Have 80% of Somali women become feminists? It seems that we are getting a revolution

Woah woah relax I’m just talking about the extreme feminist types that say things like ‘all somali men are …….’ and spend majority of their time creating gender wars and spreading fitnah. I support normal women who are against things like fgm and rape and domestic abuse

Those are fringe, and even they, speak from a place of anger and frustration, and guess what? Sometimes it is THEIR TRUTH. The men they have seen are trash, neglectful etc. Not every Somali woman is blessed with a good father.
As for the girls/women in here, be careful when talking to a man as a prospective husband. There are communities in Somalia that are more sexist than others. Find out how his extended family treat girls and women, and his opinion on it, don't give your opinion, just let him speak. See how many female politicians his community has, how does he feel about it. If he starts to brag about women in his family or community being relegated to certain roles, run and don't look back.

Don't believe what people say, there are 100% subtle differences in how Somali women live back home. Whilst sexual violence is across the land, access to jobs, politics etc, is different.
Stop it .
i personaly wont want lady to present me politicaly but everything else like jobs i am fine with it i think u are been too extreme 99% of somali are anti woman presenting them polticaly yet does that mean they are anti woman


Amaan Duule
Nope women where at home and working

Again, who destroyed Somalia—men or women? Women have always been the backbone of Somali society; who do you believe organized underground organizations during colonization? And what about feeding the men who are fighting the colonizers and recurting men? Who was raising donations for Syl and Independence? "But, sisters, we were forgotten / We did not taste the fruits of success / Even the lowest position was not offered / And our degrees have been casted away like rubbish" is a poem by Hawa Jibril about how they fought and risked their lives for independence only to be ignored once it was achieved. Enough is enough. We deserve justice.
So when women feed and tend to men fighting colonizers, they deserve praise and credit for liberating the country. But when women feed and tend to men fighting qabiil wars, they don't deserve blame and its only the men's fault for destroying Somalia. :mjlol:


Hansare Iyo baarsare
The studies pertaining fertility for Somali women, do they account for children that are birthed later on in life? Or are they only looking at women from 18-25 for example?

All those studies you see on female fertility etc, have mostly been carried out on Cadaan women and thus those findings cannot be projected onto Somali women. These Cadaans age and live differently to us. In real life, Somali hooyos are popping out children in their 40s, healthy children.
These are 2021 statistics for women between 15-35 In Somalia, the average fertility is now at 5.5And it decreases 1- every year
Stop it .
i personaly wont want lady to present me politicaly but everything else like jobs i am fine with it i think u are been too extreme 99% of somali are anti woman presenting them polticaly yet does that mean they are anti woman

I have no worries about Somali politics, because when it comes to 1M1V, Somali women will sweep the elections. In my native Puntland, a lot of women entered local politics due to people having the right to vote. It is only a matter of time, that we have more ministers. And yes, it matters, because women see things differently.

Let me give you an example, in America, a lot of sexual crimes, were solved, thanks to female police officers who believed women, and treated victims with respect. So, when we say we want female representation, in all aspects of life, it's a matter of life or death for us.
These are 2021 statistics for women between 15-35 In Somalia, the average fertility is now at 5.5And it decreases 1- every year

I see no problem with this, in fact, I am very pleased to see that intelligent women are choosing to observe Somalia and act accordingly. Why should Somali women pump out kids relentlessly, in a world where girls and women are abused with hardly any reproach? Mac Sonkor.

Like I said before; Somalia for all, or Somalia for none.
I have no worries about Somali politics, because when it comes to 1M1V, Somali women will sweep the elections. In my native Puntland, a lot of women entered local politics due to people having the right to vote. It is only a matter of time, that we have more ministers. And yes, it matters, because women see things differently.

Let me give you an example, in America, a lot of sexual crimes, were solved, thanks to female police officers who believed women, and treated victims with respect. So, when we say we want female representation, in all aspects of life, it's a matter of life or death for us.
Yes but taht ended with men been wrongly jailed becos of false rape kkkk u want the same.
A man can understand a woman too i have sisters wah do u think when my sisters go out i want stranger to sexualy attack them or my mom or perherps my future wife or daughters its not like we are some aliens.
Yes but taht ended with men been wrongly jailed becos of false rape kkkk u want the same.
A man can understand a woman too i have sisters wah do u think when my sisters go out i want stranger to sexualy attack them or my mom or perherps my future wife or daughters its not like we are some aliens.

I am not talking about you. I am talking in general and most of my beef is with odayaal and loser politicians who block legislation that is meant to protect women.
I am not talking about you. I am talking in general and most of my beef is with odayaal and loser politicians who block legislation that is meant to protect women.

