Female Supporters of FGM March In Gambia! They Want It Legalized


Ragna qowl baa xira, dumarna meher baa xira.

sxb like I stated earlier i understand your concerns & frustrations laakin this shouldn’t be a reason to accuse others of committing serious sins like zina. Diinta has placed a high evidence threshold for sins like it so it’s not something to lightly.

You demand others to apologise laakin won’t do the same for those you accuse. How’s that going to solve anything ?


While not excusing his libel against your chastity, i however agree on one point that he raised & that’s with regards to your selectivity in gender accountability. This is something that I’ve pointed out to you a few times & stated that it only leads to more problems. Our last disagreement before this one was exactly on this point, I hope that you at least reflect on it

You are a reasonable chap, and that is as good an apology as any from a nomad. Mind you, in the traditional nomadic culture, according to my late grandfather, one of the prerogatives of being a lady is they are exempted from the inconvenience of offering apologies.

Mahadsanid sxb, laakinse that dhaqaan was context based & had its own set of duties & limitations. Moreover an exemption doesn’t negate the responsibility of being held accountable for one’s actions

May Allah forgive all of our relatives who’ve passed away and grant them jannatul firdaws

Ameen thumma Ameen

sxb like I stated earlier i understand your concerns & frustrations laakin this shouldn’t be a reason to accuse others of committing serious sins like zina. Diinta has placed a high evidence threshold for sins like it so it’s not something to lightly.

You demand others to apologise laakin won’t do the same for those you accuse. How’s that going to solve anything ?


While not excusing his libel against your chastity, i however agree on one point that he raised & that’s with regards to your selectivity in gender accountability.
It’s not just the libel against my chastity. Everthing he said was a lie. Now the onus is on you to show case where I defended what he says I defended. Where did I not hold those women accountable?
This is something that I’ve pointed out to you a few times & stated that it only leads to more problems. Our last disagreement before this one was exactly on this point, I hope that you at least reflect on it

Mahadsanid sxb, laakinse that dhaqaan was context based & had its own set of duties & limitations. Moreover an exemption doesn’t negate the responsibility of being held accountable for one’s actions
May Allah forgive all of our relatives who’ve passed away and grant them jannatul firdaws

Ameen thumma Ameen
Lool You see all of how he treated me and the lies and yet you’re sympathetic towards the indefensible and see ‘where he is coming from’. Let’s put the insults to my own chastity to the side. You’ve called that out Alhamdulliah but my biggest issue is the other aspects and I’ll dissect it:

Everything he has leveled against me I can prove is a lie. Where have I defended Zani women? Defended dancing women? He also got mad because I said people should not reveal their sins which is a basic Islamical principle. What you fail to understand is the reason why he’s attacking me is very much is due to his biasness towards men and hatred towards women. That is where it comes from. Hence it’s a gross injustice for you to accuse me of being bias, whilst you don’t admonish him for it. This man is 10x worse that accused not just me but Somali women en-masse and that there in lies the start of our disagreement. In this forum, have you ever seen me make blanket insults towards men or Somali men in general? Calling Somali men ******, attacking a random Somali male for being something he isn’t and the list continues.

It’s clear as day, you too aren’t that interested in haqq and facts. You saw a man insult all of Somali women and say they’re the most promiscuous, called me that but equate it as a response to my behavior. How isn’t how he is treating me an example of gross bias against women? In fact, the reason why Zob also dislikes me is because he has also been calling a female Somali politician a ***** as well and I said he has no sufficient proof and shouldn’t do so. Ah but that’s an example of my biasness right?

It’s behaviors like this that will make me continue to be how I am, even if there is an element of truth to what you’re saying. Because what’s evident is that as a woman, I’ll be attacked when I say hey, don’t call women ***** without actual suffient proof, my use of the word FGM, for saying that people shouldn’t reveal their sins ect. But the thing is, every single point this man has against me has been things he literally has no right to be against. But instead of being honest and taking the time to see this, you then proceed to say you know ‘where he is coming from’ and then mistakenly believe his previous issues against me can be logically deduced as being due to my own bias behavior when it’s dimly more.

The biasness you accuse me of, Is also in you and majorly so. Throughout my exchange with you, I was accused of pandering to gaals when there are so many screenshots of me acknowledging gaal hypocrisy and still you insisted. You even Accused me of having an ideological issue with FC in general ect. When I caught you misinterpreting a screenshot in 4K, did you apologize or even provide an explaination? No you didn’t. You completely ignored it because you knew you had no logical response. I’ve said it time and time again, everything you’ve accused me of, I’ve confronted it, yet when I illustrated the proof of how you do indeed have a habit of twisting words, it was radio silence. That for me is heavily an indication of a big ego and inability to humble yourself.

