Galmudug is independent of Mogadishu and Farmjoo's mess

Galmudug only organized the meeting which was agreed upon by all. We never said anything stating that we support Farmajoo.

This is what you get for spending money and resources to try and fix Zoomaalia's problems. Nobody can blame Farmajoos failure to comply with Dhusmareeb 2 on HG. Nobody can blame us for acting neutral in Dhusmareeb 3 out of politeness.

If Farmajoo refuses to hold elections don't blame us. He is Darood and Darood is to blame. If he chooses to put Somalia in civil war than don't blame us.

If Dhusmareeb 3 fails because of Farmajoo than don't blame us. We tried our best to bring everyone together and work out a deal but Farmajoo is playing games.

All HG fam was last night talking with president Abdi Kaariye. We stand by our president 100% and nobody can blame him for Farmajoos failure.

This is what presidential candidate AbdiShakuur said.

Ma aha in la isku qaldo gogol, guddoon iyo go’aan.
Galmudug waxey fidisay gogol, inta kalena gogoshii Dhuusamarreeb 1 iyo 2 soo ajiibeen. Sababta Puntland iyo Jubbaland ay u diideen in ay gogosha Madaxweyne Farmaajo ee Muqdisho aqbalaan waa in ay isku haleeyeen Dhuusamarreeb oo ay u arkayeen in ay dhexdhexaad ah tahay, kama marnayn in dadka deegaanka dan siyaasadeed lagu xeerto.
Laakiin Guddoonka shirka waxaa leh Madaxweyne Farmaajo oo ka naxsanaa guulaha Dhuusamarreeb 1 iyo 2. Wuxuuna u xaytay kn uu fashiliyo, isagoo inkiray heshiiskii Dhuusamarreeb 1 iyo 2, kuna dooday in heshiis horay loogu gaaray Baydhabo June 2018. Sharci darro ayuu ku riday Raysalwasaarihii, isagoo ku qoonsaday maxaad qayb uga ahayd guusha shirka Dhuusmarreeb, wuxuuna ku bedeshay mid xil gaarsiin ah oo dastuurka meelna kaga ool. Waa guddoon gogol dhaan ah.
Intaa kuma ekeysan ee Farmaajo go’aankii wuxuu siiyey gole muddo xileedkiisii dhammaaday, isagoo sheegay in heshiiska lagu gaaro Dhuusamarreeb 3 uu Golaha Shacabka go’aaniisa leeyahay.
Ujeedka Farmaajo waa in uu Dowlad Goboleedyada kala dilo, shirka Golaha Ammaanka ee 20 bishan dhacaya heshiis been been ah ku dhaafo, islamarkaana uu ku eed la’aado.
Haddaba mar gardarna ninkii ka biya diida guddoonka gogol dhaanka ah, kana dhiidhiya go’aanka la siiyey Golaha (Baarlamaanka) ee muddo xileedkiisu dhammaaday, dalbadanna in la magacaabo RW oo dheellitiranka siyaasadda la dhowro.
Xeerka Ninka gogosha dhigay waa in uusan dhinacna la safan, gar eexeedna gelin, godob ka gelin raga jaalkiisa ah oo shalay wax ku xeertay, dushana u ridan eed nin kale leeyahay.
Si gogosha loo badbaadiyo waa in Madaxweyne Farmaajo uu Raysalwasaare magacaabo, madaxweynaha Galmudug-na uu dadka maqan doono, beesha caalamkana caddeyso in ay Farmaajo damiin ka tahay.
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It failed already and Clearly galmudug president is no longer a mediator but he has taken sides now. How can he start the meeting already and then say join us lol? He is being used by farmajo .
Dhusumareb 3 was dead on arrival. Farmaajo is playing cat and mouse, he deceived the FMS & failed to honour earlier agreements. It is good that Puntland & Jubaland have not fallen to his treachery. Why should we attend the meeting when the resolutions haven’t been respected. Qoor Qoor Gareen has embarrassed himself with the speech from last night.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Clearly Qoor qoor is just a mouthpiece of Farmaajo, he wouldve stopped the shir but he continues. Qoor Qoor is a great puppet indeed.
Qor-Qor is a leader who was seeking to be bridge the gap. Who’s blaming him on anything ?

I really want to understand man wallahi , I ask from a place of good faith , what makes people so anti 1m1v. You can even vote out president farmaajo if you want.

finally I understand people from Puntland and jubbaland & Banaadir being against what farmaajo is trying to achieve aswould mean loss of certain powers they have enjoyed but what do you have against him ?

I would just ask would the current state of galmudug be in the good place it’s in now.

Would Qor-Qor be president if farmaajo wasn’t elected and HSM returned or another person won the presidency ?

If the answer is no stop why attack the person who facilities these changes.
It failed already and Clearly galmudug president is no longer a mediator but he has taken sides now. How can he start the meeting already and then say join us lol? He is being used by farmajo .

