Geeljire food vs Middle Eastern food? (What’s your pick)

Somali Traditional food isn't just milk, butter, meat, and yogurt. There are various grains that Somalis also eat like masago. Fried coffee beans and canjeero are also traditional. For what we borrowed, it's now undeniably ours since we've added our twist. All people borrow.

@Grigori Rasputin your "we'll know who's sane or insane" was your trademark. You shouldnt have changed it.
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Somali cuisine is better than Arab cuisine I’m sorry, and like I said everyone incorporates and gives there dishes a new spin off past ones, our pasta and sugga has its own spin, just like the Italians one was itself a spin off from east asia


Hot Take:

Somali cuisine is just a softcore version of South Asian cuisine.
Nah other than sambusa(ours is way better) no real commonalities, south Asian cuisine overall is far superior to middle Eastern though tbh, I’d eat tikka masala over hummus any day of the week


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Im about to sample this Arabian restaurant that got opened in my neck of the woods.

The Geeljire restaurant are only getting worse here in my city. We have about 28 of them but I’m unsatisfied with them all. Furthermore they’ve raised their prices. Y’all noticed how Geeljire restaurants have colluded to raise their prices from Columbus to Toronto to Minnesota.

(In the UK I ate from this restaurant in Acton called “Somali Food” or something. No lie it was hella cheap. For 5 pounds a breakfast. Wasn’t bad but it was a hole on the wall type of an establishment with mainly faaraxs politicking all around me.

No Gri, the cost of life is ALL up. Soon 90% of the world population will be poor. No more wealth mobility.