A decent person would acknowledge that, just the way I acknowledged that calling people pick me wasn’t the best way of dealing with the situation. But you didn’t even acknowledge the blatant distortion of my words that you engaged in. Which is why I truly believe as a person you lack self-awareness and are guided by your ego.

whilst I am heavily pro women on this forum that is true and can be aggressive which I even apologized for yet you didn’t even apologize specifically for any reason towards me when I’ve shown so many times how my word were being taken out of context. A lot of my lashing out and being pro, is usually a response to male bias as well but that’s ok when they do it right and it’s okay when my words are twisted right? The truth of the matter is that a lot of people are biased towards their gender, but what I find infuriating is the blatant way men on this forum are able to such an extent lie about a woman, but you’ll never see that being branded as bias behavior hence because of that, even if there is an element of truth to your words, I’ll never personally listen to you, since you lack justice as an individual.
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i’m doing this so that everyone can see how you too like Zob engage in twisting my words and whilst this probably isn’t going to be a learning curve, I hope you’ll be humble enough to see it



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My issue isn’t even about your actual views, it’s the twisting of mine. Baseless accusations have been leveled at me though out and the proof is there for everyone to see our interactions from the beginning.

I’ll finally acknowledge that calling these women pickme’s who aren’t very educated on the matter is wrong and isn’t befitting for someone to talk like that and guess what? I officially apologize for that. I even apologized for my aggressive posts that can come across as an attack. But I know you’ll never apologize for going out of your way to twist my posts just to win an argument. You’ll never apologize for the fact that you made me repeat myself 3 times and still even towards the end you accused me of giving cadaans a pass. WHY WHY WHY?!

This is why, I can never take you seriously or listen to your bias drivel. If you said hey, I didn’t realize what you wrote there, I made a mistake in interpreting what you wrote ect, that would at least show a level of honesty. In fact I’d take your understandable criticism of me being too pro-women, but how could i, when you too are involved in the twisting of my words?

I’m not a liar and I can usually show proof when I’m lied against. Also, when I insinuated that you’re ok with haram types it was because you made a point about medicalizing all forms. If that wasn’t what you meant then again I’m sorry for that. I don’t like to level stuff at people without clear proof.

I can admit when I make a mistake or misinterpret something, but the question is, can you?
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sxb like I stated earlier i understand your concerns & frustrations laakin this shouldn’t be a reason to accuse others of committing serious sins like zina. Diinta has placed a high evidence threshold for sins like it so it’s not something to lightly.

You demand others to apologise laakin won’t do the same for those you accuse. How’s that going to solve anything ?
Sxb if you go back to the screenshot I never point black accused anyone I was was speculating about them based on their behaviour as I said "most likely" there was like 3 of them I did apologise to the other 2 initially but not Angelina which I'll delve into later. Angelina is twisting my words her hypocracy knows no bounds as she trys to accuse others of same things she alwayss does she's a projector and hypocrite.
Sxb if you go back to the screenshot I never point black accused anyone I was was speculating about them based on their behaviour as I said "most likely" there was like 3 of them I did apologise to the other 2 initially but not Angelina which I'll delve into later.
I clearly used the word insinuating. English clearly isn’t your first language. Also, claiming that we defended Zina or that Our behavior showed that we might have committed is a gross lie within itself.

There is a reason why I specifically used the word insinuate. I saw this coming. I knew that you’ll lie about me twisting your words, by playing with words. ‘Most likely’ is still incredibly vile and it means you think there is a high % that we did. You didn’t block blank say it, which is why I used the word insinuate. So why lie? Again you’ve been caught lying. Why lie about me twisting your words?

Angelina is twisting my words her hypocracy knows
Also to add, show me where I’ve been hypocritical? I’ve shattered every single argument of that. Even when you and Adoonka accused me of not calling cadaan FMG mutilation I’ve shown not 1 but three screenshots of me saying it. Hence it’s you that is indeed the liar and a projector. You BOTH projected that point on to me which I why I’ll never forgive and Adoonka for this.

2. Your claim that I was defending Zina. Show me. That’s all that I ask. Show me when I have ever said it’s okay to commit a major sin? Show me. The fact that you’re comfortable saying this with virtually no proof is very worrying. Incredibly so.

no bounds as she trys to accuse others of same things she alwayss does she's a projector and hypocrite.
The reason why you won’t apologize to me is because the other two didn’t attack you. I did. It’s as simple as that and you can’t hack it. It was being that called you out and not the other two. It was me that went back and forth you. I’m the one that you fought and because you’re a very emotional man, backing down and apologizing would make you feel as though you’ve lost.

