Gudoomiye Madaale oo Ka hadlay dhaqan xumida Ka socota magaalada Muqdisho.


Reewin. Lixda Gobol ee Maayland unii leh!
I really respect Madaale. He is one of the only people addressing these social ills that are increasing in Xamar as well as the rest of Somalia.

Something really has to be done before things get out of hand. Somalia is a Muslim country and we must not allow our country to become westernized and liberal.


Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
Madaale should focus on those millions of idps dotted around xamar

And those videos that extreme travellers make


The other night he was out shutting down those shisha cafes naagaha ka niikayaan raga ku qayilaan

Cidaan wax ceeb la dhahaayo ma qoraan :drakelaugh:@Zkr I told you waa iska hadlaan. Beesha sacad talking about a shisha cafe lol

Madaale should focus on those millions of idps dotted around xamar

And those videos that extreme travellers make
Banaadir has nothing to do with those extreme travellers. They pass through immigration and they provide them with security.
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Reewin. Lixda Gobol ee Maayland unii leh!
The other night he was out shutting down those shisha cafes naagaha ka niikayaan raga ku qayilaan
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Cidaan wax ceeb la dhahaayo ma qoraan :drakelaugh:@Zkr I told you waa iska hadlaan. Beesha sacad talking about a shisha cafe lol

Banaadir has nothing to do with those extreme travellers. They pass through immigration and they provide them with security.
He's a legend. If he had more power I'm sure he would shut all those places down.
shisha spots that turn into clubs after dark are 🔥.
I’m pretty sure he got 99 other real issues that he should focus on instead
The day Murusade becomes mayor is when pigs fly. Reer Mataan are already angry they don't have it but their leader said we don't mind too much as long as it doesn't go past Wacbudhan.
Mayor ship comes with Presidency. If a Murusade is President then rest assured mayor will be Murusade. Knowing Murusade very well, once they become President they won’t bother with the Mayorship. They rather focus on major economical opportunities to benefit themselves and the country as a whole.
Mayor ship comes with Presidency. If a Murusade is President then rest assured mayor will be Murusade. Knowing Murusade very well, once they become President they won’t bother with the Mayorship. They rather focus on major economical opportunities to benefit themselves and the country as a whole.
Are you stupid or what? If that was the case, Darood or HG would have been mayor long ago. HSM would have given it to Waceysle instead but it isn't up to him, the second any president removes it we all know what will happen.
Are you stupid or what? If that was the case, Darood or HG would have been mayor long ago. HSM would have given it to Waceysle instead but it isn't up to him, the second any president removes it we all know what will happen.

Darood won’t bother with mayorship in Xamar. It’s not practical for them, you and I both know that. HG will definitely become mayor if they become president. No one can stop the president’s decision. Abdi Qassim time wasn’t an ideal time for HG to proclaim mayorship. Murusade, Wacdaan etc have right to mayorship of Xamar as they are natives. We were mayor before from 2000 to 2004.


Shaaweeye was mayor during Arta era and hails from Murusade Ayansame. He was replaced by Cadde Gaabow a Reer Mataan. Then he became Deputy Mayor, and eventually assasinated during Ethio Occupation. Even during the 60s Gudoomiyaha gobolka was Hirey Qassim a Murusade. There was no issue then and there will be no issue now.
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Darood won’t bother with Mayorship in Xamar. It’s not practical for them, you and I both know that. HG will definitely become mayor if they become president. No one can stop the president’s decision. Abdi Qassim time wasn’t an ideal time for HG to proclaim mayorship. Murusade, Wacdaan etc have right to mayorship of Xamar as they are natives. We were mayor before from 2000 to 2004.

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Shaaweeye was mayor during Arta era and hails from Murusade Ayansame. He was replaced by Cadde Gaabow a Reer Mataan. Then he became Deputy Mayor, and eventually assasinated during Ethio Occupation. Even during the 60s Gudoomiyaha gobolka was Hirey Qassim a Murusade. Nothing happend then and nothing will happen now.
Cadde gabow is Agoonyar he also who coined the saying 'xamar waa koriso, kibriso, kufiso' for the reer gobols :drakelaugh:

