FGS cabinet signs off on Turkish Naval agreement, which is to be implemented within 24 hours!


♚Sargon of Adal♚
Let's clarify the terms of the agreement: "Turkey is committed to safeguarding Somalia's seas as if they were its own." Is the literal text of the agreement. Over the next decade, our nation will boast the most formidable navy in Africa. While this naval strength is strictly defensive, it does signify that any Ethiopian-built base or ship within the designated area will face Turkish counteraction.

It's essential to emphasize that Turkey isn't claiming 30% of our sea resources for the next ten years; instead, they will receive 30% of the revenue generated. This share is deducted from the Federal Government of Somalia's (FGS) portion of sea revenue, ensuring that the revenue stream for the Federal Member States (FMS) remains untouched.

Why is this arrangement not as detrimental as it may seem? Our maritime resources are vastly underutilized—Somalis scarcely consume fish, let alone crustaceans or seaweed. Effectively, we have granted the Turks a stake in our maritime resources. This incentivizes Turkey to invest significantly in Somalia's maritime sector, benefiting the FMS first, followed by the FGS, and finally, the Turks.

For the Turks point-of-view, they want to grow the pie to maximalize revenue. How do they do that? Firstly, give investors and international partners the cold hard agreement that you will patrol the seas and pacifiy any aggresive Ethiopian or terrorist activities in the sea.

For them it's like buying Apple shares back when it was 0.04$ a pop.

A notable aspect of this deal is that Turkey will not only train our navy but also provide proper equipment, transforming it from a coast-guard-tier force into a fully equipped navy. This collaboration holds the potential to elevate our navy to a green-water navy, marking a significant enhancement in our maritime capabilities.
Good deal on paper, lets see how it develops, strategically Turkey is a key ally and a member of Nato, hopefully, this also cuts shipment of illegal firearms to al kebab as well.


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
To those with Qosliya let say he made MOU with Pakistan to secure airspace and build Somalia air force, in return 60% revenue comes from Somalia airspace they take it for 20 years!!..

Would you agree, Yes or not?.
That deal itself is not the best. But you have to understand that the bar has been set so low since 2022 that even the slightest progress is somehow worth it. I’m not sure about how much of our gdp is from the air, but it certainly isn’t much.
Turkey will get 30% of the proceeds of Somalia's maritime resources?

So turkey is going to get 30% of all off shore oil, fishing resources, under sea minerals, etc in somalia! Unbelievable!

@Garaad Awal @Lander @Itsnotthateasy @pinkyandthebrain

it’s not Oil don’t be silly. It’s part of the Blue economy. You know the part these fucking from china to all the way from Vietnam , Iran ect steal OUR FISH.

I am very happy about the deal. Shout out to HSM and the admin he’s got his fault but abiy ahmed dealt with the wrong guy.

Dalac Bilaash

☠ Emperor of The Horn ☠
At least Turkey would protect and extract our resources and then sell it we are taking 70% which is more for us tbh while the Turks take 30% it's a good deal I don't know why you niggas are crying like we're being robbed there is no government that would even allow to give you such bargain specifically western countries they would rob you and sometimes they will not even give you anything and they will take everything example like Syria,Libya and Iraq Oil Congo and many more
Certain people don't like Somalia's to stand again you know they want things to stay like shit let charcoal trade continue, let the illegal fishing continue,let the toxic waste dumping continues, let the Gulf countries create Small navy militia with Dinghy boats to rob you, let the leasing our lands to Oromo continue and nothing in return for Somalis which one is more beneficial
Interesting point that many aren’t really mentioning is that this’ll make the oil industry a lot less hesitant investing early with security being the main issue deterring them. In an ideal world this wouldn’t be necessary but honestly 30% of revenue generated although it sounds steep isn’t that huge considering how much more we’ll generate while also allowing Turkey’s stakes to be raised higher meaning they’ll put a lot more in while we also benefit. Right now we’re basically at a net loss in terms of using our resources, let’s just see how this’ll go.


We finally beat Medicare 🎊 🎉
So if Oil and GAS and any expensive resources found by us Tukey will take 30%!!.

Thanks Allah Puntland cut ties with this most corrupted goverment in history of Somalia.

Those Turkey navy will not come to our waters. We can defend our land and we keep our resources to our people.
The Turkish navy is an actual navy. Agreements are agreements and they’ll implement it.

Dalac Bilaash

☠ Emperor of The Horn ☠
The Turkish navy is an actual navy. Agreements are agreements and they’ll implement it.
That nigga is low iq Kkkk he thinks these militias with the dinghy tahriib boats will stop this deal and stand against Turkish warships hahahhaha
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