waryahe. I suffer from no diseases. I work on myself a lot ( brain and body) but I am also very humble. I am open and let good men ( those who take their deen seriously, intellectuals) approach me.
On a serious note, does this work include spiritual religious aspect?
There is a strong stereotype with the intellectual posh class like yourself and @sophisticate which is that they don't take the spiritual/religious side serious and on the extreme end have disdain for it.
Of course you have outliers no doubt, but in this day and age they are a far few in between, so few that I have never come across one before.
My whole argument is that you will only feel this in the genuine sense (only) if you put the work in!Trust me, when a woman meets a guy she feels is the 'one'. All feelings of grandeur goes out the window
If you don't, you will find that a lot of quality has passed you because you were simply too stupid to even realize it or worse discern it. (I see this all the time with females)
In order to discern quality, it has to first exist within you, then it manifests in the choices that you make.
That quality can only come into existence through a journey of perpetual self-improvement in every facet of life of which the spiritual aspect is of utmost importance, only then can it manifest itself through your actions and the choices you make.
Otherwise the choices you make are just based on fluff, emotions and flimsy feel factors that only lead you to make terrible choices which leads to destruction, despair and ruins.
I appreciate your comments bro, I can already see a great trait in you which is the humility to learn from others, the smartest person is the one that learns from the mistakes of others and never makes them.Keep preaching @Inquisitive_ im taking notes for when I dive into this marriage market. I'm too young now
The dumb person is the one who ignores this out of arrogance only to fall into the mistake head first before learning lessons from it.
You also have the worst category of them all, that's the idiot that repeatedly makes the same mistakes and never learns from it.
Absorb as much information and knowledge as you can at this age so you don't have to later in life, trust me, you will avoid a lot of grief and set backs.
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