Geeljire cheates on a xalimo and she beats him until he bleeds

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Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
based on what Islamic evidence are you making this claim? Calling a xalaal marriage cheating is xaram.
u should know better.

I’m just basing it on what I know cause marriages must be made public and not held in secret cause that was the practice of the prophet swt himself and his companions


Ilaahay Gargaaryeey Gabiley Qurux Badanaa
I’m just basing it on what I know cause marriages must be made public and not held in secret cause that was the practice of the prophet swt himself and his companions

You're changing goalposts. No one here is defending Qudbo Siiro which is unambigously Haram.

Not telling your second wife you're getting married isn't the same as Qudbo Siiro.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
You're changing goalposts. No one here is defending Qudbo Siiro which is unambigously Haram.

Not telling your second wife you're getting married isn't the same as Qudbo Siiro.

It isn’t qudbo siiro say your getting a 2nd wife you get witnesses and a Sheekh to conduct the marriage in addition to this requirement it’s sunnah to invite the public to a walimaah celebrating that a wedding happened
The 1st wife isn’t usually invited so what are we advocating here that everyone in the community has a right to know but the one who will be affected by this will be kept in the dark?
It isn’t qudbo siiro say your getting a 2nd wife you get witnesses and a Sheekh to conduct the marriage in addition to this requirement it’s sunnah to invite the public to a walimaah celebrating that a wedding happened
The 1st wife isn’t usually invited so what are we advocating here that everyone in the community has a right to know but the one who will be affected by this will be kept in the dark?
I agree with you that a lot of people who has second or third wife are not in condition to have one. I also think there is something called decency. Technichally there isnt a shruud that you have to tell first wife. But people mix technichality with decent behavior towards people. You absolutely should tell first wife your plans to marry second wife. And you absolutely should be financially able before you take this route.

I know a guy who has 5 kids and wife pregnant with 6th who went to africa to get second wife. And he didnt even have job at that moment even though he has taxi license.
If you’re married and get a 2nd wife without your wife knowing you are a cheater cause she didn’t sign up to share you with another woman
Islam has permitted for us to have more than one wife and prohibited adultery. This is about polygamy and it is not zina. Shitty marriages are not zina. Being a shitty husband does not automatically mean he does zina.
I don’t know what happened but i found this video on somali features snapchat, what do you guys think about this video and do you think it was alright for him to get this extremly violent beating?
I think that the girl that recorded this video is his sidechick, she even said she was pregrant

What kind of idiot being chased goes into the elevator instead of the stairs?

She has dodged a bullet if she hasn't had a kid with this clown. Imagine how stupid her child would be.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
I agree with you that a lot of people who has second or third wife are not in condition to have one. I also think there is something called decency. Technichally there isnt a shruud that you have to tell first wife. But people mix technichality with decent behavior towards people. You absolutely should tell first wife your plans to marry second wife. And you absolutely should be financially able before you take this route.

I know a guy who has 5 kids and wife pregnant with 6th who went to africa to get second wife. And he didnt even have job at that moment even though he has taxi license.

Where’s the logic in that the wife is expecting their 6th child instead of getting a job he goes marries another



What is "truth"? does science validate "truth"? Why should that be left unjustified?

Isn't that an axiomatic form?
In terms of the truth, in response to a catalyst in my life, I looked into the religion itself and other religions besides, and studied it from an objective perspective, and asked questions, putting the concept of faith aside. By the time I had finished the process, there was no religious system I looked at that I couldn’t but deem a product of man, bc of its many contradictions, absurdities and flaws. I accepted I had been searching for something that wasn’t there. And that if it was there, all indications pointed to it not having tried to contact us to bid us worship it.

My love for science was always there, but there’s a certain appreciation for it I was struck with when I stopped trying to hold faith. Science is a rigorous process of finding truth with the tools available to us, and yet our sum knowledge of our surroundings is relatively small. It’s humbling, but also it’s beautiful, and to me that’s precisely bc we know it to be real.

Walal I will never shed tears over a farax

But whilst saying that @Ferrari is defending polygamy when he can’t even get one wife.. :gucciwhat:sweety you will die in your moms basement clutching your sexbot Wifey 2.10 if you are lucky.:nahgirl:
my gu.s is too big for me to waste it on one xaliimo.
there's plenty to share.:manny:

keep calling me neck bearded basement dwelling incel tho like your words change reality.:heh:
In terms of the truth, in response to a catalyst in my life, I looked into the religion itself and other religions besides, and studied it from an objective perspective, and asked questions, putting the concept of faith aside. By the time I had finished the process, there was no religious system I looked at that I couldn’t but deem a product of man, bc of its many contradictions, absurdities and flaws. I accepted I had been searching for something that wasn’t there. And that if it was there, all indications pointed to it not having tried to contact us to bid us worship it.

My love for science was always there, but there’s a certain appreciation for it I was struck with when I stopped trying to hold faith. Science is a rigorous process of finding truth with the tools available to us, and yet our sum knowledge of our surroundings is relatively small. It’s humbling, but also it’s beautiful, and to me that’s precisely bc we know it to be real.
what if the science/tools that'll prove Islam right isn't here today?:cosbyhmm: Isaac newton is considered the greatest scientist to walk the earth, yet many of his theories were debunked by Einstein. Meaning scientific ideas we know as facts today could be proven wrong a century or so.

Honest question because science is always progressing. Compare where science was couple hundred years ago when they used to burn 'witches' to where it is today.

Science isn't obsolete so using the bit we know today to draw, unequivocally, that God doesn't exist is a decision made prematurely.

Maybe in the year 3000s or something science will finally be like yeah there is a God.

what then?


what if the science/tools that'll prove Islam right isn't here today?:cosbyhmm: Isaac newton is considered the greatest scientist to walk the earth, yet many of his theories were debunked by Einstein. Meaning scientific ideas we know as facts today could be proven wrong a century or so.

Honest question because science is always progressing. Compare where science was couple hundred years ago when they used to burn 'witches' to where it is today.

Science isn't obsolete so using the bit we know today to draw, unequivocally, that God doesn't exist is a decision made prematurely.

Maybe in the year 3000s or something science will finally be like yeah there is a God.

what then?

Sxb what pisses me off is how can atheism take ownership in science? Last time I checked, Islam were leading science and without them, we wouldn't be communicating with each other online.

On top of that, if it wasn't for Mongol invasion and their destruction in Baghdad and Mesopotamia then this world would've been 400 years ahead in technology and medicine thanks to Islam. Remember Islamic golden age was destroyed by barbaric invaders which devolved this planet.

Atheism has no claim on science. Islam is science and so far, there has been no confirmed scientific error.
Yes islamcally You don’t have to tell your wife you’re getting a 2nd wife
But it’s still cheating since your wife don’t know about it and you didn’t even talk to her about it just a whole lot of unnecessary drama that could have been avoided if people are honest with each other

Getting a second wife is xalaal, but it is cheating at the same time?


As a muslim you should know cheating is xaraam. Either taking a second wife without the firsts consent is considered cheating and thus xaraam. Or it is xalaal and therefore not cheating.

Which is it?
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