In that initial conversation about the women’s lower regions, I came In late. It was the other female poster who started that conversation and I merely continued and replied to her. So for you to still insinuate I must be a Zani and apologized to the other two is because your ego can’t stand that I attacked you.

You’ve not shown one piece of evidence for ALL of your accusations. From saying I defended Zina, to saying I defended dancing around, to the most laughable one yet, your irritations of me saying that one cannot reveal their past which is indeed an Islamic point. You called me a deceiver for believing in an Islamic principle. That’s a huge slander again and shows you have issues with aspects of the deen and you’re taking out on me.

Let’s get to the gist of it. You hate me for my views. The other female posters you’ve apologized to have very similar views to me, but the reason why you hate me more is because I personally drag your lying self.

For all your claims I’m a ‘liar’ you’ve spent most of your times lying about me and heavily taking things out of context. You’re a very emotional man and you’re allowing your emotions rather than sheer facts. Because your hatred is sooo deep, I can say the sky is blue and you’ll try and find something. I know you’ll fry and find something to pick up apart and you’ll try to use any angle you can possibly find.

So bye! This is the end.
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Angelina if you're gonna keep going on about me you might aswell unblock me you Gender war addict

It’s not just the libel alipoainst my chastity. Everthing he said was a lie
You still didn't do as I said. It was a speculation based on your behaviour which I told you to do what I said do I can stop doubting yllou. Also in that thread the other week I actually did apologise to you about speculating but I took it down as a retaliation to you liking a post insulting me.
Lool You see all of how he treated me and the lies and yet you’re sympathetic towards the indefensible and see ‘where he is coming from’. Let’s put the insults to my own chastity to the side. You’ve called that out Alhamdulliah but my biggest issue is the other aspects and I’ll dissect it:

Everything he has leveled against me I can prove is a lie. Where have I defended Zani women? Defended dancing women?
You are blatantly lying you did defend hafs and yals making excuses for them like 'their mum died'

And you did defend those jilbaabi booty shakers by saying 'stop calling them dilos" who are you to stop people calling a spade a spade I showed the definition of the word dilo

How about you just stop defending degenerates

He also got mad because I said people should not reveal their sins which is a basic Islamical principle.
What I got mad about is you advicing other girls to lie about their sexual history before they get married not about the Islamic principle.
What you fail to understand is the reason why he’s attacking me is very much is due to his biasness towards men and hatred towards women. That is where it comes from. Hence it’s a gross injustice for you to accuse me of being bias, whilst you don’t admonish him for it.
Angelina you even admit yourself that you are biased and now you want to project that onto others. You are also a misandrist and now want to accuse me of hating women how the hell do I hate women

This man is 10x worse that accused not just me but Somali women en-masse and that there in lies the start of our disagreement. In this forum, have you ever seen me make blanket insults towards men or Somali men in general? Calling Somali men ******, attacking a random Somali male for being something he isn’t and the list continues.

You saw a man insult all of Somali women and say they’re the most promiscuous,
You are blatantly taking out of context now and rephrasing my words.

You always call random somali males incels in a slandering way like a incel is somehow worser than a , which makes me think you are a immoral character and not truely on the deen as you say you are if think incels are worse than dilos

the reason why Zob also dislikes me is because he has also been calling a female Somali politician a ***** as well and I said he has no sufficient proof and shouldn’t do so. Ah but that’s an example of my biasness right?
Are you talking about that party girl minister? If you are denying that's her in those party pics then you are simply blind and biased. Can you show me when I called her a ***** jog my memory maybe I forgot, I don't remember this ***** .
The biasness you accuse me of, Is also in you and majorly so. Throughout my exchange with you,
You are the most biased long time regular poster on this forum stop the hypocracy.

I was accused of pandering to gaals when there are so many screenshots of me acknowledging gaal hypocrisy and still you insisted. You even Accused me of having an ideological issue with FC in general ect. When I caught you misinterpreting a screenshot in 4K, did you apologize or even provide an explaination? No you didn’t. You completely ignored it because you knew you had no logical response. I’ve said it time and time again, everything you’ve accused me of, I’ve confronted it, yet when I illustrated the proof of how you do indeed have a habit of twisting words, it was radio silence. That for me is heavily an indication of a big ego and inability to humble yourself.

