Horrible Atrocities Being Committed Against Somalis In Kilinka By Afar Extremists

You don't need to talk about tribalism when we know people of your nature Ali mandi was not a saxaba.

Hutus have become descreete in qabyalad.But a πŸ† never changes is spot
When JL was being created I remember how hutus were threatening to invade Kenya if they don't stop supporting Ogaden.

Also I remember when Sh sharif left xamar for juboyinka in 2006 so that he can save the lives of hutus in xamar from conflict and destroy the lives of people in juboyinka with conflict.

Why did hutus turn against the ICU when Sheikh sharif was elected?
They called AY murtaad but Sheikh sharif was called amiril muminin even though he just took over from AY.
Never once did I speak about them or say I agree with them


Are you fucking mad? This is the black flag of La Illaha illallah the same flag that the mahdi will carry when he unites the muslims, I know al shabab are wrong but them doing it on the shahada is a mockery to islam, they are not obligated to brun the flag this is stupid
There is nothing wrong with burning the al shabab flag, go learn your religion. The proper way to dispose of the Qur'an is by burning it.
There is nothing wrong with burning the al shabab flag, go learn your religion. The proper way to dispose of the Qur'an is by burning it.
This is not the al shabab flag this is the shahada the flag that the mahdi will carry to represent the muslims, al shabab used it wrongly but that doesn't mean they can burn it
We can play the game an ogaden from dds or garissa will always be welcomed in JL we don't care what a hutu thinks.

Where do you think Sh Jumcale who controls most of xamar business and owner of hormuud came from?
He is a native of DDS.
All over sudden he is hawiye and somali but not Ethiopian right?
He is a financier of AS too.


This is not the al shabab flag this is the shahada the flag that the mahdi will carry to represent the muslims, al shabab used it wrongly but that doesn't mean they can burn it
Listen, its obvious where your sympathise lie. Instead of supporting liyuu police who are mujahideen fighting against khawarij, you're using Al shabab propaganda against them. The Al shabab should be burned, just like how Uthman(radiyallahu anhu) burned the Quran.


We can play the game an ogaden from dds or garissa will always be welcomed in JL we don't care what a hutu thinks.

Where do you think Sh Jumcale who controls most of xamar business and owner of hormuud came from?
He is a native of DDS.
All over sudden he is hawiye and somali but not Ethiopian right?
He is a financier of AS too.
You can ship them in if you want. But the 4kms you control in Kismayo probably hasn’t got enough space for them :manny:


Are you justifying it? They still did dhaanto on the flag and burned it, this is clear disrespect and this is a major sin
Somali Galbeed been under them and they have received nothing but problems
it is kufr, no doubt but they apologise for their grave mistake, i rather have them than amhara, trigray or Oromo policing Somali people. inshallah under halal leadership these men will be redeemed.
You claim to be the majority in the region and claim that you can do so much for the Somalis with your ONLF you didn't gain shit and your land is a shit hole, instead of uniting with your Somali muslim brothers you just fucked over yourselves
Let me f*ck myself u go and free everyone else. U have been contradicting urself all night long. Ogaden will no longer fight for anyone but ourselves. I have no muslim or somali brothers as far as i am concerned.
Listen, its obvious where your sympathises lie. Instead of supporting liyuu police who are mujahideen fighting against khawarij, you're using Al shabab propaganda against them. The Al shabab should be burned, just like how Uthman(radiyallahu anhu) burned the Quran.
Astagfurallah now you're speaking about burning the quran
I'm not supporting these idiots who kill their people and rape their own both them and al shabab should be exterminated I hate the both of them al shabab propaganda kulaha
What different are you when you rape and kill innocent civilians? What have you done for the Somali people, both are devilish groups
it is kufr, no doubt but they apologise for their grave mistake, i rather have them than amhara, trigray or Oromo policing Somali people. inshallah under halal leadership these men will be redeemed.
If they apologies this is good but they still killed and raped their own people liyus are evil
So anarchy is very Islamic to you?
When did I say I want anarchy? I want these people to unite under Islam and the fact that they are Somali and here you are putting words in my mouth claiming I support historical war lords that have nothing to do with the current discussion. If they can not do this they should be less tribalistic and be supporting their Somali brothers liyus are evil people


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