Got to laugh at the Jeegaan kids who think they will get a share in the Oodweyne oil

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Garhajis doesn't even allow you to drink from their water wells what makes you think they will allow you their oil wells?

Mohamed Yusef Ali Gurey is the biggest Somali shareholder in the Oodweyne block.

Nah he got the block longtime ago. He is a good guy overall and donated only to GX areas during the drought even as far as Bohol in northern Sool.
I'm sure the somaliland government wants some of that cash.They will tax the oil or take half the prices.


I'm confused are u saying the oil in odweyne isn't shared to the somaliland government.Id think they have a stake in that.

The deal regarding the Oodweyne blocks was signed during Riyaale government. The block shares mainly belongs to this Mohamed Yusef guy (who spent millions financing it) and the foreign companies extracting it. Sland government percentage is very small if they have any.
The deal regarding the Oodweyne blocks was signed during Riyaale government. The block shares mainly belongs to this Mohamed Yusef guy (who spent millions financing it) and the foreign companies extracting it. Sland government percentage is very small if they have any.
I'm skeptical but I'll wait soon I guess.


I'm skeptical but I'll wait soon I guess.

Somaliland: Petrosoma Acquires More Odweine Oil Block Share

April 4, 2017


Somalilandsun – Petrosoma Limited, the oil exploration company with a license in the Odewayne Block, run by Somalilander, Mohammed Yusef Ali, today announced that it has bought a 6% share in the exploration license for the Odewayne Block from Sterling Energy Plc.

The 6% share in the Block bought today by Petrosoma, increases the company’s share in the Block to 16%. When asked why the company increased its share in the Odewayne Block at this early stage of the exploration process, Mohammed Yusef Ali explained that it demonstrates his commitment to the project. He said, “oil exploration is always a risky business, particularly in a country such as Somaliland, which has no petroleum history, but I went into this project in 2005 believing that if Oil can be found in the Odewayne Block, it would transform the economy of the Somaliland and alleviate the suffering of the Somali people from Drought and the other causes of severe poverty and unemployment that existed then and exists today.

We had these fights in the Eqal days. The state has monopoly on force. If something is found the SLNA will move in and it will be treated principally as a national asset. The locals will get the jobs and what not. Shareholders are a seperate thing, but what are share to a state which sets all terms of reference.


We had these fights in the Eqal days. The state has monopoly on force. If something is found the SLNA will move in and it will be treated principally as a national asset. The locals will get the jobs and what not. Shareholders are a seperate thing, but what are share to a state which sets all terms of reference.

That is the thing Sland gov barely has any shares in it. Most of the Oodweyne block shares are owned by Petrosoma (Mohamed Yusuf Ali) and Genel.
That is the thing Sland gov barely has any shares in it. Most of the Oodweyne block shares are owned by Petrosoma (Mohamed Yusus Ali Gurey) and Genel.
government owns the land and all its resources.Thus all natural resources are theirs , the companies profits from the ground but pays a tax on oil etc.


government owns the land and all its resources.Thus all natural resources are theirs , the companies profits from the ground but pays a tax on oil etc.

Nope that is not how it works this is not Siad Bare days. Oodweyne is entirely owned by
the clan (HY). The only government properties are Berbera port and the airport. That is
why when gold was found in the mountains of Sanaag only locals were allowed in. Every
inch of Sland is clan owned.

Let me give you a example back in 2014 DNO oil company tried to do a survey in Bohol district (without the permission of the native Sacad Yonis clan) they got chased away with bullets.

SLT-Hargaysa) Maleeshiyaad ka soo jeeda Beesha Sacad Yoonis, oo hubaysan ayaa degaanka Bohol waxay ku rasaseeyeen shaqaalaha Sherkada DNO, oo ah
sherkad laga leeyahay waddanka Norway oo hawlo shidaal baadhis ah ka waday deganadaas.

Wararka ay Shabakadda ka helayso degaankaas, kooxdaan ayaa markii hore la modaayay maleeshiyaad ka soo jeeda Beesha Dhulbahante, balse wararka soo baxay hadda ayaa xaqiijiyay in kooxdan maleshiyaadka ahi ay ka soo jeedaan Beesha Sacad Yoonis.

Goobta uu falku ka dhacay ayaa ah degaanka Bohol oo beeshaasi degto, lama garanaayo sababta dhabta ah ee falkani ka dhashay. Balse waxaan shaki ku jirin in qaabka wacyigalin ahaan loo galo hawlaha shidaal baadhista Somaliland, ay tahay mid aan bislayn oo inta badan bulshadu dhaliilo xoogan u soo jeediyaan. Geesta kale bulshada Somaliland ayaan wali u bislaan soo saarista khayraadkooda, waxaana lagu tilmaama ummad caadifada qabiilku ka xoog-badan tahay, taas oo ay ugu biirsantay habka loo wajaho sahaminta shidaalka, oo aan dadka laga dhaa-dhicin wax wacyigalin ahna aan loo samayn.

Cotton Eyed Joe

More law, less justice.
If oil was being exported by sea the pipeline can be built anywhere on the coast it doesn't have to be Berbera so if the inhabitants are smart they will chose somewhere where a small port and pipeline can be built but not under the jurisdiction of the UAE sultanate.


Reformation of Somaliland
From all of this Somaliland's constitutional democracy is tribal and decentralised.

As local / Mayoral elections are next year is based whichb tribe inhabits the areas but receive funds from Hargeisa to provide services.

Who wants to go to Maydh in Sanaag and develop it and join it to Las Qoray & Ceelay.
(That's my goal). Just waiting when the candidate registration is happening. For the rest of sanaag gotta wait for the army to secure it like sool
From all of this Somaliland's constitutional democracy is tribal and decentralised.

As local / Mayoral elections are next year is based whichb tribe inhabits the areas but receive funds from Hargeisa to provide services.

Who wants to go to Maydh in Sanaag and develop it and join it to Las Qoray & Ceelay.
(That's my goal). Just waiting when the candidate registration is happening. For the rest of sanaag gotta wait for the army to secure it like sool
Noone receives funds in Las Khorey from Hargeisa , nor in Badhan or even in Ceelayo. Maydh is a HY city according to @Bohol and thus has no real connection to Las Khorey or Ceelayo.Furthermore unless you are warsengali in the latter regions you would not be allowed in any form of leadership. Warsengali as a whole don't trust even Harti to rule them directly in their lands due to ancient mistrust.For example there are poems which talk about how MJ in ceelayo were massacred after the tried to enter the city or the wars between Warsengali along with dervish.
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