A decent person would acknowledge that, just the way I acknowledged that calling people pick me wasn’t the best way of dealing with the situation. But you didn’t even acknowledge the blatant distortion of my words that you engaged in. Which is why I truly believe as a person you lack self-awareness and are guided by your ego.
Angelina everything you accuse other like lying and twisting words you do yourself you're a hypocrite.
whilst I am heavily pro women on this forum that is true and can be aggressive which I even apologized for yet you didn’t even apologize specifically for any reason towards me when I’ve shown so many times how my word were being taken out of context. A lot of my lashing out and being pro, is usually a response to male bias as well but that’s ok when they do it rightoir firstnd it’s okay when my words are postsisted right? The truth of the matter is that a lot of people are biased towards their pcender, but what I find infuriating is the blatc t way men on this forum are able to such an extent lie about a woman, but you’ll never see that being branded as bias behavior hence because of that, even if there is an element of truth to your words, I’ll never personally listen to you, since you lack jusptice as an individual.
Tbh this whole your attitude stinks and if you're were more honest and made the distinction in your first post even I would've given you the i rating and been on your side in this topic as I'm not always biased towards males I'm biased towards the truth. It's simply due to your rotten character you made foes on this thread

and I think you have an axe to grind with Adoonkaalle as you two have occasionally debating for years and he beats you most of the time hence why all your emotional foul language slander towards him even tho he doesn't talk like that to you and always keeps it respectful so I think you owe him a apology.
I’ll finally acknowledge that calling these women pickme’s who aren’t very educated on the matter is wrong and isn’t befitting for someone to talk like that and guess what? I officially apologize for that.

Thank you for finally apologising to those Muslimah who you insulted who were protesting for their Islamic rights
I thought you blocked me I knew you'll bback you Gender war addict
I clearly used the word insinuating. English clearly isn’t your first language. Also, claiming that we defended Zina or that Our behavior showed that we might have committed is a gross lie within itself.

There is a reason why I specifically used the word insinuate. I saw this coming. I knew that you’ll lie about me twisting your words, by playing with words. ‘Most likely’ is still incredibly vile and it means you think there is a high % that we did. You didn’t block blank say it, which is why I used the word insinuate. So why lie? Again you’ve been caught lying. Why lie about me twisting your words?
So you are backtracking again now at first yes you did say insinuate but then after that you started lying and twisting my words by saying I point blank accused you of it when I was just speculating my saying "most likely".
Also to add, show me where I’ve been hypocritical? I’ve shattered every single argument of that. Even when you and Adoonka accused me of not calling cadaan FMG mutilation I’ve shown not 1 but three screenshots of me saying it. Hence it’s you that is indeed the liar and a projector. You BOTH projected that point on to me which I why I’ll never forgive and Adoonka for this.

2. Your claim that I was defending Zina. Show me. That’s all that I ask. Show me when I have ever said it’s okay to commit a major sin? Show me. The fact that you’re comfortable saying this with virtually no proof is very worrying. Incredibly so. you’ve not shown one piece of evidence for ALL of your accusations. From saying I defended Zina to saying I defended dancing around
Read my previous post I've stated how you defended them.
The reason why you won’t apologize to me is because the other two didn’t attack you. I did. It’s as simple as that and you can’t hack it. It was being that called you out and not the other two. It was me that went back and forth you. I’m the one that you fought and because you’re a very emotional man, backing down and apologizing would make you feel as though you’ve lost.

In that initial conversation about the women’s lower regions, I came In late. It was the other female poster who started that conversation and I merely continued and replied to her. So for you to still insinuate I must be a Zani and apologized to the other two is because your ego can’t stand that I attacked you. Let’s get to the gist of it. You hate me for my views. The other female posters you’ve apologized to have very similar views to me, but the reason why you hate me more is because I personally drag your lying self

Yes I apologised to the other 2 but not you initially but then afterward I apologised to all 3 of you for age-shaming and speculating about your behaviour towards zina (even though I still held the same opinion about you but I nonetheless apologised and I still hold the opinion now about you but not the other 2) but then I took it down because you Continued to antongonise me by liking another post insulting me which shows me that you're a very vindictive individual and I think you did see my apology as you're chronically online and it was up for more than 20mins

I still stand by that speculation now as you didn't do what I said and in the other thread you didn't appreciate my apology which makes me think you didn't deserve it and think nothing of it as you know you've probably done what I've speculated about you.
your irritations of me saying that one cannot reveal their past which is indeed an Islamic point. You called me a deceiver for believing in an Islamic principle. That’s a huge slander again and shows you have issues with aspects of the deen and you’re taking out on me.
How convenient of you to not mention when you adviced other girls to lie about your sexual history typical dishonest Angelina and then trying to play victim
For all your claims I’m a ‘liar’ you’ve spent most of your timesly about me and heavily taking things out of context. You’re a very emotional man and you’re allowing your emotilcritel thes rather than sheer facts. Because your hatred is sooo deep, I can say the sky is blue and you’ll try and find something. I know you’ll fry and find something to pick up apart and you’ll try to use any angle you can possibly find.
Wallahi you are the biggest hypocrite on this forum you have been lying for years and years you are the one who is constanty twisting and manipulating words/convo

So bye this the end.

