Genuinely, What is a more acceptable alternative to federalism (clan federalism)


Don't fear feudal rats congregated in a republic on shared looks and language as it will take 1 billion rats to take down one lion. Yes rats are numerous but their rats at all time. Each Somali tribe is a lion and u got nothing to fear from rest of the world like a lion don't fear billion rats congregated. We r lions of ancient Egypt brother and his final warrior camp when shit would escalate. Their just rats and beasts according to even Torah and bible not warriors. A beast marker is he kills unarmed civilians and kids and women or they use weapon edge wa fuley in hamitic traditions. Who practises that usually west and east culture of feudal rats when u see their wars in history and today its not an acts of warrior.

Even their military return with ptsd and suicide and drugs and alcohol addiction who was given all their training u can't change a beast in the heart and forget if their civilians went who r untrained they would do mass suicides.

dajjal or beast has markers and behaves like one either extreme greed like capitalism and consumption or flip side is extreme blood shedding of innocents. U tell me when u read eastern or western history if that's not what u witness? They are the beast to arise or dajjal. But his a beast meaning he congregating fuedal rats in a republic or one world order eventually but their still rats
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In order to get rid of tribalism, two things need to be done:

1. There needs to ge a mass reconciliation movement where clans get together and talk about their issues and grievances. People sometimes forget that clans still have long standing grudges over stuff that happened in the kacaan era and even as far back as Sayid Mohammad Hassan. There are injustices that have not yet been addressed so we need a get together and ensure the criminals and terrorists who killed innocents need to face justice. Look at Rwanda, those guys had a brutal genocide but managed to make peace due to reconciling with each other and making the criminals face the victims and ask for forgiveness. If Rwanda can do this then Somalia certainly can

2. There needs to be a strong government. This point may seem obvious but the reason why clans are so prominent is because the current government is so weak and inaffectual at asserting authority beyond the capital that Somalis have come to rely on their clans for a sense of security, further compounded by a distrust of the government. The government of Somalia has to assert authority to discourage militias and show that it cares about its citizens so you can get support from them instead of clan elders getting support. You need only to look at the kacaan era to see how there were barely any clan militias sprouting around because Siad Barre had a tight lock on the country. This only changed when he did a full blown genocide at Hargeisa and the country collapsing afterwards. And of course, get rid of that shitty 4.5 system and promote meritocracy over clan nepotism.


In order to get rid of tribalism, two things need to be done:

1. There needs to ge a mass reconciliation movement where clans get together and talk about their issues and grievances. People sometimes forget that clans still have long standing grudges over stuff that happened in the kacaan era and even as far back as Sayid Mohammad Hassan. There are injustices that have not yet been addressed so we need a get together and ensure the criminals and terrorists who killed innocents need to face justice. Look at Rwanda, those guys had a brutal genocide but managed to make peace due to reconciling with each other and making the criminals face the victims and ask for forgiveness. If Rwanda can do this then Somalia certainly can

2. There needs to be a strong government. This point may seem obvious but the reason why clans are so prominent is because the current government is so weak and inaffectual at asserting authority beyond the capital that Somalis have come to rely on their clans for a sense of security, further compounded by a distrust of the government. The government of Somalia has to assert authority to discourage militias and show that it cares about its citizens so you can get support from them instead of clan elders getting support. You need only to look at the kacaan era to see how there were barely any clan militias sprouting around because Siad Barre had a tight lock on the country. This only changed when he did a full blown genocide at Hargeisa and the country collapsing afterwards. And of course, get rid of that shitty 4.5 system and promote meritocracy over clan nepotism.

That sounds like promises and faith statements not reality which Somalis are tired of for 30 years as they yearn for a political realist like Abdullahi Yusuf who actually left something behind cause his politics was grounded in reality not dreams.

The reality in Somalia is tribal while your desires or faith is national, politics is about realities not dreams and fantasies or faith, U can keep your dream and fantasy or faith but it's not proven or fact or reality is what U need to accept or else someone needs too send U to the nutter house.

By the way Racial or ethnic communism doesn't work just like it didn't work in economics, smart ppl want to preserve their identity and history not throw their lot ina feudal republic of rats who unite on shared language or looks.

Your a rat and an I'm a lion, lions look the same also but their tribal as f*ck. Looks won't bring about unity and only works for rats who lost or never had a historical identity and congregating like some wecels in A republic.