President Abdi Kaariye has not taken sides. We were only hosting the meeting on the time agreed. Galmudug has never made a statement supporting Farmajoo, In Dhusumeereb 2 we and all the states said no to any sort of extension but Farmajoo ignored this and attacked Kheyre.

Deni and Ahmed are 100% right to say that they want the IC to be present and Farmajoo cannot be trusted.

In reality we are closer to Deni and Ahmed. Because we want elections to be held on time and refuse extension. We also want all our mps in Parliament to be elected in Dhusmaerereb by us and want nothing to do with Mogadishu.

If civil war happens in this country than don't blame us because Farmajoo is responsible.
President Abdi Kaariye has not taken sides. We were only hosting the meeting on the time agreed. Galmudug has never made a statement supporting Farmajoo, In Dhusumeereb 2 we and all the states said no to any sort of extension but Farmajoo ignored this and attacked Kheyre.

Deni and Ahmed are 100% right to say that they want the IC to be present and Farmajoo cannot be trusted.

In reality we are closer to Deni and Ahmed. Because we want elections to be held on time and refuse extension. We also want all our mps in Parliament to be elected in Dhusmaerereb by us and want nothing to do with Mogadishu.

If civil war happens in this country than don't blame us because Farmajoo is responsible.
Have u seen qorqor speech? He is visibly upset with deni and madobe and his speech looked more like a warning to me. He has taken sides and it is obvious if you are not biased.
Clearly Qoor qoor is just a mouthpiece of Farmaajo, he wouldve stopped the shir but he continues. Qoor Qoor is a great puppet indeed.

Gedo boooon. If we are a mouth piece than why did we support Deni and Ahmed with Dhusmareereb 2? Why we removed all of Farmajoos troops out of Galmudug. Only HG troops in our lands

Everyboy knows that Farmajoo only has 2 months remaining. Our relationship with Deni and Ahmed is more important to us because they have 4 more years in power.
Have u seen qorqor speech? He is visibly upset with deni and madobe and his speech looked more like a warning to me. He has taken sides and it is obvious if you are not biased.

Holding a meeting does not mean supporting anybody. I am in the ground, right here in Galmudug.
Spin it how you want but Galmudug has never issued any statement supporting Farmajoo.
It was farmajoo who attacked Deni and Ahmed not us. He is the one who back tracked on Dhusmareeb 2.

So now you are going to blame Farmajoos words and actions on HG?
Have u seen qorqor speech? He is visibly upset with deni and madobe and his speech looked more like a warning to me. He has taken sides and it is obvious if you are not biased.

President Abdi Kaariye has good relationship with Deni an Ahmed. That is why Deni and Ahmed both wanted the talks to take place in Galmudug rather than Mogadishu. Dhusmareeb 2 was a success but Farmajoo is playing games

If the current talks failed because of Farmajoo's games than don't blame us. Farmajoo is tocxic and a curse. And if civil war happens than don't blame us.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Gedo boooon. If we are a mouth piece than why did we support Deni and Ahmed with Dhusmareereb 2? Why we removed all of Farmajoos troops out of Galmudug. Only HG troops in our lands

Everyboy knows that Farmajoo only has 2 months remaining. Our relationship with Deni and Ahmed is more important to us because they have 4 more years in power.
Stupid Hawiya Farmaajo is the one who funded Dhuusomareeb meetings, he controls Galmudug finances, mushaar etc. Basically Galmudug is depending on Villa Somalia for their own basic needs. Unlike PL and JL who are independent from Farmaajo. Just watch his speech you can see how much he is begging :pachah1:
President Abdi Kaariye has good relationship with Deni an Ahmed. That is why Deni and Ahmed both wanted the talks to take place in Galmudug rather than Mogadishu. Dhusmareeb 2 was a success but Farmajoo is playing games

If the current talks failed because of Farmajoo's games than don't blame us. Farmajoo is tocxic and a curse. And if civil war happens than don't blame us.
Farmagio is using qoqor why is that hard to see? We will blame you because we praised you for the last meeting. You host it you take all praise or blame
Stupid Hawiya Farmaajo is the one who funded Dhuusomareeb meetings, he controls Galmudug finances, mushaar etc. Basically Galmudug is depending on Villa Somalia for their own basic needs. Unlike PL and JL who are independent from Farmaajo. Just watch his speech you can see how much he is begging :pachah1:

Is a speech your latest weapon against HG. kkk Now I know why your my slave because your bush brain is so small. Eat more fish like the Mj.
Farmagio is using qoqor why is that hard to see? We will blame you because we praised you for the last meeting. You host it you take all praise or blame

Look Farmajoo is a nacas. Even Darood don't want him. The IC don't want him. For him to come to me rather than Mj is good. We will take whatever we can from him. Spin it how you want.
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“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.

Even Hawiya media is reporting the secret deal of Qoor Qoor and Farmaajo


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