I doubt it as you are gender war addict
I thought you blocked me I knew you'll bback you Gender war addict

So you are backtracking again now at first yes you did say insinuate but then after that you started lying and twisting my words by saying I point blank accused you of it when I was just speculating my saying "most likely".
When did I point blank say that? I don’t back track. Show me please.
Read my previous post I've stated how you defended them.

Yes I apologised to the other 2 but not you initially but then afterward I apologised to all 3 of you for age-shaming and speculating about your behaviour towards zina (even though I still held the same opinion about you but I nonetheless apologised and I still hold the opinion now about you but not the other 2) but then I took it down because you Continued to antongonise me by liking another post insulting me which shows me that you're a very vindictive individual and I think you did see my apology as you're chronically online and it was up for more than 20mins
So this is what it’s about because I antagonized poor you!
I still stand by that speculation now as you didn't do what I said and in the other thread you didn't appreciate my apology which makes me think you didn't deserve it and think nothing of it as you know you've probably done what I've speculated about you.

How convenient of you to not mention when you adviced other girls to lie about your sexual history typical dishonest Angelina and then trying to play victim
Lol, when did I say this? Can you show me please?
Wallahi you are the biggest hypocrite on this forum you have been lying for years and years you are the one who is constanty twisting and manipulating words/convo
I doubt it as you are gender war addict
Zob, I asked you to show me where in which I defended women committing Zina and your best thing you can come up with is me saying peoples mother has died. You probably completely omitted the context If it was even me as I can’t find the thread. I’m sure on that thread even though I can’t even remember it, when I do find it if it is even me since you’re not sure yourself and I find a post condemning them, it’s over for you.

As for the icecream dancing. It was a response to Abdisamad who said they’re a pass around and the type to be in a corn movie. As you know saying that is haram Islamically:


I wasn’t defending them, I was against insinuating people will do corn and that they’re pass around and that’s they slept with the whole neighborhood with no evidence. That’s a major sin. Everyone knows that. So why are you defending this?
This is what I had to say about the girls behavior of dancing:


Again, why did you say I defended their behavior? You’ve been caught again lying about me again.

2. Find the thread in which I advised people the lie. Did I say don’t reveal your sins or lie to your potential partner. What did I say?


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When did I point blank say that? I don’t back track. Show me please.
The 2nd 3rd time around when you said I accused you of zina you were blatantly twisting my words

Lol, when did I say this? Can you show me please?
You did say it, you need stop lying

Zob, I asked you to show me where in which I defended women committing Zina and your best thing you can come up with is me saying peoples mother has died. You probably completely omitted the context If it was even me as I can’t find the thread. I’m sure on that thread even though I can’t even remember it, when I do find it if it is even me since you’re not sure yourself and I find a post condemning them, it’s over for you.
You made some lame excuses for hafs and yals which amounts to defending them and their degeneracy which very dangerous because negatively influence tens of thousands of impressionable young Somali girls.

As for the icecream dancing. It was a response to Abdisamad who said they’re a pass around and the type to be in a corn movie. As you know saying that is haram Islamically:

View attachment 321320

I wasn’t defending them, I was against insinuating people will do corn and that they’re pass around and that’s they slept with the whole neighborhood with no evidence. That’s a major sin. Everyone knows that. So why are you defending this?
This is what I had to say about the girls behavior of dancing:

View attachment 321321

Again, why did you say I defended their behavior? You’ve been caught again lying about me again.

You don't know the sexual history so you have no right to defend them if they called them **** that's between them and Allah do you coming in to and saying that is defending them from namecalling that they provoked with dilo behaviour. You need stop doing that it has nothing to do with you.

I can't believe you claim to be religious conservative on the deen lady and here you defending viral jilbaabi harami booty shaking degenerate all because someone called her a **** you have no right as you don't know her sexual history

2. Find the thread in which I advised people the lie.
You did say it I remember it clearly

Did I say don’t reveal your sins or lie to your potential partner. What did I say?
You said both. I'll let post the screenshot since you posted the other screenshot which shows defending harami bootyshakers

Also if you want to change my opinion about you say "wallahi I have never had zina in my life and I've never been touched in sexual way my a male outside of marriage and I've never married a male from non-somali background"

Also stop lying and saying that you're gonna block and ignore you keep coming back