Homophobia in the Somali community

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Talking about something and promoting it is not the same. We're all aware of homosexuality, that doesn't mean we shouldn't judge them for it.

What kind of backward logic is that?
Calm down the lidfghobgri astro geecko mossad anti hate task force is gonna come for u


If someone is promoting homosexuality, well then I would disagree with that, but if they want to have their own community so that they can relate with one another, I don’t see the issue. They’ve been shunned by everyone, despite them being (ir)religious, so it makes sense for them to stick together

You shouldn't normalize it either.
I’m not asking people to accept homosexuality. I am asking them to simply stop judging them. No one is without sin. I say instead of wasting time judging others, increase good deeds & immerse oneself in religious acts. If Allah wants to guide the homosexuals, He will do it.

If someone finds out their relative is a homosexual, they can still disagree with it, but no need to stop loving them. If Allah exposed everyone’s sins, they would potentially be or feel embarrassed & so I say people should just leave homosexuals alone, if they’re going to be rude to them
It depends what you mean by judge, is trying to get them out of the wrong path now considered judging? The thing is that they want to be accepted as a sinner, and anyone that does that should be guided


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
I noticed growing up that my parents were never aggressive toward anyone we met who was homosexual. They would just disapprove in private and mention several times that it was a grave sin but to the person's face they were normal and respectful. Always got the impression that they'd disapprove if I was publicly hateful toward homosexuals. Like if I got in somebody's face about them being gay so I generally avoided that. My parents were the "We taught you right from wrong, we love you and we trust you." types and more often than not that worked a lot more than stuff like rigid rules when it came to keeping me out of trouble. Didn't wanna disappoint them or abuse their trust.
The cultured man has the obligation to be intolerant- Nicolas Gomez Davila

Societies are far gone in depravity when toleration is considered a good in itself, without regard to the thing tolerated- Chesterton
What I’d like to say to the people who have strong opinions on homosexuals is to stop being so judgemental. You never whether or not you will fall into the same sin as them. Plus, let them make love to whoever they want. Judging them isn’t going to solve poverty, war, invasions, genocide, etc. Worry about your own shortcomings & amplify the best things about yourself
Also not judging them isn't going to solve those problems.
And no ones judging them everyone no matter who they are can commit a sin. It's our duty as Muslims to advise and correct each other when one of us strays from the straight path.
"The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “The deen (religion) is naseehah (advice, sincerity).” We said, “To whom?” He (ﷺ) said, “To Allah, His Book, His Messenger, and to the leaders of the Muslims and their common folk.”


Why ask for validation from a community that is clearly Muslim & believe homosexuality is a sin? Most Somalis aren’t going to accept it and you have to accept that. Do what you want but don’t expect others to appreciate or flatter your sins.
Homophobia is such a funny/weird thing in Somali communities because they won’t go out to harass, insult you but do it in their private homes and with their friends. People think that being lgbtq is so bad that they won’t even talk about it in public... so my mum got a call from my aunt in Somalia and she told her, that her friends son married his boyfriend and she was first telling it as something normal and than started to cuss him out but wouldn’t say any of that to her friend.. my mum got angry because I identify as bisexual and she told her that cussing that man out will only get her closer to hell..

let’s talk about homophobia
My allah guide you and all of us. You sound confused and lost. Posting here is not going to help you in any way. If you have questions about islam and its rules go to your local mosque
If someone is promoting homosexuality, well then I would disagree with that, but if they want to have their own community so that they can relate with one another, I don’t see the issue. They’ve been shunned by everyone, despite them being (ir)religious, so it makes sense for them to stick together

OP was talking about the Somali community. It's perfectly fine if they have their own community to discuss their immoral acts but these guys are actively seeking out conflict by going to the Somali community and demanding that they be accepting of there way of life when they know that most of them are going to get triggered by that demand. This is the reason why they've been shunned by their own communities. Committing sins isn't enough for these guys they want the rest of the world to join them in their disgusting acts.
Gays are condemned more than ISIS and Al Shabab by Somalis. For every 1 condemnation of terrorism, there are 100 who are quick to condemn gays. Misplaced priorities.


But I relish in your hatred. Many who hate us come to us discreetly for the BJs. Over 200 and counting.

I’m okay with it as long as they’re not trying to force their lifestyle on others, especially children. In America, blacks are expected to support the LGBT. It is kinda recent because homosexuality was frowned upon until the early 1900s. Now, the gay community has a lot of power in the black organizations, like BLM. Same with politics. Idk, I’m in the middle
I imagine our ancestors being noble geeljire's with 4 wives and 100 goats,
what have we come to now?

Funny that you chose a gif with a gay man..
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