Genuinely, What is a more acceptable alternative to federalism (clan federalism)

True. Clan and religion only real uniting common factors in Somalia. good chance they will always be foundation of any governance in Somalia, unfortunately it seems clan even trumps religion
Clan trumps everything unfortunately. However I think strong governance can over power clan. Not at the federal level yet, but definitely at the state level

I think Puntland is heading in this direction. Development projects like the Ceeldaahir-Ceerigaabo highway or the Garacad port/3G road. This will grow the economy and give people the opportunity to make a living. And having 1m1v people can vote based on their own interests allowing them to function as individuals and not as members of a qabiil


Clan loyalties isn't what builds a country. 1 state isn't even functional. If say all the states got independence, how would they be able to defend themselves. Most states don't even have 5 million. There no such thing as economic prosperity with a population of 5 million. There's barely any infrastructure, basic necessities, schools, no currency, no trade routes or even any source of income. Qabil infighting is expected. They would cease to exist as there's nothing to hold it together apart from its loyalty to 1 clan. There's practically no institutions, facilities and hospital equipment to support even 5 people. Where will these new countries get money from? Asking for loans they will never be able to payback? We have zero economic strategy or even a economy in the first place. Our economy is 7 billion. That's our gdp. Each state will probably be equivalent to that of 1-2 billion. A 1 billion dollar economy as a country would be shameful beyond beliefs. How can a state survive like that. It would be catastrophic. Another refugee crisis. All because people couldn't put their qabil aside. I want to know what exactly qabil has done for modern somalia. We are getting laughed at. Loyalties means nothing when your country is pile of ash and smoke

Well copying foreign system has been tried and it doesn't last and ends up collapsing, we need local homegrown solutions at all times not foreign copy cat models as the likelihood it will last beyond a decade is minimal. Yes the country is trash and qabiil provides many benefits as it's a blanket in the event state collapse happens. Quran made it clear humans are tribes and ethnics, that won't change to yowmul qiyaama as it identifies those who follow ab tirsi vs those who don't and lose their name in 3 generations. This is what Israel wants they keep their ancestoral history while others don't so they can enslave them for Israel and then argue god is with us and allowed it.

Non tribal societies or language based countries don't have such safety net and even their religions or king's are weak and disempowered as they put all their cards behind republic system which isn't a wise idea throwing your lot one way as that comes with terrible side effects that can lead to eventual extinction if that one extreme solution falls apart.

Somalis need to blend Islam and tribe and republic idea not throw one away for another but compliment each other as all have a strong history in the land. The reason these republic models were set up was in jewish favor as they never disregard a single thing or legacy from there but want others to disregard as then their easily controlled as they never keep their history which they can dictate thru bible or other formats to make themselves superior.

I know what those vermin rats are doing in the globe and their supremacist agenda behind it, it's sad u fall for it as bait and in few centuries ur descendants will cry U were fooled by economic illusions and traded it all for losing your identity and being some dude another dude tells you who and what U r and that usually comes with massive discrimination and persecution as you couldn't even keep your identity.
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A man without a ๐Ÿซ won't be praised in afterlife
We should have a federal system I agree on that but similar to americas format but altered to fit our people its not the system which is bad what we need is a good leader and to gain the alleigance of clans and try to reconcilliate and rebuild relationships and make concessions between all of them and from there we can phase it out and get the peoples trust once again.


A man without a ๐Ÿซ won't be praised in afterlife
The reality on the ground says that we're not a united ppl. Every clans elite wants power. To keep the country together we have no choice but federalism.
But not a clanist federalism a provincial one.

