FGS delegation arrive in Laascaanood


Let him cook
Somaliland is as its a state that could acquire and amassed weapons and ammunition needed to defend itself against adversaries for the last 30 years unlike SNM that was in difficult situation of getting arms in the 80s where luck was in their side when the movement entered the country in 1988 and attacked SNA bases that contained weapons or arms needed to carry the war against regime and they were successful of getting them.
Y’all had battle hardened soldiers with a lot more training back then though after Ogaden war like 4th brigade.
Siyad Barre couldn't even get hold of us after bombing our cities with most of the north falling under the SNM hands what makes you think Xamar can this time succeed in curtailing our God given right of self determination 🤔
The lies you tell ur selfs are so astonishing it truly makes me pitty ur people. First of all snm did not defeat shit it was the combined efforts of all the tribes including hawiye and mj along with snm that defeated the kacan government ur making it found like it was the whole population of somali going to war with just SL it was just a crumbling government who happen to lose badly to Ethiopia and was weakend because of it. Secondly u have no god given right to do shit ur country choose to give up it's sovereignty to join somalia u can't leave the union until all of somalia decides to do so. At the end of the day there is no reason to attack any dl city as long ur contained in ur clan land and don't try to over extend to harti territory no one really cares what u do or call ur self u will however only be a defacto independent state in somalia by the majority of people in this earth and that is enough for me.
The lies you tell ur selfs are so astonishing it truly makes me pitty ur people. First of all snm did not defeat shit it was the combined efforts of all the tribes including hawiye and mj along with snm that defeated the kacan government ur making it found like it was the whole population of somali going to war with just SL it was just a crumbling government who happen to lose badly to Ethiopia and was weakend because of it. Secondly u have no god given right to do shit ur country choose to give up it's sovereignty to join somalia u can't leave the union until all of somalia decides to do so. At the end of the day there is no reason to attack any dl city as long ur contained in ur clan land and don't try to over extend to harti territory no one really cares what u do or call ur self u will however only be a defacto independent state in somalia by the majority of people in this earth and that is enough for me.
All calcal with no factual facts to backup the nonsense you just typed :drakekidding:





Subsequently, guerilla warfare spread quickly to the central and southern parts of the country as Hawiye and other clans rebelled, receiving crucial financial and logistical support from the SNM. Eventually, the SNM would aid Gen. Mohamed Aideed’s successful ouster of Siad Barre from Mogadishu.
