Getting catcalled by guys

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you probably are fasting. Do what I do. Eat a tiny bit for iftar. Like drink so much water that eating a few pieces of timir and one or two bur would be enough to satisfy you. As for the legs. Play soccer a lot. More fun plus you lose weight. Within 3 weeks you might lose a lot of weight like 20 pounds.

I am fasting and had my Suhoor about hour ago. I had small bowl of Soor with fat free Yoghurt and honey and slices of pineapple and glass of water. Nothing to heavy. For Afur I usually have Maraq and dates, fruits, water, green tea then followed by plate of couscous with fish or lentils and chicken. No fried foods whatsoever, no sambuus or bur, tho I'm craving it so much. I don't do football at all, never was interested in it. Plus I'm such a workaholic, I don't have the time to do sports apart from my usually 3 times a week gym sessions.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
You is a Hoe

I am fasting and had my Suhoor about hour ago. I had small bowl of Soor with fat free Yoghurt and honey and slices of pineapple and glass of water. Nothing to heavy. For Afur I usually have Maraq and dates, fruits, water, green tea then followed by plate of couscous with fish or lentils and chicken. No fried foods whatsoever, no sambuus or bur, tho I'm craving it so much. I don't do football at all, never was interested in it. Plus I'm such a workaholic, I don't have the time to do sports apart from my usually 3 times a week gym sessions.

That is eating too much. You want to eat only for survival. Eat very small so you can lose a lot of weight. I did water fast where I only drank water for a few days no food and lost weight like that. Not during ramadan of course. Anyway eat very little something like soor dates and lots of water. Boring but worth it. Eat more soor as it is filling but has very low calories. How about this soor and water lots of water. Don't try to enjoy yourself after the first 10 days you will see change.
That is eating too much. You want to eat only for survival. Eat very small so you can lose a lot of weight. I did water fast where I only drank water for a few days no food and lost weight like that. Not during ramadan of course. Anyway eat very little something like soor dates and lots of water. Boring but worth it. Eat more soor as it is filling but has very low calories. How about this soor and water lots of water. Don't try to enjoy yourself after the first 10 days you will see change.

Sorry but I won't let myself starve. Esp, with my busy schedule and the fact its Ramadan. Mans gotta eat...


Dieting I started about 1.5 year ago. I started gym 1 year ago and jogging for for about 6 months. While I have seen improvement in other parts of my body. The place where I'd like to see the most change seems not to cooperate
Slim down first of all, lose weight, after you lose weight, tone your body, and then you even it out with squats n sheeet. 1 hour in the gym for like 2 months and u good my man. unless you wanna build your body like the hulk
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Easier said than done....smh
1 hour in the gym for like 2 months and u good my man. unless you wanna build your body like the hulk. u mostly need the motivation tbh. and if you don't wanna be there for a long time, then just do intervalls for 15 mins. Bam and ur done for the day. works really good for your metabolism too.
1 hour in the gym for like 2 months and u good my man. unless you wanna build your body like the hulk. u mostly need the motivation tbh. and if you don't wanna be there for a long time, then just do intervalls for 15 mins. Bam and ur done for the day. works really good for your metabolism too.

I need a gym buddy lol. Motivation is key, I get easily discouraged. Anyway, what do you think about swimming any good for losing weight fast??


I need a gym buddy lol. Motivation is key, I get easily discouraged. Anyway, what do you think about swimming any good for losing weight quick??
I'm just saying how it went for me, but swimming really helped build leg strength and made me lose weight over the entire body. It's either swimming or running for full body weight loss.


Hey Warsame,

First, thanks for sharing ur problem with us and starting a discussion, we all are struggling with something and having a dialogue is the first step to a proper solution.

Yes it is possible to lose a lot of fat from ur lower body. You said u tried exercise and dieting with no results correct? But have u done the correct ones?

Weightlifting or doing squats might not be the right type of exercises for ur particular problem. The answer is cardio and lots and lots of it.

Your friend at the gym should be the stair master, treadmill and jumping jacks. Your target should be to burn 500 calories a session. Keep track of it.

Also u might want to research HIIT high intensity interval training which is running for two minutes at ur max, walking for 1 minute and then back to 2 minutes at ur max etc u repeat this process for 20 minutes and u will amaze urself in 1 month.

Also u have to make sure ur diet is on point, one donut can offset ur entire workout. So no sweets, little to no sugar. Lots of vegetables and water. You main mission is to consume as little calories as possible. 3,500 calories equal to 1 pound of fat. If you limit ur consumption to 2,000 calories a day and u burn 500 calories 3 times a week

That will equal to 2 pounds a week, 8 pounds a month.

Keep us updated :)
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