Has any Harari Taken a ydna


They don't have a single lineage. I have seen some Hararis on 23andMe. They carry a variety of lineages.

They are essentially Southern Amharas that moved Eastwards. Whatever Amharas carry, they also do.
We are doing an analysis of different Somali tribes and how they all connect but are now interested in looking further into Harari tribes as my father grew up in the Bale area in Ethiopia and his mother was an Elani oromo. His father was a Somali from the Bari area. We still have relatives in the Bale area who speak nothing but oromo but also hold onto their Somali roots.

Out of all his close family members who took the test he is the only J1 one carrier. On yfull it’s mainly Arab connects. The other samples in the family went to harti groups mainly Dhulbahante connects like we all thought.

I am interested in the Harari J1s because I’m beginning to think we might be the decedents of the Arabs who settled in Zeila, through war, religion, or trade. Could we be the decendents of Ahmed gurey or his nephew Nur ibn Mujahid? Maybe not, as it seems there are different stories lol but so far the Somali J1s on family tree dna and yfull outside the Arab salah are connected around 900ybp. The elder of the test is a sample from cise cade and the younger is from bahgari or reer Mohammed Bare where we connect at 450ybp. All of whom assimilated with Darood clans. Mainly Harti and Ogaden.

I just wonder how the Harari ydna compares to Somalis. It doesn’t seem like we share the same J1 as amahara folks thus far. Interested in sharaaf, sheikal, hawla, harla, and yibir tribes as well. I believe a guy in familytree has sent a yiber fellow a test and I am looking forward to those results.

I know for sure Somalis were the main forces behind pushing Islam but you can only wonder where the descents of those men who assimilated into the Somalis are now as it seems they were seperated and made families of the people around them but at the same time these differences and accomplishments may have also been used against them like In the case of the artisans whose very gift were used to outcaste them rather than celebrated even though they’re are both indigenous and Arab decedents who made weapons and tools. A lot of questions but I am sure with time we will find answers.

@Abba Sadacha


@James Dahl




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Assalam Alaykum Obboletti. I am not Harari, though I do have some in my family, through a cousin on my father's side, through marriage. I do have Silte blood though, through my mother's side-her great grandmother was full Silte- so who knows, I may have some direct Harari relatives that I do not know of, since Silte and Harari's are very close.
I think there's a few youtubers who did a dna test, who are harari, but they're women, so to avoid the fitna, I rather not post their videos or etc.
This guy has more amharabdna than oromo.

Nah, I'm more closer to Silte, than to Amhara's. But, nothing wrong with being Amhara either, at the end of the day, it's your deen that will save you-Allaah will not ask about your ethnicity.
Secondly, we all, as Horners, come from the same son of Noah/Nuh, alayis salam.
Assalam Alaykum Obboletti. I am not Harari, though I do have some in my family, through a cousin on my father's side, through marriage. I do have Silte blood though, through my mother's side-her great grandmother was full Silte- so who knows, I may have some direct Harari relatives that I do not know of, since Silte and Harari's are very close.
I think there's a few youtubers who did a dna test, who are harari, but they're women, so to avoid the fitna, I rather not post their videos or etc.
Jzk for the information brother. I will look into those test. I really want to see if their ydna testing is similar to the Somali J1s. So far the only other J1s I came across is the Somali Arab salah who connected to Mehri.
Jzk for the information brother. I will look into those test. I really want to see if their ydna testing is similar to the Somali J1s. So far the only other J1s I came across is the Somali Arab salah who connected to Mehri.

I will try to do some reading and post some stuff here. I do know, that they are technically referred to as ''semitic,'' but idk....

here's an interesting book
the hararis you see today are just Silte,amhara, gurage and hadiya,arabs muslims, who took the title of harari by one of the sultans to get ride of tribalism. They are not the orginal ones prior to the the fall of adal . they are the ethnic minorities who stayed in the city, due to the only protection they could have, since the city is surrounded by Somali territory,


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
the hararis you see today are just Silte,amhara, gurage and hadiya,arabs muslims, who took the title of harari by one of the sultans to get ride of tribalism. They are not the orginal ones prior to the the fall of adal . they are the ethnic minorities who stayed in the city, due to the only protection they could have, since the city is surrounded by Somali territory,

I need to reread the Futuh and do a very long post on it sometime. Just gotta get my laptop fixed. There's a lot of secondary source bullshit about what's in it. When you actually read the book you realize, for example, that "Hararis" as an ethnicity are never even mentioned and Harar is just an important settlement not tied to any particular ethnic or tribal group. The only clearly recognizable Muslim ethnicities I remember seeing that exist today were Somalis and Sidamics like Hadiyas and Gedeos.

