Growing up without a father

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Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
It all started When I was around 7-8 years old My father used to argue with my mom about questioning his whereabouts and his khat addiction and this went on for a while until one day my mom gets a phone call from an unknown lady.

My mom couldnt believe what she was hearing apparently this woman turns out to be my dads 2nd wife and shes got two kids with him already and to top it off she lives in the same city. So My mom agree to meet up with her to hear the ladys side of the story , Turns out the lady was speaking the truth all those times he came home late he was with his secret family my mom was contemplating bout divorce at this point while the other woman is deadset with staying with him cause she doesnt wanna be a single mother.

Now my mom was pissed she felt like he betrayed her trust by going behind her back and for hiding it for such a long time so my mom confronted my dad about this and IT turned very violent. After the divorce my dad moved in with his 2nd wife and we moved to another part of the town. Things werent the same anymore.

Growing up without a father is like a hole missing , like something is missing I cant describe it but its not the same as a kid with both parents I remember i was jelous of my friends and the relationship they had with their dads.

I Kept to myself as a child I relly didnt talk to anybody for a while but i quickly grew out of it, Its tough when ur a kid and your mother is busy working I had to be more than a big brother to my siblings I had to be like a father figure to them.

Now my father he was a unique individual in my eyes my father was ruthless i mean he had good things about him but he also had some bad things about him and I made up my mind that when its time for me to have a child i wouldnt do the things that hed done to me

I remember one time i had gotten into a fight in middle school one of my friends was getting bullied or whatever and i ended up stepping in thats the type of person i am thats the person ive become i just dont like seeing people getting picked on

So I end up fighting the guy for my friend should ive done it i dont know but i did and i ended up getting suspended I come home i guess they called my father or whatever i walked through the house only thing i remember is his hands going around my throat i like blacked out thats all i remember about him violent with a short temper.

To have a father as a role model that means something to me as a kid you need ur father u know and when their not there in ur life its like a hole i know alot of ppl cant relate to this some ppl brush it off but theres something missing is what im tryin to say.

Now Just cause your mother or ur father isnt in your life it doesnt mean that its the end of the world that you wont turn out to be a good person , I went to college i got a good stable job

Im not gonna say it doesnt matter that my father wasnt in my life but just because he wasnt there that doesnt mean that ive failed or i didnt maximize what was given to me

Ive still made something out of myself alot of people use the fact that their parent wasnt in their life as an excuse or a crutch its not a crutch you dont have anything defining who you are you could create whatever you want , you can be whoever you want because you dont have anybody there to tell you who you should be u could be whoever you want

Your past is your past

Your future is your future and only you decide your future


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Tough break man but I agree you gotta play the hand you're dealt, be a better person than your old man for you, your family, and your future children.


it's something that most of us take for granted. I admire you for sharing such a personal story with us.

life goes on~


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
You need to forgive your father regardless of how he treated you he is still your father and no one can't replace that.
Wow thanks for sharing.
I did grow up without a father too. However I never felt something missing. Maybe because I am a girl - I don't know.

Also I agree that some people use their father not been in their life for their shortcomings.
Unfortunately there are many kids growing up without a father - which I don't understand - even if both parents are divorce they can still co parent but SOME Somali men just seem to disappear when the marriage fails and it is not fair on the children.
Also the media filling children heads with the ideas that without both parents "you are not complete" does not help.
I believe as long as you have stable and loving household with one parent is absolutely fine and better than two parents where they are at each constantly arguing or fighting and making each other miserable.


Wow thanks for sharing.
I did grow up without a father too. However I never felt something missing. Maybe because I am a girl - I don't know.

Also I agree that some people use their father not been in their life for their shortcomings.
Unfortunately there are many kids growing up without a father - which I don't understand - even if both parents are divorce they can still co parent but SOME Somali men just seem to disappear when the marriage fails and it is not fair on the children.
Also the media filling children heads with the ideas that without both parents "you are not complete" does not help.
I believe as long as you have stable and loving household with one parent is absolutely fine and better than two parents where they are at each constantly arguing or fighting and making each other miserable.
This tbh. Happiness is seeing your parents happy and content no matter what the situation may be.


I feel you man. Just remember though there's a lot of people in the same situation and some even worse.

I can relate because my biological father divorced my mom for no reason when I was still in the womb. Growing up he was just a couple hours away and even know he lives 20min away but I never see him. Probably see him like once every 3-5 years. Worst part is he's fucking loaded, and he offers me 0 financial support. I'm out here working full time and going to school full time so I can help hooyo pay bills and pay my own tuition. He knows this too and doesn't offer any financial assistance.

Tbh I was never a emotional nigga I don't really care if that nigga is in my life or not, my hoyo is amazing and makes up for his existence. Only thing that gets to me is how he hid his kids from my and never let me get the chance to get to know them. I met them in Somalia, all 9 of em. It was really heart warming cuz they all loved me a lot and looked up to me a lot cuz I was their big brother. Shit broke my heart yo I was like damn. Mercury sxb just make sure you a good father. It sucks but jus cuz we can all reproduce doesn't mean all of us are capable and competent parents.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Sorry disregard my previous comment, wallahi I didn't even read anything, like a headless chicken ba mesha u soo galay.
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