fourth shoe. The habibis were glad to see me go.

I went to the center pit to see the boss. He says, "I knew you were the right person for the job. You are a god." I reply with thanks and tell him I will take my roulette table back when I return from my double break. "Anything you want", he concedes.

You see, it is not the religion of peace that makes them awful. These were people who fled their homes because of the muzzies. They are all just horrible.

TL;DR Arabs are objectively the fucking worst and my prejudice is well-founded.
Sorry that happened to you walaal. A large percentage of Arab men are sexist.


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