In fact, I'll have to really pore over it again but I got an impression from the book that the non-Somali Muslim citizens of the eastern Horn back then may have mostly been Sidamics, and possibly some Southern Ethiosemites who intermingled with them and have substrates from them the way Hararis and the Gurage do. The eastern Horn interior was mostly Somali and Sidamic before the Oromo expansions from the impression I got.

One other fun fact is that the Somali tribes outlined to live in the general area around Harar back then are more or less the same tribes Richard F. Burton describes in his 1800s book 3 centuries later and the same tribes this Somali map shows in the 1900s a century after that:


Bartire, Geri Kombe, Karanle ("Hawiya" in the Futuh), Gurgura, Barsuk, Mareexaan, Habar Awal ("Habar Magadli" in the Futuh), Samaroon ("Habar Maqdi" in the Futuh), Yabbare and some others I'm missing including some tribes the book claims are Somali but can't be matched to modern ones today. Only the Harti standout but the author makes a point of telling you they are outsiders from Maydh in Sanaag.

But anyway, it's really cool to realize the same tribes have lived in that general area for the last 500 years. Puts a bit of a good bookmark on Somali migrations if the tribal makeup of areas like that was already mostly established half a millennia ago.
the hararis you see today are just Silte,amhara, gurage and hadiya,arabs muslims, who took the title of harari by one of the sultans to get ride of tribalism. They are not the orginal ones prior to the the fall of adal . they are the ethnic minorities who stayed in the city, due to the only protection they could have, since the city is surrounded by Somali territory,
"Ethnic groups in the region include the Oromo (56.41%), Amhara (22.77%), Harari (8.65%), Gurage (4.34%), Somali (3.87%), Tigray (1.53%), and Argobba (1.26%). Languages spoke include Oromiffa (56.84%), Amharic (27.53%), Harari (7.33%), Somali (3.70%), and Gurage (2.91%)."

Harari Region - Wikipedia​

https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Harari_Regio

{Harar is surrounded by Oromia}



"Ethnic groups in the region include the Oromo (56.41%), Amhara (22.77%), Harari (8.65%), Gurage (4.34%), Somali (3.87%), Tigray (1.53%), and Argobba (1.26%). Languages spoke include Oromiffa (56.84%), Amharic (27.53%), Harari (7.33%), Somali (3.70%), and Gurage (2.91%)."

Harari Region - Wikipedia

https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Harari_Regio
{Harar is surrounded by Oromia}
View attachment 208428

Oromos are not a real ethnic group, although they are slowly becoming one through intermixing with each other, but there are still big differences between Oromos by geographic area.

Oromos from near Harar, excluding the recent migrants from other areas of Oromia, are the closest to Somalis of all Oromos.

On 23andMe, only those Oromos get significant Somali percentages, while the other Oromos pretty much only get Ethiopian.
@Mujahid Nur Marehan

My father is a Karanle sexawle, from modern day Hobat, Babile. He is of the relatives of the descendants of Imaam Ahmed Gurey Rahmatullahi alayh (we're not a direct descendant but the same sub clan). Reer Naaji ahmed Ibrahim still live in babile today and ar every well respected.

I have always been interested in taking a DNA test to discover more about their maternal history as I suspect they inter married with Harari women in the past but that's just my opinion, I'm not sure.
@Mujahid Nur Marehan

My father is a Karanle sexawle, from modern day Hobat, Babile. He is of the relatives of the descendants of Imaam Ahmed Gurey Rahmatullahi alayh (we're not a direct descendant but the same sub clan). Reer Naaji ahmed Ibrahim still live in babile today and ar every well respected.

I have always been interested in taking a DNA test to discover more about their maternal history as I suspect they inter married with Harari women in the past but that's just my opinion, I'm not sure.
Take the Yfull at Nabula Genome sequencing. It's 1.99 dollars. It wil tell you your maternal and paternal subclades. My Murursade friend who is Israfiil has also taken the Nabula and is awaiting his results. He is Israfiil sabti from Galmudug. I have a feeling that your father and murursade reer Galmudug won't be related Psternally. Some Karanle are haplogroup T.


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