Heavy fighting breaks out between Somaliland forces and SY forces headed by Caare

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Ilaahay Gargaaryeey Gabiley Qurux Badanaa
Cumar who dislodged the Cidagalle youths that were shelling Hargeisa every day. History is recorded boy.

I wouldn't take about niyahow, the karbaash you got was witneesed by all Somalis. You were kicked out of Burao. We stayed on our side of Hargeisa at least and didn't get chased out kkk

Lol, keep crying ina Habusheed. I never denied that you stole land from CM.

Like I said, you are a coward who is getting liquidated right now as we speak. Brave against HA like a with stockholm syndrome.

Like berbera and Hargesia aren’t being taken
Over by HJ

:russ: We are taking over the east and
there’s nothijg you can do - Musa Bixi is HJ
errand Boy


Look at these fools all going for HJ. Sub clans of HY and HJ that have been fighting for hundreds of years have fought and its only the dhabadilif for the faqash are piping up. There is no break up of the military. Yaa dan ku leh somaliland. HY land is being claimed by darood so what are you ganna do if you destroy your own shit. They’ve already made the propaganda claimining ceerigabo all they need to do is take it.

HY have been dealing with Darood without "Sland" for hundreds of years. We don't need it. :manny:
Don't cry uunso boy, orodoo sariirta ii sii gogol and make sure to have yor uunsi, even in Hargeisa HJ are the tycoons and the money makers and we dominate the business there, Uunsiga shido naayaa.
All your ppl do is create "Somaliland" holding companies in Dubai, looting aid money. Money makers kulaha loooooool, Senile Silyano is in a 4 million dollar mansion after years of looting. Khaat Bihi and his cronies are planning to do the same.


Ilaahay Gargaaryeey Gabiley Qurux Badanaa
kkk that song at the beginning of the video goes HARD!

I think I see young @Bohol putting in work on the tikniko at 1:05 kkk.


North-West, London
Cumar where is your uunsi and little dirac. Don't forget wearing your fav keyshari while shaking your big fat Habar Awal booty for the Habar Yoonis.


This problem is happening only in Sanaag region. It's only sub-clans of HY and HJ clashing with each other but the government will eventually stop the problem and settle the dispute, inshallah.
All your ppl do is create "Somaliland" holding companies in Dubai, looting aid money. Money makers kulaha loooooool, Senile Silyano is in a 4 million dollar mansion after years of looting. Khaat Bihi and his cronies are planning to do the same.

Actually silayanos wife who is from your sub
Clan stole that money so don’t come with
This fictional shit - Silyano was ill for
Most of his presidency
You have to go back to your shanty town Yiroweh, Burao isn' your it belongs to HY and CM. You are nothing but a pathetic guest.


All you have to cry while your are walking around naked in the room with your uunsi, HJ owns you, anigaad ii uunsataa habeen iyo maalin, Huuno futo jilicsan.

Who the hell made you the spokes person for HY. You talk as though they’re a different clan. You are a halfcast or a troll and you don’t speak for the interests of HY. HY need to make political alliances and they will come to power.

The way you talk about HJ compared to outsider clans proves what you are you are a garac. Women, mentally diasabled and garacs don’t have any place talking about danta beesha. You’re like abdisalam jentelman or nicimo qorane. What a cuck.


Ilaahay Gargaaryeey Gabiley Qurux Badanaa
All they can say is "but", "but" HJ owns you. No proof of their fighting prowess at all.

These aren't men, they are fuuleys wallahi. Can't say shit to HY who karbaash them because HY take the trash out like it's their job.

No wonder they got comfortable enough to start talking back to HA.
Coming from HJ langaab confederation of bushmen and hunter-gatherers that is very rich. You lot aren't even descended from 1 man. Langaab foqol langaab who begs Harti to take on HY.

You will never see an HA beg shisheeye like you midgo do. f*ck outta here. :camby:

HJ are pure somali, but you what you no
One knows

What I do know is your oromo sheegatoo
Who spends his days searching for HJ
Bashing threads and than attempts to
Suck on any darood dick who will
Help him

Didn’t the daroods turn on you on a few
Days ago? Even they said you was a

All they can say is "but", "but" HJ owns you. No proof of their fighting prowess at all.

These aren't men, they are fuuleys wallahi. Can't say shit to HY who karbaash them because HY take the trash out like it's their job.

No wonder they got comfortable enough to start talking back to HA.
HY are their masters whenever HY gets horny he fucks a HJ for 2 porcupines
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