Foreigners registering to vote in PL


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How is deciding what to do with your land tribalism. All the people who occupy it get representation.
If it is done in a fair and equitable manner then what is the problem?
federalism is a problem for the Somali people because of tribalism.

in America or Russia, each state has its local election and repressive but when you see the nation all people care for each other and unite under the banner of the nation.

but for the Somali people, they care about their tribe more than the country and maybe even care about his sub clan more than his big clan like the MJ and MX who are both descendent of Darood
so if you think you care for your tribe will bring prosperity then you are an idiot.
federalism is a problem for the Somali people because of tribalism.

in America or Russia, each state has its local election and repressive but when you see the nation all people care for each other and unite under the banner of the nation.

but for the Somali people, they care about their tribe more than the country and maybe even care about his sub clan more than his big clan like the MJ and MX who are both descendent of Darood
so if you think you care for your tribe will bring prosperity then you are an idiot.

There is no evidence we are descended from the same clan.
You guys notice these fake wannabe "Wadanis" in this topic are Aabo Siad Orphans. They cannot do anything without others holding their hand and babysitting them. That's why they hide under fake nationalism, they need to suck up and lie to others to gain access to other people's hard-earned money and peace. Would you ever take advice from people who cannot secure and civilise themselves in 1 region?
federalism is a problem for the Somali people because of tribalism.

in America or Russia, each state has its local election and repressive but when you see the nation all people care for each other and unite under the banner of the nation.

but for the Somali people, they care about their tribe more than the country and maybe even care about his sub clan more than his big clan like the MJ and MX who are both descendent of Darood
so if you think you care for your tribe will bring prosperity then you are an idiot.
Being a tribalist is stupid and destructive. I am not arguing for dumb tribalism.
Whatever system you implement in Somalia is going to have tribalism because that is the social fabric of Somalia.

Getting rid of federalism is not going to solve any problems but only create more problems as people fight for the new system in exactly a tribal manner.

It is better to make a federalism that is closer to the ones you mentioned than completely destroy what we have.
Karkar and Bari are the least racist gobols this shit wonโ€™t fly in Nugaal and Mudug

I am waiting to see what happens when certain IDPs try to gain political power in PL as well as the South and "Unuka Leh" in Puntland. That's when the proverbial will hit the fan. From experience, if you give Somalis an inch, they'll take a mile.

Imagine if they tried to gain district power by counting their IDP dwellings and claiming the land that they were lent.


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You guys notice these fake wannabe "Wadanis" in this topic are Aabo Siad Orphans. They cannot do anything without others holding their hand and babysitting them. That's why they hide under fake nationalism, they need to suck up and lie to others to gain access to other people's hard-earned money and peace. Would you ever take advice from people who cannot secure and civilise themselves in 1 region?
why do you split Somali people into qabilist and fake wadanis.
why do you split Somali people into qabilist and fake wadanis.

You are a fake "wadani", if you were sincere, you would focus on your own region, which is the most backward and occupied by multiple foreign troops. Instead, you want to come in a topic about Puntland's democratic advancements and try to dictate to us.

Ask yourself:
Who Am I?
What do I have to offer?
Why do I feel the need to stick my nose in Puntland's affairs?

Your region is how "Somalia" is seen by the world: a disaster..It's not like you have a model of progress to show us.
This is stupid.
We are a federal country.
A californian can vote in New York state if he moves there.
If you believe that only MJs and PL clans should vote then just declare secession like your Somaliland neighbours

Why do you think a Siad Barre orphan such as yourself can tell us what we should do? Go ask the foreign troops in your country if you are still part of Somalia, that's a more pressing concern.
I am waiting to see what happens when certain IDPs try to gain political power in PL as well as the South and "Unuka Leh" in Puntland. That's when the proverbial will hit the fan. From experience, if you give Somalis an inch, they'll take a mile.

Imagine if they tried to gain district power by counting their IDP dwellings and claiming the land that they were lent.
I have nothing but love for the Southies, we need them for labour but we should not allow first generation Southies in our politics.


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You are a fake "wadani", if you were sincere, you would focus on your own region, which is the most backward and occupied by multiple foreign troops. Instead, you want to come in a topic about Puntland's democratic advancements and try to dictate to us.

Ask yourself:
Who Am I?
What do I have to offer?
Why do I feel the need to stick my nose in Puntland's affairs?

Your region is how "Somalia" is seen by the world: a disaster..It's not like you have a model of progress to show us.
uniting Somalia is my goal. and I have the right to all Somali land by the right of ethnicity


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Why do you think a Siad Barre orphan such as yourself can tell us what we should do? Go ask the foreign troops in your country if you are still part of Somalia, that's a more pressing concern.
tell me what is the value of Puntland in the world? nothing. so stop showing PL like some sort of Africa heaven
I have nothing but love for the Southies, we need them for labour but we should not allow first generation Southies in our politics.

Interestingly, they are not part of the political parties, so what can happen is that they are susceptible to bribes. Look at how Failmaajo used IDPs to protest for him.
Interestingly, they are not part of the political parties, so all that will happen is that they are susceptible to bribes. Look at how Failmaajo used IDPs to protest for him.

My first concern are the Oromos getting more visible in Bosaso than miskeen Raxanweyne migrants, Cali Xun was sanctioned by the corrupt district comissioners for doing their job :jcoleno:
My first concern are the Oromos getting more visible in Bosaso than miskeen Raxanweyne migrants, Cali Xun was sanctioned by the corrupt district comissioners for doing their job :jcoleno:

It pisses me off that Oromos fought our Geri Koombe kin and they think they can come to the land of Koombe and live there. Cali Xuun is a national hero, he was helping them travel to Arabia, what's wrong with that?

If it was up to me, all Oromos and kacaanist would be deported on sight. Not long ago, a kacaanist was arrested for inciting problems in Puntland.