Tribe is reality and U need to work with it not dismis it for your fantasy and waste our ppl time with your fictious politics. All successful politics is grounded in reality or proof not preaching.
That sounds like promises and faith statements not reality which Somalis are tired of for 30 years as they yearn for a political realist like Abdullahi Yusuf who actually left something behind cause his politics was grounded in reality not dreams.
Of yeah, he left something alright, he left Al Shabaab, you moron. Abdullahi Yusuf was a filthy traitor who betrayed his nation by letting Ethiopia invade the country and kick the ICU out which indirectly lead to the rise of Al Shabaab. Is that the result of "reality"? Setting the country back by at least a decade when we finally had a stabilizing force in the ICU?
The reality in Somalia is tribal while your desires or faith is national, politics is about realities not dreams and fantasies or faith, U can keep your dream and fantasy or faith but it's not proven or fact or reality is what U need to accept or else someone needs too send U to the nutter house.
So basically you are a defeatist who will not accept the idea that Somalia could move past tribalism. And that is based on what exactly?
By the way Racial or ethnic communism doesn't work just like it didn't work in economics, smart ppl want to preserve their identity and history not throw their lot ina feudal republic of rats who unite on shared language or looks.
You are completely naive. Nations are based on shared history, culture and language which Somalis all fit in. We are more liable to being a nation than say Ethiopia or Kenya are because Somalis all share a common heritage. The only thing we don't share is a common interest. I never said anything about communism and Somalia never united as a communist country to begin with.
Your a rat and an I'm a lion, lions look the same also but their tribal as f*ck. Looks won't bring about unity and only works for rats who lost or never had a historical identity and congregating like some wecels in A republic
Idiotic analogy. Humans are not animals and are not inherently predisposed to tribalism like animals are. Do you think a newborn Somali will know what a Darood or Hawiye is? f*ck no, they will only identify with people that look like them.

Tribe is reality and U need to work with it not dismis it for your fantasy and waste our ppl time with your fictious politics. All successful politics is grounded in reality or proof not preaching.
"Our people" Lol, you are just a qablist who doesn't care about other Somalis beyond your own tribe. There is no success with the current system, Somalia is far poorer and less stable than it was back in the 60s-80s when it was an actual united country. The only reason you are peddling this tribe is reality bullshit is because you are scared of your own tribe of losing power and being forced to live with your fellow Somalis. Coward.


Of yeah, he left something alright, he left Al Shabaab, you moron. Abdullahi Yusuf was a filthy traitor who betrayed his nation by letting Ethiopia invade the country and kick the ICU out which indirectly lead to the rise of Al Shabaab. Is that the result of "reality"? Setting the country back by at least a decade when we finally had a stabilizing force in the ICU?

So basically you are a defeatist who will not accept the idea that Somalia could move past tribalism. And that is based on what exactly?

You are completely naive. Nations are based on shared history, culture and language which Somalis all fit in. We are more liable to being a nation than say Ethiopia or Kenya are because Somalis all share a common heritage. The only thing we don't share is a common interest. I never said anything about communism and Somalia never united as a communist country to begin with.

Idiotic analogy. Humans are not animals and are not inherently predisposed to tribalism like animals are. Do you think a newborn Somali will know what a Darood or Hawiye is? f*ck no, they will only identify with people that look like them.

"Our people" Lol, you are just a qablist who doesn't care about other Somalis beyond your own tribe. There is no success with the current system, Somalia is far poorer and less stable than it was back in the 60s-80s when it was an actual united country. The only reason you are peddling this tribe is reality bullshit is because you are scared of your own tribe of losing power and being forced to live with your fellow Somalis. Coward.

Feudal societies became nation on shared tongue and shared looks like rats congregating even they will tell U their society is a race between rats or a rat race. I'm no fuckin rat and to proud to be just a number in some republic when I have my own personal history at a tribal level which rats don't. Even their torah and gospel do ab tirsi in our format. Surnames is for rats in a fuedal order or the gentiles marker. By the way what in the world have U done for me or my clan when U say we have shared history lol. Your not apart of my story not do I owe U any allegiance.

U r waging war on Allah who said humans are tribes and nations, some have history and some don't and unite on shared looks and speech, this world order won't change thru faith as it's promised by god and is ordained and anyone who tries to change it or alter it or corrupt it will only face downfalls and obstacles.

These are convenants r left by abraham to identify his people, plus circumision and plus their tongues will be poetic based so god can reveal himself in it without being trapped in a rat fuedal tongue where their words or speech cannot have infinite meaning and is fixed and limited and god cannot be limited.