Are u talking the law she wanted to pass 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Plotting world domination
Normal men, should support us, and I see you guys in this topic, those with morals and naxariis; @Ximan iyo Xadeed , @Cartan Boos, I hope you are blessed in this life and the next. Sorry if I missed anyone else.

Let's start with the basics:

1. No fgm- fgm ruins lives, and makes intercourse and child birth far more difficult.
2. Maternity care in every single tuulo, maybe follow the Finland principle of giving a basic childbirth kit such as a cot etc, to every hooyo.
3. Education for all girls

You want a large, educated, strong, and healthy population. Support women. The happier and safer women feel, the more inclined women are, to have lots of babies.
Most niggas back home would support this. Especially the young men.
I see no problem with this, in fact, I am very pleased to see that intelligent women are choosing to observe Somalia and act accordingly. Why should Somali women pump out kids relentlessly, in a world where girls and women are abused with hardly any reproach? Mac Sonkor.

Like I said before; Somalia for all, or Somalia for none.
I’ve been observing this man’s posts. He doesn’t care about women. Women are nothing but a factory that produce kids. No one care about the factory, only the production. No point debating him. He’s the jahil Somali women back home have to deal with.

What’s funny is that for all of his worry about fertility rates, he doesn’t seem to care about how the biggest issue is in fact mother mortality rates and education and awareness is what will change that. If more children survive, woman can give birth to only 3-4 kids and our population will increase substantially instead of having to birth 7-10.

I think women should be selfish because you shouldn’t care or reason with peoples who don’t care about your quality of life.
Let's acknowledge that Somali society could benefit from "feminism", or rather, a greater appreciation for the rights outlined under Islam to be genuinely respected and adhered to. Instances of marriage without consent, rape, and sexual assault to name a few.

The advocacy for women's rights in Somalia is only naturally in our society, first in terms of numbers because there are more woman. Somalia stands out among Muslim nations for its higher female-to-male ratio. Women are inherently more numerous due to factors such as natural deaths occurring more frequently among men, coupled with accidents resulting from risk-taking behavior found in men. A society with more men than women signals concerning trends, shwoing an imbalance caused by unnatural death rates among woman. The fact that woman are not the more numerous sex in the muslim world is troubling.

Besides numbers socio-economically woman are gaining power, in Somalia, many small-scale businesses, often overlooked, are actually managed by women. Additionally, young Somali women, both within Somalia and in the Western diaspora, are increasingly gaining knowledge, work experience and education. This enables them to critically assess and recognize that the circumstances for women in Somalia are far from ideal. Woman are more likely to give remittance back to family in Somalia and with that comes power economic power.

Ironically, the greatest obstacle to a feminist movement in Somalia, like many other issues in our country, is tribalism. If a widespread movement encompassing all Somali women were to emerge, they could wield significant political influence, but breaking through tribal barriers is essential. This can only happen when it's understood that women share more with each other in their struggles across the country, particularly in the unique problems they face due to their sex.

The majority of gender discrimination, sexual assault, and rape occur within the closest circles of intimacy. For a woman, your kinsman is the most likely to steal from, assualt you or be misogynistic against you. Once this becomes evident, significant societal changes are will follow in our country.
You are fast becoming one my favorite posters. Your views are well though out and non biased. A truly moderate perspective.


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Its a disease and sickness infiltrating the world, follow islam, everything else is secondary.
Wish you showed the same energy when men are killing eachother over qabiil. But women wanting rights is where you draw the red line?
Wish you showed the same energy when men are killing eachother over qabiil. But women wanting rights is where you draw the red line?
Muslim blood is more sacred then the ka'abah, theres no doubt that tribal warfare is worse than dumarland antics :damedamn:
Always makes me laugh when people say Somali women need to pump out more kids because we need to compete with Ethiopia next door.

Let's forget about Ethiopia for a bit.

First of all, pregnancy is harsh on women, she's not a hen laying an egg every morning. Pregnant women also need good nutrition so the baby isn't mentally stunted. She needs a health check to make sure that baby doesn't have a disease. Is this even a viable pregnancy? 9 months later she needs to give birth, does she have a safe place to do that? Competent doctors, anesthetics if she needs a c-section? That baby she was carrying can die during that child birth. And after she has that child, can she provide them breast milk or formula? Can the child get adequate nutrition? What if she has to get water from a dirty water supply, now your baby has diarrhea and gets sick and weighs less than it should. Maybe that baby dies from malnutrition.

That's why the fertility rate is high, to increase the odds a child survives to adulthood. It's not rocket science. And I'd rather have healthy Somali mothers and children than a high fertility rate because it's not accounting for how many of those kids that were born who end up dying. All that birthing has a mental and physical toll on women.


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Muslim blood is more sacred then the ka'abah, theres no doubt that tribal warfare is worse than dumarland antics :damedamn:
If you cared about muslim blood then you’d care about the injustices done to women back home