Yusuf Abdi Ali Rashid

King of Prussia
I beg to differ, Balkanization is the way forward. Some clans are more committed to prosperity while others are not. Some clans promote visionaries, while other clans promote warlords and wastemen. A case in point is the Gaaljecel, A massive clan that makes up a significant portion of the population in Hiraan, Middle Shabelle, Lower Shabelle, Lower Juba, and the Somali region. They inhabit fertile lush lands, yet are subjected to isbaaro and a general lack of development. In the political ring, they're used as proxies when it comes to inter-hawiye feuds. Contrast them with the Leelkase, who inhabit an unforgiving land in Mudug. They've built/are actively building an airport, a dry port, and a road connection to Garacad. They are paving roads and are promoting businesses and farms. Some clans will flourish when it comes to balkanization, clans like Majerteen, Abgaal, Habr awal, Leelkase, Xawaadle, Habargidir, and Dhulbahante. My clan personally is geographically blessed, we're sitting on gold deposits, open access to the sea, lush tropical fauna, and a geographically defensible position. We just need to cultivate our political class who are a joke and have done nothing for their constituents and then we will be set. All in all, we need balkanization. This is not FKD material mods, Its a truth, don't move it.
The problem is not the mode of governance, the problem is we have uneducated peasants who are so backward that they'd rather pay thousands of dollars to arm a milita than to invest in clean water. Siad Barre was right in one thing, Somalia needs to eradicate ignorance before anything else. Even before qabiil.
When people are educated, and they can read and write, then you're more likely to get compromises out of them.
The problem is not the mode of governance, the problem is we have uneducated peasants who are so backward that they'd rather pay thousands of dollars to arm a milita than to invest in clean water. Siad Barre was right in one thing, Somalia needs to eradicate ignorance before anything else. Even before qabiil.
When people are educated, and they can read and write, then you're more likely to get compromises out of them.
Education Is the key for a modern society. No Education = no country. We should heavily invest in Education and job creation

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

#Puntlandfirst. #PIM
Nothing wrong with federalism. I will die for maintaining my autonomous state. The key to Eliminate somalia problems is end poverty and invest in education. Alot of of the problems will go away.


Somalia will just roll like this until the west gets bored and stops funding amisom. When that happens all the paper states will collapse. Either clan militias or al shabaab would take over.


I've noticed lots of traditional african societies religions don't do abtirsi but actually worship ancestors and call out for them or make them into gods. We however worship the god of the final day or hour and the one who knows all the past and present and future.

Some call him creator I disagree as humans and jinns are creators and is not a befitting title his known as the great one is better title. But we record our ancestor names like bible culture of prophets do and source our identity and history from it not worship them as other africans. We count first names in a chain as individuals not surnames or crap lol

But that's all relative as some Somalis do transgress and go extreme and turns to worship as it's the most important thing in their life. The rest of the world usually has one dude a king and his family keep their name while the rest are cannon fodder feudal system.
Nothing wrong with federalism. I will die for maintaining my autonomous state. The key to Eliminate somalia problems is end poverty and invest in education. Alot of of the problems will go away.
When you die, several others will. It will be a countinous circle of violence and death and destruction. Have people every thought of maybe working together.
If people will die for a semi state but wont even defend their people from aggression like in ethiopia, kenya whats waiting for us over the coming years.
You got jahils killing an innocent person just by being the same qabil of another Jahil who killed someone from their clan. That will take a lot of effort to get rid.
All you need is a educated populus, one that can over come such jahlilnimo and low iq. To get there we need to focus on working together. These jahils will thrive from the hate and Enmity which which only get worse. Imagine a state where not even islam can bring people together. Destruction everywhere, no hospitals, schools and a country thats not 10 years behind but 60 years behind. The next generation will be ashamed to even mutter our names. Whats crazy is Somalis dont even want to come back. They are arguing about qabil from the west but when asked if you would live or stay in somalia, they refuse. Truly wild how far we fell behind the world. We arent even a regional competitor. Burundi, a country so poor that its a outlier in africa, has to help us function. I want somalis to know when this will end or will we forever languish in these countries that cry at the sight of us.
its just wild to me how somalia, with the same people, same language, same ancestry, same religion cant function but ethiopians, who literally want to wipe and geneocide each other out of the face of earth, have a more cohesive country. I pray somalis move from this
Somalia is very homogenous, once we get a leader that can unify the country, whether by peace or by force & who can end the disease known as Qabil, then the only limit for Somalia's growth & development will be the SKY. And also its ability to challenge & erase superstitions that hold people back from their full potential.


Somalia is very homogenous, once we get a leader that can unify the country, whether by peace or by force & who can end the disease known as Qabil, then the only limit for Somalia's growth & development will be the SKY. And also its ability to challenge & erase superstitions that hold people back from their full potential.

Homogenous kulaha u know what that means? We look the same heck even lions look the same but are still tribes. I'm not abandoning my tribe I'm a lion your a rat kulaha we look the same like some desperate eelay trying to make new family on looks. f*ck u waryaa I'm fighting for majerteniya honor till I die. Hada waxaa socodo sheeko racial communism lol desperate I ain't abandoning my tribe like a lion cause communism don't work no matter if it economic or racial its rats who want to form.colonies and become lions thru sheer number and shared looks.

@Libaax-Joore they want us to stop being lions and turn into feudal rats in a republic on racial communism like the rest of the world even they call themselves rat race I'm a lion I don't do rat race or just another number in society
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