Either way communism isn't just economical dummy, it's any system that tries to unify ppl on some new system whether it's language or shared looks or religion, as past convenants cannot be altered or changed as god ordained it.

U r a communist socially as U want unity on shared looks and language copying other country models. A republic is a fkn communist idea U silly f*ck, it United ppl on man made systems like racial or language which is ok for those gentiles but won't work or be accepted by god or locals where ever abtirsi exist.


Of yeah, he left something alright, he left Al Shabaab, you moron. Abdullahi Yusuf was a filthy traitor who betrayed his nation by letting Ethiopia invade the country and kick the ICU out which indirectly lead to the rise of Al Shabaab. Is that the result of "reality"? Setting the country back by at least a decade when we finally had a stabilizing force in the ICU?

So basically you are a defeatist who will not accept the idea that Somalia could move past tribalism. And that is based on what exactly?

You are completely naive. Nations are based on shared history, culture and language which Somalis all fit in. We are more liable to being a nation than say Ethiopia or Kenya are because Somalis all share a common heritage. The only thing we don't share is a common interest. I never said anything about communism and Somalia never united as a communist country to begin with.

Idiotic analogy. Humans are not animals and are not inherently predisposed to tribalism like animals are. Do you think a newborn Somali will know what a Darood or Hawiye is? f*ck no, they will only identify with people that look like them.

"Our people" Lol, you are just a qablist who doesn't care about other Somalis beyond your own tribe. There is no success with the current system, Somalia is far poorer and less stable than it was back in the 60s-80s when it was an actual united country. The only reason you are peddling this tribe is reality bullshit is because you are scared of your own tribe of losing power and being forced to live with your fellow Somalis. Coward.

Funny U insult Abdullahi Yusuf yet U r sitting on his legacy the SFG cause look at GM or HS which are hawiye legacies and it's a joke and U should get the message by now illahi hasn't gifted U guys politically, kulaha ICU brought stability a false peace as what was to follow is nuclear strikes or Afghanistan model or Iraq or iran sanctions.

f*ck U fool, Abdullahi Yusuf is a political somali messiah and a Somali political realist. I am loyalist to his philosophy that all politics must be grounded in on ground realities not desires or faith, or foreign interests, U can call me defeatist all U want but it actually works.
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By the way what in the world have U done for me or my clan when U say we have shared history lol
Stop being a retarded tribalist lol. Somali clans are a farce, there is no real difference between a northerner and a southerner. A Hawiye and Isaaq share far more in common than a Sicilian Italian does with a Milanese Italian yet the former are unable to work together while the latter are capable of being in a functional nation together. Hell, Africa is a perfect example where countries like Ethiopia and Nigeria are fuctional despite being full of different ethnic groups like @Kizaru said.

who said humans are tribes and nations,
Please tell that to the Muslim nations that formed due to culture and looks. Tell that to the countries that don't like Indonesia and Iraq lol.
it's any system that tries to unify ppl on some new system whether it's language or shared looks
So basically you are calling nationalists like Hitler and Garibaldi communists. Lol idiot
A republic is a fkn communist idea U silly f*ck,
Take your meds already you schizo f*ck. You always struck me as a rambling weirdo but now I know you are delusional.
what was to follow is nuclear strikes or Afghanistan model or Iraq
ICU was nothing like Al Qaeda or Taliban you idiot. It was a legitimate grassroots movement by Somalis to rid the anarchy that plagued the country. The U.S. never thought of it as a threat until Meles Zenawi and Abdullahi Yusuf ed about the ICU and let Ethiopia invade. There is a reason members of the ICU would go on to join the the new government because America always knew the ICU had the best leaders for Somalia. Enough of your stupid revisionism.


Stop being a retarded tribalist lol. Somali clans are a farce, there is no real difference between a northerner and a southerner. A Hawiye and Isaaq share far more in common than a Sicilian Italian does with a Milanese Italian yet the former are unable to work together while the latter are capable of being in a functional nation together. Hell, Africa is a perfect example where countries like Ethiopia and Nigeria are fuctional despite being full of different ethnic groups like @Kizaru said.

Please tell that to the Muslim nations that formed due to culture and looks. Tell that to the countries that don't like Indonesia and Iraq lol.

So basically you are calling nationalists like Hitler and Garibaldi communists. Lol idiot

Take your meds already you schizo f*ck. You always struck me as a rambling weirdo but now I know you are delusional.

