gaining muscle thread after ramadan 5 month challenge?

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who is up for it? I am talking to the guys btw. We'll do before and after pics of arms, legs, back and chest. If you are up for the challenge register below. I will message the ones who are seriously interested a week after ramadan.
who is up for it? I am talking to the guys btw. We'll do before and after pics of arms, legs, back and chest. If you are up for the challenge register below. I will message the ones who are seriously interested a week after ramadan.

I planned on doing this. Its been impossible to gain muscle size when you work full time and fast. So I put my gains on a hiatus until after Ramadan.

Lets make it 6 months instead @metamorphosis. That would take us all the way to end of the year. So when everyone's lazy ass will be making half hearted new year resolutions on getting gains for 2017, we'll already be finishing up :denzelnigga:

I'm gonna go so hard in the gym after Ramadan, y'all better not quit after a week :francis:
I planned on doing this. Its been impossible to gain muscle size when you work full time and fast. So I put my gains on a hiatus until after Ramadan.

Lets make it 6 months instead @metamorphosis. That would take us all the way to end of the year. So when everyone's lazy ass will be making half hearted new year resolutions on getting gains for 2017, we'll already be finishing up :denzelnigga:

I'm gonna go so hard in the gym after Ramadan, y'all better not quit after a week :francis:
sounds like a plan. I work all 7 days right now and I am only taking two classes now but come fall I will be taking 5 so it is going to be hard but I'll find at least 3 days for the gym.

Let's all post before pics and post the after pics on december. yall pick a starting date.
sounds like a plan. I work all 7 days right now I am only two classes but come fall I will be taking 5 so it is going to be hard but I'll find at least 3 days for the gym.

Let's all post before pics and post the after pics on december. yall pick a starting date.

Bruh idk about y'all but I'm fiending for the gym. My first day is going to be on Eid. After I come home from salat and eat, hitting the iron straight. I'm not fucking around sxb :damedamn:

@metamorphosis if you're going to do 3 days a week i highly recommend you look into either Starting Strength or Stronglifts 5x5. You'll maximize those 3 days you have by hitting the full body and getting a solid workout in everyday. That in my opinion is the best way to optimize the 3 days you have for consistent gains.
Bruh idk about y'all but I'm fiending for the gym. My first day is going to be on Eid. After I come home from salat and eat, hitting the iron straight. I'm not fucking around sxb :damedamn:

@metamorphosis if you're going to do 3 days a week i highly recommend you look into either Starting Strength or Stronglifts 5x5. You'll maximize those 3 days you have by hitting the full body and getting a solid workout in everyday. That in my opinion is the best way to optimize the 3 days you have for consistent gains.
lol. I will try to make it four days but if not I will day a 3 day of 2 hours each day. Here is my plan so far

Day 1 Legs I want trash them since I have chicken legs.:yacadiim:

day 2 Chest and back, so the bench press, incline bench press, flys, bent over rows, dumbell pull up, pull ups chin ups. I want to completely destroy my chest and back for that day.

day 3 biceps, triceps and shoulders. and I will probably do a 2 minute ab workout everytime since I have never had abs ever in my life. Wanna see what they look like on me.:francis:
lol. I will try to make it four days but if not I will day a 3 day of 2 hours each day. Here is my plan so far

Day 1 Legs I want trash them since I have chicken legs.:yacadiim:

day 2 Chest and back, so the bench press, incline bench press, flys, bent over rows, dumbell pull up, pull ups chin ups. I want to completely destroy my chest and back for that day.

day 3 biceps, triceps and shoulders. and I will probably do a 2 minute ab workout everytime since I have never had abs ever in my life. Wanna see what they look like on me.:francis:

Sounds good m8. Just some advice - forget about abs. Do the ab workouts, but I'm telling you right now you won't be seeing any 6 packs. It's because you sound like you plan on bulking up, and abs are only possible if you have really low body fat. You can't do both. When you bulk you will inevitably put on some fat. So like I said earlier, still do the core workouts because you will enable your core muscles to grow. Later when you decide to cut, the abs you been training will be there as you shed the fat...and they'll br much bigger than before. Every single guy has abs, it's just a matter of body fat. You need to hit a certain body fat sub 10% for them to be visible.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Sounds good m8. Just some advice - forget about abs. Do the ab workouts, but I'm telling you right now you won't be seeing any 6 packs. It's because you sound like you plan on bulking up, and abs are only possible if you have really low body fat. You can't do both. When you bulk you will inevitably put on some fat. So like I said earlier, still do the core workouts because you will enable your core muscles to grow. Later when you decide to cut, the abs you been training will be there as you shed the fat...and they'll br much bigger than before. Every single guy has abs, it's just a matter of body fat. You need to hit a certain body fat sub 10% for them to be visible.

Yeah it's still good to hit your core even if you're relatively fat. Once you start the cut you're going to require a shit ton of that core strength just to perform most of your movements.

Personally I make sure to hit abs for 5 mins a day, and on my rest day I hit them for 15 straight. Covers it because if you're performing heavy compound movements, your core is permanently engaged.

If I'm being real, I was always capable of building muscle while ditching my fat. Even after two years or so of lifting. Somalis generally luck out in the anabolic growth department and response to stimulus. Wish I could spread the message to more Abdis, but they ain't getting it.


They'll never get it until they spend at least half a year of working out consistently. I always try to convince beginners to ditch their bro splits and start heavy strength training programs like SS or SL to build strength and a base to work on. But they're all so caught up in hypertrophy smh.
Count me in. Work, and fasting has messed up my rhythm a bit at the gym, but I plan on pushing myself a bit more in the coming days. 6 months sounds better than 5 but we can prolong this challenge for a longer period, since building muscle isn't like a sprint, it's a damn marathon.

Keep a thread up for accountability!
I´m in on this, but i will start 1 of July. Ramadan don´t matter since i´m not "blessed" with the deen.


Queen of the light
:/ you all will quit within a week ..... although a great motivator..ladies we should join and work out as well. A few sisters really need it with what I see when I walk around town.

Good luck guys .... !!
:/ you all will quit within a week ..... although a great motivator..ladies we should join and work out as well. A few sisters really need it with what I see when I walk around town.

Good luck guys .... !!
I don´t like a lack of faith u havin in us faraxs. i used to be in great shape, now i am decent at best. And yes, we need less culus xalimos running around looking like this :stressed:


. . .
:/ you all will quit within a week ..... although a great motivator..ladies we should join and work out as well. A few sisters really need it with what I see when I walk around town.

Good luck guys .... !!
I'm going to join the gym not because I need to lose weight but just to stay active coz Ramadan has messed me up. Diet is something Somalis need to change. We eat so many unhealthy foods it's unbelievable. I've converted my family to healthy eating and so far so good.
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