FGS delegation arrive in Laascaanood


The future implications of this will be interesting to see, this action pretty much ends any future Somalia-Somaliland talks (not as if anything was achieved previously)
If HSM could use this as a buffer to bring SL to a heel and give up the secessionist nonsense that’d be the right one play. But knowing him, there’s no benefit of the doubt


The future implications of this will be interesting to see, this action pretty much ends any future Somalia-Somaliland talks (not as if anything was achieved previously)
SL wouldn’t want to suffer a similar situation in Awdal don’t you think? I can see them coming to a deal as they’ve lost the argument over borders. FGS can operate deep inside SL now.

Just an observation, I’ve always backed a SL-Somalia confed but the longer talks don’t progress and a potential anti-SL president comes to Xamar it’s going to become less likely.

Regardless most important thing for FGS is to stabilise the South.
SL wouldn’t want to suffer a similar situation in Awdal don’t you think? I can see them coming to a deal as they’ve lost the argument over borders. FGS can operate deep inside SL now.

Just an observation, I’ve always backed a SL-Somalia confed but the longer talks don’t progress and a potential anti-SL president comes to Xamar it’s going to become less likely.

Regardless most important thing for FGS is to stabilise the South.
Awdal is a completely different situation, they can’t have weapons, men and ammunition flow through freely like in Laascaanood. Ethiopia and Djibouti wouldn’t allow them to.

HSM has stated that he is opposed to splitting Somaliland into clans, but that can change.


Awdal is a completely different situation, they can’t have weapons, men and ammunition flow through freely like in Laascaanood. Ethiopia and Djibouti wouldn’t allow them to.

HSM has stated that he is opposed to splitting Somaliland into clans, but that can change.
HSM isn’t the issue, the issue is future FGS governments having a different policy than HSM’s hands off approach. FGS is growing in strength and will soon have the arms embargo lifted


Somaliland gotta be fuming. This is disaster for them high level officials safely walking around town with somali flag everywhere
I remember when Muse Bihi was dissing HSM when HSM said he’ll never allow secession in New York to the Somali community there. Saying he’s in a bunker in Xamar guarded by AMISOM, what power does he have to stop us.

A lesson in how things can change so fast



Alle Mahad Leh Ka sakowna Shuhadadi uu Hibeyey naftoda sabaabna uu ahaa in aan Sida milgaha Leh ugu xaragona dhulkayagi .

Halkaani aan fadhino Aniga Madaxweyne Cabdiqaadir Firdhiye,Wasiir Jamac ,Gudoomiye timacade Waa Magaalada Yagoori .

Soomaliweyn inala aragtay Guushena.

I remember when Muse Bihi was dissing HSM when HSM said he’ll never allow secession in New York to the Somali community there. Saying he’s in a bunker in Xamar guarded by AMISOM, what power does he have to stop us.

A lesson in how things can change so fast
HSM didnt do shit though relax and hes still in his bunker, think Muse Bihi just underestimated the potential Unity power Dhulbuhante could get

He was relying too much on Traitors within Dhulo community but theyve been dealt with


HSM didnt do shit though relax and hes still in his bunker, think Muse Bihi just underestimated the potential Unity power Dhulbuhante could get

He was relying too much on Traitors within Dhulo community but theyve been dealt with
Yh he hasn’t done anything but things have changed massively.

Ironically though NN funded this movement to find something to oppose HSM with. SL likely still controls SSC if Farmaajo is in power.

HSM is a lucky guy in politics lol



According to Gaylan Media, HSM wants to rip SL and PL funds for SSC and give it to them directly. Seems similar to the leaked plan for PL MPs from SSC to be elected in Laascaanood
I remember when Muse Bihi was dissing HSM when HSM said he’ll never allow secession in New York to the Somali community there. Saying he’s in a bunker in Xamar guarded by AMISOM, what power does he have to stop us.

A lesson in how things can change so fast
Sxb arrinka Somaliland kuma xidhna muuse Biixi oo keliya is much bigger than that east sool being gone doesn't really pose a threat to the existence of Somaliland as Hargeysa will never come back to join your political circus in Xamar :)