ICU was nothing like Al Qaeda or Taliban you idiot. It was a legitimate grassroots movement by Somalis to rid the anarchy that plagued the country. The U.S. never thought of it as a threat until Meles Zenawi and Abdullahi Yusuf ed about the ICU and let Ethiopia invade. There is a reason members of the ICU would go on to join the the new government because America always knew the ICU had the best leaders for Somalia. Enough of your stupid revisionism.

Your pathetic low life hawiye bahal and your not and will ever be gifted in politics as your resume speaks for itself in GM or HS who all rely on Abdullahi Yusuf sfg not hawiye legacies ,

ICU was good kulaha and were not stooges of Eritrea and why they still congregate there and they weren't Taliban kulaha yet their political gods were terrorists like Syed qutb from egypt and till today it's the ikhwaan homeland.

Ikhwaan are feral rats in PL and subjectated at all times for what they did with dahir aways and al itihaad, I don't care if they call themselves ictisam, itihaad, al islah, Shabab their all different sides of the same coin which is ikhwaan and we know now your in bed with Qatar and turks thru it and U only joined it out of hatred for majerten not out of religion. Plus no khilaafa can be made without the Mahdi is a well known Islamic ruling across all madhabs.

Plus Mahdi must be recognised by all muslim countries and across all sects and bring the same unity the prophet and 4 rightly guided caliphs did, if they don't and self declare or recognise themselves they are given fatwa as khawarij or heathens which all them ikhwaan are and U hawiyes only joined it due to hatred of majerten and as a result will join your family in al hawiyah hell, the lowest hell named after your father. Plus it's embarassing ruling yourself with religion given to all mankind it means you have no ancestoral history and just some wax qaawaan trying to hide it thru the deeni card.

I know niggas like U and U can call me a schizo all U want but U know I don't just hit the nerve but I hit niggas to the bone.


I mean Allah looked at all the evil in the world from beginning to end and saw no greater evil in mankind and named his lowest hell so Al hawiyah and that says something about what sort wretched man and his children are and if 91 till now isn't more proof to the deniers then your woefully blind.

Your probably right why I'm schizo as I'm half hawiye and their terrorizing my mind the demons of Al hawiyah hell so I save them by helping hawiye inay toosaan. I wish I could just go to Jannah fardowza with darod and his kids and doonbiro but I can't as I'm genetically infected with hawiyenimo as I'm loyal as hell to my awoowe on my mother side kama Jano tagayo as loyalty is my biggest morality I'll die in madness if I have too, so I will keep fighting to correct hawiye in this world as my awoowe wants tolkisa so I have to accept his loyalty.

Trust me the demons from al hawiyah hell are nothing like the western schizo of just petty voices, these niggas shape shift into all humans and nature, animals, plants, time and space and energy at universal and quantum scale their like iblis or Lucifer's earthy army demons, I don't wanna meet them upon death either as the worldly ones who come thru madness is enough for me and taken it's toll.

These forces are strong as hell and teaching me that good n evil is a war and they need peace cause everyone makes mistakes or suffering in some way and it's not right to be selfish and let them rott while U enjoy. Noone wants to be outside god presence and left to their imperfect human nature due to Adam mistake even Satan wants to be saved. Psychosis is just ppl awareness in dream or nitemare but usually it's a 99% of them so it's evil spirits, but normal ppl get dreams and nitemare asleep, the conscious or mind doesn't just get attacked while asleep, it can happen while awake and that's the mentally ill. Pray for them as their struggling and didn't choose them, they were chosen.

These demons if I tell you is just angry spirits who can't reach Jannah and come to ppl thru madness as they may have some genetic history with them and they know they will be loyal and help them migrate to Jannah.
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speaks for itself in GM or HS who all rely on Abdullahi Yusuf sfg not hawiye legacies ,
I'm not a Hawiye you schizo, and Abdullahi Yusuf doesn't have a legacy since he got dismissed and promptly forgotten about.
ICU was good kulaha
Were they perfect? No but they did far more good to Somalia than any of the warlords did. You obviously never lived in the south during that time and anyone who did like @HabarSteven12 could tell you how much safer and stable Mogadishu and south were under ICU rule. Your ignorance is why you are calling them terrorists when they were never thought as such by the U.S.
Plus Mahdi must be recognised by all muslim countries and across all sects
I don't care for your Islamist shilling but a caliphate is not viable or realistic in today's time. No sane Muslim country supports it.
Plus it's embarassing ruling yourself with religion given to all mankind
Then go be with ISIS or something you loser. A world wide caliphate is never happening, its not viable. This is the modern world, its in the best interest of Somalis to govern themselves based on shared culture and ethnicity than religion.

