gaining muscle thread after ramadan 5 month challenge?

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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Yeah, whenever I embark on a clean/dirty bulk, it ends with failure, last year I bulked for 4 months while going to gym, I did make some gains and had a decent beach body, this pic was after that bulk, I felt comfortable and let go, as of right now I'm pretty much the same but with significantly less definition.


yeah I couldn't respond before

the best thing I can tell you is that you at least have defined obliques and abs, which usually lends itself to proper training and efficacy. So by and large what you should be focusing on is not the dirty bulk. Trust me, that is absolute garbage and it's championed by the same scrubs that think you can spot reduce and so on and so forth.

You can't fuel your body with horseshit and expect those results. The only thing you need to focus on is calories, and making sure you're getting adequate protein. That's the only macronutrient that someone who has difficult building muscle really requires. No need for mass gainers or anything drastic.

Everything else is legit patience and making sure you're progressing with your lifts. If you're not doing heavy ass lifting, then it's time to start overloading on overhead press, bench press, and even curls.

Trust me, fam, it's worth getting back into lifting. The results usually flow in later on.

and as for my own pics



pics were taken sometime last month so not a whole lot of muscle gain since, mostly just a slight BF reduction. Ramadan hasn't entirely sucked me dry yet, so the next few months should be aight. shoulders and traps look kinda uneven only because I'm retardedly sitting on the cable row bench which is slanted. would retake pics, but wallahi nahhhh
I am a week late guys! I will start my workout tomorrow inshallah! I have had no time after ramadan!

I will post my before pics now.:kendrickcry:


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