Honest opinion


Adeer Ha Is Habaarin. Wallahi I mean it sincerely.

With Allah's guidance, you are in control of your own actions. You already seem Redpilled for your age and the country you were raised in so please never ever let a guy take advantage of you through Jacayl etc. Ruunti, many of us are ruthless dogs at that age.

Also, I know it is natural to seek companionship but you are only in your late teens. Forget Boys for now as most of them who are your age are thinking with their loins so don't tempt fate by starting anything with them. Just do you in the meantime and achieve some sort of professional and financial stability before seeking a life partner etc. Your adult life is only just starting!
Thank you! I’ll take to ur advice
Happy I Love You GIF by pikaole


Have a mutual friend introduce the two of you and get to know each other from there, it's not good to keep cyber stalking someone. Good luck adeer :)

I am sort off crushing on this guy and I already mentioned in previous threads that he is my ideal type fr fr, mashallah.

I only knew his name beforehand and did a bit of digging and found his socials. I am currently stalking him on everywhere through a fake account (that way, he wouldn’t know that I am doing it and wouldn’t think much off it). He doesn’t live that far away, there’s literally just a country between us.

only thing though is that my friends called me a stalker and a creep for keeping tags on him while he doesn’t even know who I am :farmajoyaab:

honest opinions: is this creepy? If so why is it creepy?
No offense but you sound miskeen af. Just hit him up fam. And when you do start the conversation by complementing his looks. Don't just talk to him about random shit like you'd do with a friend cause you'll end up in the friendzone. Make your intentions clear from the beggening. Without making any moves & just following him around virtually makes you basically a stalker.
Answer De Gaulle’s question.

And why does a Somali live in France, the Poo of the West, even their bread is shaped like one.
Saying with LOVE. Yes, its creepy. STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Xiishood, girls are not supposed to be forward. Practice Submissiveness. Pray Salat.
Idk i dont mind when girls r forward with me it makes life much more easier
It’s the city of fashion.

I love everything that’s feminine and France birthed western feminine fashion & beauty.
Uve never been paris.
Paris is like london.
Anywhere other than central is the ghetto
unless the guy is rich, he in the ghettto
Shhhh don’t break my dreams I’ve only ever been as far as Bruxelles
Srs ive been paris 2 times.
One guy ik moved from paris to uk because there was too much gang culture for the kids, u cant live in paris unless ur rich enough to live in a nice place.
Its is literally the projects outside of central paris
have fun