I mean Allah looked at all the evil in the world from beginning to end and saw no greater evil in mankind and named his lowest hell so Al hawiyah and that says something about what sort wretched man and his children are and if 91 till now isn't more proof to the deniers then your woefully blind.

Your probably right why I'm schizo as I'm half hawiye and their terrorizing my mind the demons of Al hawiyah hell so I save them by helping hawiye inay toosaan. I wish I could just go to Jannah fardowza with darod and his kids and doonbiro but I can't as I'm genetically infected with hawiyenimo as I'm loyal as hell to my awoowe on my mother side kama Jano tagayo as loyalty is my biggest morality I'll die in madness if I have too, so I will keep fighting to correct hawiye in this world as my awoowe wants tolkisa so I have to accept his loyalty.

Trust me the demons from al hawiyah hell are nothing like the western schizo of just petty voices, these niggas shape shift into all humans and nature, animals, plants, time and space and energy at universal and quantum scale their like iblis or Lucifer's earthy army demons, I don't wanna meet them upon death either as the worldly ones who come thru madness is enough for me and taken it's toll. These forces are strong as hell and teaching me that good n evil is a war and they need peace cause everyone makes mistakes or suffering in some way and it's not right to be selfish and let them rott while U enjoy. Noone wants to be outside god presence and left to their imperfect human nature due to Adam mistake even Satan wants to be saved.

These demons if I tell you is just angry spirits who can't reach Jannah and come to ppl thru madness as they may have some genetic history with them and they know they will be loyal and help them migrate to Jannah.
You are obviously schizophrenic and mentally ill. Get some help already before you hurt someone.


I'm not a Hawiye you schizo, and Abdullahi Yusuf doesn't have a legacy since he got dismissed and promptly forgotten about.

Were they perfect? No but they did far more good to Somalia than any of the warlords did. You obviously never lived in the south during that time and anyone who did like @HabarSteven12 could tell you how much safer and stable Mogadishu and south were under ICU rule. Your ignorance is why you are calling them terrorists when they were never thought as such by the U.S.

I don't care for your Islamist shilling but a caliphate is not viable or realistic in today's time. No sane Muslim country supports it.

Then go be with ISIS or something you loser. A world wide caliphate is never happening, its not viable. This is the modern world, its in the best interest of Somalis to govern themselves based on shared culture and ethnicity than religion.

You are obviously schizophrenic and mentally ill. Get some help already before you hurt someone.

Why do all humans have a huge issue against mentally diverse ppl and call it mental illness? These ppl r persecuted at every level whether religious, secular, family, meel UU fiyow ma jiro, their the most persecuted group since history was written and possibly pre written history also.

Yet they all cry for racial and gender discrimination victims at least they have a community to fall back on. No wonder mentally ill are always killed, imprisoned in hospitals, or die from suicide or even drug and alcohol addictions, or terrible side effects from medication whether it's emotional or physical and have a 25 year reduced life span from the norm life span.

Most of these pressures are not the illness but the actual people around them and the overwhelming stress they put on them. Why can't it be accepted as mental diversity and not telling them their sick and just different but equal and help them like autistic kids who also were persecuted.

By the way I'm not touching their medication as it makes my emotions go numb, flat. Comatose and I only exist physically not alive inside at all but dead, it's soul crushing. Not to mention the sexual side effect, I think they add some sterilizing element to make sure we can't reproduce and pass it on as all report this also. Plus it makes u slow like retard and U can't focus or pay attention and everything is just big confusions when on their shitty meds, it's not medicine as medicine helps ppl, it's fuckin poison as it rarely helps the majority.

Plus it causes ppl to put on heaps of weight cause of appetite hunger and then they get diabetes or heart issue and on more medication, I call it medication lifecycle hell. I'm doing it the natural way and my way this time thru good sleep, diet, stress and anxiety management as that causes the reduced sleep and food decline and less caffeine and sugars as that isn't good mix for our genetic defect. Heaps of ppl recover naturally from it in Somalia without the western medication cocktails.

@Hodan from HR U love this topic any comments.
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@Zak12 only time I will attack U if U tell me to take medication cause I know what it does to me and is a poison, I prefer natural remedies only, don't U dare call crisis team on me cause they have mental health act and law to detain mentally ill indefinitely thru psychiatric treatment order they even have tribunal and U stand before their false gods who can hold U for life if u don't comply.

One of the big reasons I became spiritualist, I don't fear hell like religion. I already see and feel it in my mind. I got no respect for them mental health court system as their just using pagan greek science incorrectly and giving themselves power over ppl life. Their real Pharisees and tyrants.

Plus I don't like your dismissive undertones son and trying to dehumanize me or pity me as a lower being and dismissing my point on the grounds of your sick and mad. By the way I'm starting a mental illness group locally to help each other as a community as we got a whole world against us and to fight back to restore our humanity, not have them divide n conquer us and scatter us in the community so we can't unify and bring down mental illness and make it mental diversity.
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@DR OSMAN what do you think of this?
Only tribal society it worked and fell quickly was Israel thru David and Solomonic crown even tho they hold faith it will be restored their crown thru their messiah who they ironically wait for in blind faith for 2000 years thinking faith actual means reality when it's only hope not fact. It is good to have hope U need it as humans but it's silly when you refuse to change also and conform to reality. But a crown can work on gentiles as one family can creates dynasty and kingdom usually with the influence of wretched Jews teaching them abt tirsi so they can control monarch and use his subjects as beast of burden but not tribal society as each member is a king and know his lineage.

The whole world is under law whether natural, scientific, social, etc nothing escapes the laws so their some test on us by a higher power is without a doubt. I like to call it were in prison because laws are for criminals, so we must of done something criminal in the past and religion say it was Adam fall or sin which he passed on thru his descendants and is mutating into millions of laws whether pagan, cultural. Religious.

More laws mean less freedom and more culays and that's hell to me as Adam must of been in perfect state upon creation and same with eve cause god created them, but after the fall, I notice a terrible mutation that's where birth begins and with Birth comes death, U want a gradual decline in laws but U can't as lol humans are genetically mutated by adam with his imperfection. Then his sons created murder on top of that and more qiyaano and then their no mention untill Noah but we can assume they declined further into evil during those undocumented ages and many Warner's would've come but possibly succumbed.


@Hodan from HR I want to do a class lawsuit and use their own mental health clinical data to show 99% don't recover and decline further either being institutionalized and life's wasted in hospital or group homes, terrible permanent side effects whether heart, diabetes, and sexual dysfunction which contributes to their shorter life span. The other one is severe depression to the point U don't feel anything any more and have to fake it even and feel like psychopath. Like when I proposed to create human organ warehouse in bosaso and use the overabudant dead in the south and cash in on this rich commodity and export their asses to hospitals to save productive lives, I was in severe depression and U become psychopath cause U dont feel nothing.

I also want a memorial done for the victims whether living or died due to these monster beast system masquerading as health but is infact hell or a prison. I also want compensation for all who lost great number of years thru isolation, side effects, or even died thru suicide or early deaths due to medication complications. I also want compensation for their reputational damage it has caused on them whether at community, family, or work as their huge stigma that comes with it and dehumanization.

What their treating actually causes more problems in the majority, so they can't argue it's health or on what ground or metrics.

All they need to do is delist mental disorders completely as mental diversity and help them accept their experience is real but only for them just like ppl dreams and nitemare are real to them personally and adopt the autism model of living with it as dual realities or conscious and super conscious and setting up schools for it and Even giving them avenues to unleash their madness into art, music. Movies. fiction books or even have their own social club with Like minded ppl with dual realities.

But I'm afraid that's optistimic as lots of ppl are now using at ponsy scheme to make money on whether psychiatrist, psychologists. Nurses, management, academics, big pharma, govt and that's way to many industries that will die and why they don't touch the current model. your talking 100 billion dollar a year industry which they milked for over 30 years at least, I want a big portion of that repaid to the victims, unlikely I know but I love sweet justice.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
:comeon: Let he/she with the most competent intellectuals with integrity win. Why not pilot semi-autonomous provinces ruling themselves and see how they fair. I think SL should balkanize too and we'll see how that goes. No stealing tax revenue from regions you don't belong, investing little in them or forestalling Port development. On account of fear of competition. In the Gulf they have ports everywhere and no one cares.


Somalia needs to invite a muslim from outside to come and settle and act as the new aristocracy and monarchy. I'd recommend high IQ Hui or Tatar Muslims

Not joking btw
We can create a council to govern the country. That includes people from every corner of somalia. The people need to be pulled from this misery


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